Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 293 The important discovery of Sister Pao

Chapter 293

"Message from the God of Disobedience? 35


Deanna paused.

"But the abnormal spell fluctuation only lasted for a moment, so I lost track temporarily, I'm very sorry, Wang.

The things that Bai Chen told him to go out were not done well, which made Deanna feel a strong sense of guilt.

"It doesn't matter, since I know it's there, it's enough. I just happened to go there in person."

Bai Chen showed a gentle smile, comforting the woman who blamed herself.

Deanna is his bedside, so naturally he will treat him with some preferential treatment, but even if other subordinates lose their goals, Bai Chen will not blame him.

Wanting to capture the breath of the god of disobedience is quite a risky thing.

If the gods did not take the initiative to show up, even Erica would never be able to discover the disobedient gods hiding nearby.

Only witches with good spirit vision talent can sense vague directions.

But if you open your spiritual vision to spy on God's true face, it's like dipping your unprotected palm into scalding hot water.

The witch of Sardinia, just because she observed the battle between Mekal and Veleslana for a few seconds, was seriously injured and needed to rest for several months to recover slowly.

Since it is so difficult to find gods, let alone trace the whereabouts of the disappeared gods.


Deanna wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Bai Chen.

"I've been here long enough, and I just went out for a walk around 097. I remember Sardinia as an island with good scenery.

"Yes, king, it is surrounded by sea on all sides, and although it is autumn on the island, the climate there is still pleasant."

Deanna quickly understood what Bai Chen meant and would not go against Wang's thoughts.

"I'll send someone to prepare the plane immediately.""

"Let's take a boat, and you can see the sea view when you go to sea.

After speaking, Diana hurried out to prepare for the trip.

Before leaving, he did not forget to glance at Liliana, who had lost his temper.

As a disciple and subject, in front of the king, he would behave so rudely.

It seemed that she had to take some time to educate her incompetent disciple.

Ten minutes later.

The cruise has been arranged, and Deanna is as quick as ever.

As for the companions, in addition to the initial three-person group, Saya Gongxin and Qingqiuyuan Ena were also brought on the cruise by him.

The cook, Athena, continued to look after the house, saying that after he came back, Bai Chen would be able to taste super spicy dishes that even godslayers would feel spicy.

The god of disobedience, who once did not eat human fireworks, is completely accustomed to the current life.

But the result is good.

(ahdd) At least it's better than being a god of disobedience, but living a life of wandering.

Sardinia is located in the Mediterranean Sea, on the west side of mainland Italy.

Therefore, Bai Chen and the others first drove to the west coast before boarding the ship docked at the pier.

Medium-sized cruise ships that can accommodate hundreds of people.

If Deanna was given some more time, even a giant cruise ship that could accommodate thousands of people would be able to arrange it properly.

However, the journey to Sardinia is not long, so there is no need for such a fanfare.

Bai Chen stepped on the deck and changed out of his usual slightly serious and calm clothes, and put on baggy flared trousers and a magic mirror.

Lying under the umbrella, while eating fruit, watching the girls play in the pool.

It can be said that life is quite pleasant.

As for those girls, who peeped at themselves from time to time, and then gathered together to chat, Bai Chen didn't even bother to get up and ask.

He is happy to see that the future harem can be so harmonious.

"Have to show off.

Bai Chen, who is in a happy mood, enters the chat group.

Bai Chen: "It's really boring to have a day without the God of Disobedience. Sunshine, sea, and beautiful girls, what do you think is missing?

Railgun: "Have you finally reached the point of sharing the other side of your private life? It's really depraved, won't your conscience hurt?!

Seeing Bai Chen in Versailles like this, she couldn't help but feel sour.

How dashing she was in the past, how hard she is now.

Before she entered high school, she already felt the pain of raising children in advance.

Now I have to endure Bai Chen's Versailles in the crowd.

Tears, pulled down.

Spirit of Time: "Pervert! I meant to say that, but that kind of life is too tempting."

Bai Chen: "No way, after all, who told me to stand at the end of this world? 35

Luo Abao: "However, I just got slapped by the captain, it's fine, I don't envy at all.

Butterfly Ninja: "It's over, has Mr. Amuro already hallucinated?"

Black-haired Loli: "The big brother has also fallen, but the woman who made him fall is not me! Angry.jpg.

Little Spider: "???"

Railgun: "What the hell did you do to Sakura last time?!

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Show off your current life in the group, really have you, Bai Chen.""

Seeing that there was still time to show off, Esdes was so angry that his teeth itch.

Of course, the reason for her anger was not the beautiful girl beside Bai Chen.

Little white cat:

Bad woman: "Is Mr. Bai Chen really interested in women? 39

Bai Chen: "What is this weird question? Wouldn't it be worse if I was interested in men?""

Little Spider: "Huh? Interested in men?

The Spirit of Time: "Although it's not true, but if you think about it carefully, it's quite tempting."

Sure enough, no matter who it is, as long as it is a woman, there will be a heart of a rotten woman.

Of course, the girls also knew that this was a joke, and this terrible topic was quickly ignored by everyone.

Black-haired Loli: "By the way, since Big Brother is on the ship, where are you going?"

Bai Chen: "Someone under my command found the trace of the God of Disobedience, so I went over to take a look.

Railgun: "Good guy, he is also a god of disobedience. It's hard to find gods that you promised in the past. According to the frequency of you encountering gods of disobedience, it's as casual as going to the supermarket to buy vegetables. 99

Butterfly Ninja: "Correct, it is a more cherished vegetable. 35

Railgun: "Isn't that still a dish?"

Bai Chen: "Did you forget that my "reasoning" is strong? 35

The Spirit of Time: "Universal Reasoning.jpg.

Little Spider: "I have completely mastered .jpg.

Bai Chen: "And it's just a trace at the moment. Whether the God of Disobedience will actually appear is another matter."5

Regarding whether the two gods of Sardinia will come, Bai Chen is not 100% sure.

After all, neither the novel nor the anime has ever described the signs and directions of their first arrival.

And although he knew the plot, but this time, he set out with the mentality of chance.

Railgun: "Right! I suddenly remembered something very important!

Railgun: "This group, it seems that no new people have joined for a while!""

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