Chapter 347

After supper.

Bai Chen smacked his lips and commented: "The taste is not good, continue to practice when I'm not around."

"Yes. 35

Linali lowered her head in embarrassment.

In fact, she was pretty good at doing it.

As a middle-level fallen angel, she used to enjoy the service of humans directly, and she didn't need to do it herself.

"I...I will study hard too.

Asia weakly volunteered.

She knows who saved her and who gave her a new life.

Otherwise, she might still be wandering.

"Then you can go with Linali in the future.

Bai Chen pointed to the fallen angel maid and said.


After the meal, Bai Chen, who had already decided to stay for 24 hours, did not choose to return, but greeted the kitten and continued the unfinished archive of the last time.

While Linali and Asia were tidying up the housework, Heige sat on the side and paddled leisurely.

Still rubbing against Bai Chen from time to time.

But after being glanced at by the kitten, he was honest.

In the picture, the protagonist of the two-player game came to the gate of a strange castle. The destroyed arch was eerie and mysterious, and there was no one in front.

And Bai Chen and Kitten control the protagonist and continue to move forward.

Hearing the movement behind him, Bai Chen asked suddenly.

"Lina Li, what did you do when you disappeared before?"

"Back to the master, I received a report from the outlying priest when Kokabile was approaching Kuwang Town, so I went over to inquire about some information."

Linali knelt down behind Bai Chen, with a rose-like smile on her face, put both hands on the shoulders of the young man, and took the initiative to rub his shoulders for him.

"Master, are you interested in the holy sword?"

Hearing Linali say this, Bai Chen seemed to think of something, and said with a chuckle.

"No wonder you didn't show up until the end. The holy sword that was taken away by him should be in your hands, right?"

"Yes, the man named Balpa originally wanted to take away the holy swords of the two holy swordsmen and fuse the four holy swords into one, but Kokabile was defeated by you master, and his The idea is naturally impossible to achieve 々々. 99

Linali smiled happily.

"That old man didn't seem to believe that I would kill him before he died, and then take away the holy sword.


A scholar in the church who specializes in the study of holy swords.

However, after the human experiment was exposed, he was also expelled, so he turned to the fallen angel and continued his unfinished research.

A little guy, don't care.

"Bring the holy sword to me later, be careful not to let others see it.

Although there are only two holy swords, the mosquito's legs are still fleshy, no matter how small they are. It is better to exchange them for points than to be taken back by the church for safekeeping.

Bai Chen has no good idea of ​​returning to the original owner.

The Tacheng Kitten didn't say much after hearing Bai Chen's words, and just played the game silently.

"It's the boss.

After half an hour.

The boss with the blood bar horizontally framed the entire screen was finally scraped to death by scraping, and ushered in the final CG animation.

"Go to sleep, there may be a lot of things to deal with tomorrow.

With such a big thing happening, it's hard to be safe even if you want to.

If nothing else, after Rias and Zhi Quangna told her about her, Serjax and the others should invite him to meet.

"'s finally time to rest.

Heige breathed a sigh of relief, and followed behind Bai Chen to go back to the room with him.

But before taking a few steps, the kitten grabbed the collar.


When he turned back, he saw the harmless micro-expression of the kitten.

"Sister, I've already said it before. We will sleep in the same room tonight. I have a lot to say to my dear sister~~~"


"No, not just tonight, tomorrow, the day after, all the time."

The kitten grabbed Heige by the collar, dragged her to the ground, and then winked at Bai Chen.

"Teacher, my sister and I will leave first, good night.

"No, meow!"

Hearing the ruthless answer, Heige suddenly let out a grieving cry.

Noticing the bright color hidden in the Tacheng kitten's eyes, Bai Chen couldn't help mourning for this black little wild cat for a second.

With the sister-in-law of Heige, and with the participation of Kitty, the sister who has reunited after a long absence, I am afraid that I will not be able to sneak into my room and create a child.

But in this way, have you missed a good opportunity to embrace the beautiful woman?

Forget it, anyway, he will have time to play cats in the future.

Play white cats during the day and don't fall asleep.

Play black cats at night and sleep soundly.

Bai Chen seems to have seen the picture of himself playing cats with his left and right hands in the future.

It's getting late.

After praying, Asia also went to bed on time.

In the only remaining bedroom, Bai Chen looked at the two stolen holy swords that Linali brought back.

"Master, these are the two holy swords that Kokabile captured, and they are all here."

Linali retracted her wings and stood respectfully in front of her master.

"`"It was hard work."

Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Hold the hilt and feel the divine power contained in the holy sword.

Similar to the Holy Spear of Twilight, but not as thick as the Holy Spear.

If you compare it, it is like the difference between a tank of clear water and the ocean of Wangyang.

But this is normal.

After all, the holy sword is only equivalent to an ordinary divine weapon, while the holy spear of dusk is the strongest divine weapon, not to mention the will of the god of the Bible.

It's just a pity that the holy sword in the world of Demon High School cannot be used casually.

There must be someone with the "Holy Sword Factor" to be able to use the power of the Holy Sword normally.

Otherwise, it would be a good choice to bring the holy sword back to Erica and the others.

And since it couldn't be used, Bai Chen chose to sell it directly.

Then, under Linali's gaze, the two holy swords disappeared without a trace.

Linali didn't know how the holy sword disappeared, but she knew that (to Li Hao) the two holy swordsmen of the church would never be able to find them.

[Group reminder: Group member "Bai Chen" made a sale and got +2000 points. 】

Bai Chen was also a little surprised to be able to exchange so much.

However, when he thought that there were only seven holy swords in the world, he was relieved.

In the previous war, the "Holy Sword-Sword of Kings" was divided into seven. Today's holy sword is a youth version created by the church using fragments.

Although not strong, but the quality is here.

With the remaining 6,000 points, his balance reached more than 8,000, and he was approaching the 10,000 mark.

After doing all this, Bai Chen is going to sleep.

And only then did he realize that Linali, who was in front of him, had long since disappeared with the light clothes on her body.


Linali's eyes flashed with fiery and blurred eyes, and her voice was soft.

As a slave, her job is more than just doing housework.

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