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Chapter 287 The most eye catching place in Demon High School has not shrunk

Chapter 287

Bai Chen: "Good morning, everyone. 35

Little Spider: "Huh? The boss came so early today, and the matter over there has been settled? 35

Bai Chen: "What can I do?

Little Spider: "Work, for example, reviewing memorials and the like.

Bai Chen: "Someone does that kind of thing. I just need to move my finger when the god of disobedience appears. I'm usually very idle."

Railgun: "Please stop there at Versailles.

The queen who wants to be in love: "Are you really embarrassed to say such a thing in front of me?""

Since becoming queen, she has been as busy as a donkey.

Although the former minister was invited, but because of the lessons of the little emperor, some things had to be personally inquired.

Bai Chen: "This is for the happiness of the people of the empire. After wearing the crown, the happiness of the past will have nothing to do with you.

The queen who wants to be in love: "Smile.jpg. 55

Butterfly forbearance: "I feel that labor is very good. I personally see the joy of seeing the seeds that I spilled take root and sprout, and then have a good harvest. This feeling, I have never experienced this feeling before."

The Spirit of Time: "That's because of the threat of ghosts in the past. After the ghosts are gone, it will certainly feel good to live on the right track.""

Having said that, Tokisaki Kurumi sighed.

Once upon a time, she also had a peaceful life.

However, the appearance of the Siwon Spirit broke everything, allowing her to survive until now with resentment.

But fortunately, she was only a short distance away from success.

The experiment of going back to the past is getting smoother and smoother. As long as the final adjustments and arrangements are made, she can go back thirty years in one breath and change history.

Little Spider: "Suddenly discovering that I am still miserable. 99

The favor bestowed by Bai Chen once gave her the illusion that she was just here on vacation, but she really had to get serious, except that she could communicate with people and eat human food, her situation did not change.

Little Spider: "Suddenly I miss my former student life so much 々々.

Railgun: "Is it really good to be a student? There are many things that minors can't do."

Misaka Mikoto actually wanted to taste the taste of wine for a long time.

But because of the law and the student code, there is no way to drink.

Little white cat: "Good morning everyone, cat smile.jpg.""

Railgun: "Huh? Isn't Kitten-chan a student? Why did you wake up now? Is it because you don't go to school today?

Little White Cat: "Going to school today, but because of what happened last night, the minister asked for a week's vacation for us, so we don't have to go to class for the next seven days."

Railgun: "How can you ask for a seven-day leave, is the school office so talkative? 35

Little White Cat: "Because the minister's house is the school manager.

Railgun: "Excuse me.

Spirit of Time: "Kitten Sauce, after using Time Bullet, there shouldn't be any side effects, right? Our spirit's power comes from the biblical Calabar system, and you are a demon.

Little White Cat: "No, I haven't felt uncomfortable until now.

The Spirit of Time: "That's good."

Tokisaki Kurumi finally felt relieved.

If because of her own mistakes, she can't get a live cat-ear girl in the future, her conscience will be severely criticized.

The morning passed peacefully.

Just after noon, before Bai Chen opened the chat group, someone in the group started chatting with him privately.

Little white cat: "Teacher, do you have time tomorrow?"

Bai Chen: "It should be."

He asked Deanna just now, and now he has contacted the witch in Sardinia and asked the other party to assist him in investigating the trace of the God of Disobedience.

According to the witch's testimony, she did capture the hidden fluctuations, but it was still calm.

He thought about it.

The Godslayer animation plot takes place after Veleslana and Merkal already had a fight.

And this also means that now is the eve of the first war.

Next, just wait for them to come.

And he also guessed what the kitten was going to say, it was nothing more than Rias and the others wanting to see him.

Time should be enough, Bai Chen simply agreed.

The world of Demon High School has a lot of benefits. Being able to know the heroine in it first makes it easier to move around in it.

Bai Chen swears that there is absolutely no other idea.

At noon the next day, Tacheng Kitten issued a meal request to Bai Chen.

After stepping into the whirlpool, Bai Chen set foot on the land of Kuwang Town for the second time.


Although it was the second meeting, the kitten's expression was still a bit cramped.

She lowered her head, showing an embarrassed expression.

"Please come over in person, and I will make up for it later. 35

"I'd be more than happy if the kitten compensated for it."

Bai Chen joked.

I saw the kitten's ears quickly turn red, and her cheeks were lowered, her heart was even more nervous, and she didn't know how to answer.

"`"Just kidding, take me to meet the Gremory daughter.

Taking the kitten's performance into his eyes, Bai Chen chuckled.

If other men molest the kitten, they will definitely get a cold reply.

After all, he is also the man who untied Kitten's heart, and it's too late to be grateful, so how can he hate it.

But then the kitten did not speak.

Bai Chen didn't ask much, after all, she was usually so taciturn, even if she opened her heart, she wouldn't suddenly become a talker.

Soon, the two came to the restaurant that Rias had reserved in advance.

The kitten knocked on the box door, and the door opened from the inside.

"Our biggest hero this time is finally here."

Appearing behind the door was a beautiful girl with silky black hair tied in a ponytail, with a simple ribbon tied around her hair.

She was wearing a light white dress and a light gray little denim jacket on her upper body.

At the dining table behind her, there was also a man with dazzling red long hair and naturally wavy hairstyle, whose face was as delicate as a statue made by a master.

A fiery red dress, like a lady attending an important ceremony.

Himejima Akina giant.

Rias Gremory.

As for the blond boy in a tuxedo standing in the corner, it should be Kiba Yuto.

"...Excuse me, are you the teacher in Kitten's mouth?"

Himejima Akeno blinked her beautiful eyes with a look of scrutiny and disbelief in her eyes.

"I can't be called a teacher, I just give some pointers."

Bai Chen's peripheral vision swept across Zhu Nai's raised chest.

No one has noticed such a small gesture.

Yes, it really met his expectations, and the most eye-catching part of Demon High School did not shrink at all.

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