Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 298h Nangong That Month

Chapter 298

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Oh? Has it been confirmed that the god of disobedience appears?

Bai Chen: "It will take a while to confirm, but if I guess correctly, the result should be close to ten.""

Little Spider: "Big Brother~~~"

Little Spider: "When the fight starts, can I start the live broadcast? I want to see it!"

Little Spider: "It's been a long time since the last time I watched the live version of the special effects blockbuster. This time I plan to become a member and watch the physical version of the hologram!"9

Bai Chen: "Wait a minute.

The Spirit of Time: "Speaking of which, this paid live broadcast function has been enabled for a while, but no one has used it, and I'm afraid it will be as pitiful as a lottery.

The people in the group felt it deeply.

Points can be used not only to issue commissions, but also to draw prizes. They are things that can be used to save lives at critical moments.

Railgun: "But there are always people who are going to be guinea pigs, so go to Spider-Man and decide you are!

Little White Cat: "Wait for the teacher's live broadcast!" 110

I don't want to go to hell: "Ahhhh? Is the live broadcast you're talking about the same as the live broadcast room on the online platform?

Butterfly Ninja: "Yes, anyone can start the live broadcast, and if there is no way to travel through the past anytime, anywhere, they can learn about different worlds through the live broadcast, a very convenient function, if Miss Jianzi can use it, then You can also try to start a live broadcast and let everyone give you advice."

I don't want to go to hell: "I...I see."

Jian Zi secretly wrote down this function, maybe it is really useful.

I don't want to go to hell: "By the way, what's everyone's day-to-day life like?"

Just like those beginners who are surfing the Internet, they are extremely curious about everything in the online world.

For the first time, Jianzi, who came into contact with the chat group, was also immersed in this relaxed atmosphere, temporarily escaping the terrifying reality.

So much so that the trains have been sitting on the station without knowing it.

Of course, aside from chatting addicts, as Sister Pao said, another newcomer was indeed watching the screen silently.

Like the newcomers who joined the group for the first time, she was initially surprised by the existence of the chat group, but after reading the introduction of the group file, she also roughly understood the situation.

Chat groups are real.

The members of the group come from different planes.

There is no need to think about the rest of the functions. After all, she is not an old antique, and she is quite familiar with things like high-tech.

"I can't believe there is such a thing."

Located on the upper floors of the teaching building, in a private office decorated more luxuriously than the principal's office, the petite woman is thoughtful.

The long black hair hangs down like a waterfall, and upon closer inspection, there is no trace of split ends.

Dressed in a ruffled, Gothic Loli-style gown.

The level of delicacy in appearance, like a puppet walking out of a painting.

It's just this immature face, it's hard to use the word "beautiful" to describe it.

The height is only the level of elementary school students, and even the appearance is the same.

If it weren't for the majesty and coldness that lingered around him, it would not be an exaggeration to be regarded as a real elementary school student by others while walking on the road.

The nicknames of the chat group are also full of maliciousness.

But in fact, she was in her twenties.

The reason why she has maintained this shape is not a disease, but because of the contract between her and the devil.

Because of this, she dared to be sure that the chat group that suddenly appeared in her mind was not cursed or magic.

Because when it comes to the manipulation of magic, in this world, aside from the true ancestor of vampires called natural disasters, she is the strongest witch after those inhumans.

"The new (ahdd) lottery is free, just like those unscrupulous game makers.

Nangong Nayue sighed.

After peeking at the screen, the resident pool was selected for the lottery.

The light turned, and when a brand new set of children's underwear appeared on the desk in front of him, Rao, with Nangong Nayue's character, couldn't help twitching his eyebrows.

It's just a nickname, this underwear is definitely a mockery.

This hatred, first write down.

"Points need valuable props to be redeemed. With points, you can issue commissions to other group members, or draw rewards from the prize pool, if all rewards can be drawn..."

Nangong's eyes gradually heated up that month.

Even though she is already considered the strongest witch in the world, she still has a sense of difficulty.

If you are lucky enough, you may be able to modify the established future and curse.

She calmed down her restlessness.

Next, there are still a bunch of things to verify.

However, the first thing that must be accumulated points draw.

But how to get points is another problem.

On the other side, Sardinia.

Quietly, a few hours passed.

After the cruise ship approached the Sardinia pier, Bai Chen did not go directly to the town where the witch was, but first visited the nearby attractions for a few laps, finished dinner, and did not wait until the autumn sun sank below the horizon. Let someone drive them to the town where the witch is.

Olena, a rural town in the interior of Sardinia.

According to Deanna, there are no tourist attractions here.

However, compared with the hustle and bustle of places of historical interest, there are vast forests and pastoral scenery here, and there is a pleasant comfort that a bustling city does not have.

On the endless grasslands, there are herdsmen driving the sheep back to their nests.

There are also some lesser-known sights along the way.

The ancient city wall "Nuragai" made of stones.

This is the remains of a fort built by the locals who lived here before the Phoenicians arrived.

Bai Chen remembered that the god King Mekal was one of the ancient gods worshipped by the locals.

The reason why Veleslana fought with Mekal is that the undefeated army god seeks defeat, and after the recovery of the god-king Mekal, he was furious because the land he once ruled was invaded by outsiders and had nowhere to vent. .

Therefore, as soon as we meet, it is like a powder keg.

"King, the witch's house is just ahead.

Deanna, who was driving ahead, reminded.

Passing through the town, a layer of mist rises in the woods at night, and the deep forest seems to contain beasts that choose people to devour, very much like the live set of some horror movies.

Not long after, Bai Chen saw a courtyard abruptly come into view, and vaguely saw a figure standing at the door waiting.

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