Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 302 is more special effects than Hollywood

Chapter 302

[Group reminder: "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" entered the live broadcast room]

Little Spider: "Oh! Is it coming so soon?"

It seems that he found his approaching figure. After a delay of half a second, Welleslaner urged the storm to form a barrier, accelerating the wind and rain to make it more terrifying than a steel needle, and the dazzling thunder also seemed to be dense. Like raindrops, it hit Bai Chen who was approaching.

Welleslaner was wrapped in a halo, blending into the air, making his voice sound in the sky.

He also wanted to discuss with Welleslaner and let him summon Mekarto first to test his one-to-many ability.

It's raining.

Bai Chen smiled contemptuously, and at the same time leisurely opened the chat group.

Inky clouds gathered quickly, lightning flashed and thunder, and the storm in the town began to intensify rapidly.

"It's just thunder."

"Forget it, we can only try our best to resolve the battle.

The Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bai Chen has a live broadcast? I remember he said yesterday that he has been looking for the God of Disobedience for the past few days, is it so fast?

Afterwards, Bai Chen turned into a band of light and flew towards the sky with the avatar of a goat spraying thunder.

After all, he is a god, but he was provoked by just a few words.

"If you are really strong, why don't you dare to fight with our godslayers? Let alone me, there have been two godslayers who lived for hundreds of years before me, right? Could it be that you don't dare?"

After all, this is the power of the gods themselves, and there are no strict restrictions on their use.

The angry god who was exposed to exaggerated remarks always feels like a five-year-old child.

The girls are here, and the next step is to assist the people to evacuate.

In the thunderstorm, Veleslana transformed into a huge suspended goat, with pure white fur and long double horns on the top of his head, covered with thunder and wind and rain.

Before he came, the Marquis of Vauban had been preparing for several years in order to fight with God.

The same is (got Zhao) seeing his son in the morning class, sneaking into the live broadcast room like a thief.

After all, if it is true that there is no defeat, why not go to the godslayer to fight.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the ground, he was cut off by Bai Chen's sword.

But I didn't expect it to backfire, so unprovoked.

The powerful divine power, even without using any power, made the air make a deafening roar.

Looking at Welles Rana, whose face suddenly changed, Bai Chen pretended to be shocked: "No way, no way? Is it really what I said?"

"This is not the right place to fight."

Railgun: "Finally don't have to be bored in class! 35

Claiming that he has wandered so far, and has never met an opponent who defeated him, is completely his own beautification.

In addition, there was a monster around forty or fifty meters in length, entwined with thunder and lightning, flying in the air, so fast that it dragged behind a visible afterimage.


Bai Chen shrugged helplessly.

"Like a child.""

Compared to Welleslaner's doubts, Bai Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he asked questions in a gentle manner.

[Group reminder: "The Spirit of Time" has entered the live broadcast room]

"Interesting 々々.

Hearing this, Welleslaner looked stunned.

It was clear that the sky was clear one second, and the next second it rained enough to wet the clothes in a few seconds.

"Can't you? Or can't you do it?"

After thinking about it, Bai Chen looked up to the sky.

"Is this a goat?"

In Bai Chen's view, Welleslana's "invincible myth" is just like Wang Po selling melons, boasting and boasting.


"How dare you underestimate my undefeated army god Veleslana, it seems that before the god king appears, you must be buried first."

"Be careful not to die. 35

However, as a newcomer, she didn't think much about it, and only regarded it as a channel dedicated to broadcasting movies on certain platforms.

Compared to the ten incarnations after becoming empowered, it is obvious that the original incarnation is more powerful.

At the same time, Bai Chen's body also burst out with surging arrogance, white-gold flashes illuminated his body, and the crystal-clear white-gold feathers exterminate the angel, like a divine halo, spreading out behind him.

Welleslaner fell into a speechless silence.

Welles Lana let out a low muffled sound, and the divine power erupted instantly like a volcanic eruption.

Jianzi was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him, which was more realistic than Hollywood special effects.

At the same time, everyone saw the news.

Without warning, a violent storm came in an instant.

He had promised Spiderzi and the others to start a live broadcast before, but the incident happened suddenly, and he only remembered halfway through the flight.

The dense divine power suddenly collapsed like a collapsed house.

As if being stabbed in the sore spot, Welleslaner's face contorted in anger.

It was almost the sound of clenching his teeth squeezed out of his mouth.

Although his voice was gentle, he could hear the provocation and sarcasm in Bai Chen's words.

[Group reminder: "Little Spider" entered the live broadcast room]

I don't want to go to hell: "What movie is this? It's interesting.""

[Group reminder: group member "`"Bai Chen" starts the group live broadcast, everyone come and watch~]

As soon as he entered, what caught his eye was the thick cloud like splashing ink, and the thick azure blue thunder that shuttled through the clouds.


Just when Bai Chen was about to say some trash talk, a large amount of rain suddenly slapped on his face.

Even a godslayer, after he reported his name, dared to say such a thing?

He is an undefeated warrior god.

Even if Bai Chen doesn't think about others, he has to think about his own harem.


But in the end, he was disrupted by the King of Swords, and instead became Bai Chen's wedding dress to become a godslayer.

"You eloquent boy, since you can speak so well, let me test the extent of your strength!"

The solitary barrage floated through the live broadcast room, but no one replied, because everyone else was staring at the rare picture, and didn't have time to answer her question.

I don't want to go to hell: "Huh? Is there a live broadcast?"

"The "invincible" myth of the military god is only the result of artistic processing. Do you really think that I will be afraid of you and fear you just because of a name? Don't be like this, the times have changed. 35

As soon as they saw the live broadcast, the few people who were only chatting, immediately entered the live broadcast room full of energy.

The voice fell, and a thunder with the thickness of a bucket fell straight down.

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