Chapter 362

Qingqiuyuan Ena, who had long accepted her identity as a witch who served the king, was also quite clear about her position.

But she did not resist this identity.

Bai Chen's actions in the island country made this girl, who had been educated by the witch and Yamato Nadeko, accepted it early.

In this sense, compared to the dominated Saya Gongxin, she is more obedient.

"Let's...let's change places."

Hearing the friend's question, Banligu Yuri looked around.

There are quite bold styles all around, so thin-skinned she can't accept it at all.

"A normal style is fine.


Seikiuin Ena nodded.

She has no opinion.

The girls spread out.

And Bai Chen and Alice are in the men's clothing store next door.

After completely becoming his woman, Alice seemed to have a bit of a denominator, and began to care about Bai Chen's daily life.

"Aren't you going with them?"

Bai Chen looked at Princess Alice who was very interested in choosing clothes for him.

"No, if I guessed correctly, those children must have gone to the lingerie store to buy some clothes that will please you. If I go, it will only damage their confidence.

Alice touched the fabric of a coat and opened her mouth with a chuckle.

"What's more, I don't need to compete with them anymore. After all, I've already been eaten and wiped clean by some evil big devil."

Speaking of which, there is a bit of resentment, obviously not satisfied with the relationship that night.

Of course, what makes Alice dissatisfied is Bai Chen's tough attitude.

In her own imagination, she and Bai Chen will enjoy the dinner made by the goddess under candlelight, and then step into the charming and gentle village together.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen actually put her in the bath directly.

"I just charge what I deserve 々々. 35

Glancing at the complaining Princess Alice, Bai Chen added.

"Also, even if you become my woman, you should be careful that you have no age advantage.

So, the black-haired youth got his wish and saw the figure that suddenly froze.

After a while, a faint voice that could imagine Alice's face becoming displeased sounded: "Wang really doesn't understand women's hearts!

Speaking of which, Alice couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Even if the witch can use magic to maintain her appearance, the limit of her lifespan is still there.

Compared to the godslayer who usurped the power of gods, she is still only a mortal.

She has personally experienced passing through the gate of hell, and she is quite aware of the limitations of life expectancy on ordinary people.

What's more, she has wasted the past twenty years.

But just when Alice was about to feel that life was too short, she was interrupted by Bai Chen's sneering voice.

"...There's no need to think about that kind of thing, I have the ability to immortalize you."

Whether the godslayer has an infinite lifespan is a mystery.

However, the power drawn from the prize pool alone has given Bai Chen an almost infinite lifespan.

It is not difficult at all to immortalize other people.

"So you don't have to worry about leaving my hands.

Alice stared at the ceiling speechlessly.

Although it is quite romantic, it is a talent to be able to be so terrifying as Bai Chen said.

After a while, she recovered.

But just as she was about to speak, she suddenly looked out the window as if she had noticed something.

The night sky is bright, dotted with countless stars.

It should be a beautiful starry sky, but it gave her a strange illusion.

Then, a strange scene appeared.

"The stars disappeared?"

Alice looked up at the sky in surprise through the window.

She wondered if her eyes were wrong, but after blinking a few times, she found that more stars were swallowed by the night sky.

The darkness engulfed a quarter of the sky in the blink of an eye and continued to expand.

"How is this going?"

Doubts arise in my mind.

But no one answered her question.


The chandelier on the ceiling suddenly went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.

Then, Bai Chen's sigh came from the darkness, accompanied by the cold moonlight from the silver moon above his head.

This scene seems familiar.

Bai Chen, who already knew who caused the change, walked towards the door.

"What a troublesome goddess, only to go out and cause trouble.""

Princess Alice was stunned for a moment, and then she showed an unbelievable expression.

"Is it the goddess Athena again?"

However, isn't the oath that the goddess made with Bai Chen still within three months?

The fashion capital that lost its brilliance was reduced to a city of darkness in an instant.

The darkness that could not reach the five fingers gradually enveloped Milan.

The city grew louder with terrified crowds.

Because they found that not only the electric light could not work, but all the electronic devices that could emit light could not work.

The mobile phone screen, the flashlight powered by dry batteries, even if there is no problem with the inspection, it just cannot emit light.

"`" Go and meet Liliana and the others and inform Deanna and Lucrecia.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Chen emitted a faint shimmer, which set off him and floated towards the sky.

Soon, he disappeared from the eyes of the witch.

Afterwards, Alice reconciled with the girls who noticed that the situation was not good, and immediately mobilized after passing on Bai Chen's order.

The streetlights that polluted the beautiful night are gone.

Athena looked at the city that was gradually enveloped in darkness, but did not get a trace of satisfaction in her heart (for the money).

But the goddess quickly abandoned the resentment that was contaminated with the worldly atmosphere, showing a warrior-like fortitude expression.

The second battle will take place here again.

Losing the light, the various faces of human beings at the moment are exposed to the goddess's glorious eyes.

Athena lamented, how stubborn and stupid human beings are.

The beast hunts for food in order to survive, and if it fails, it can only die miserably.

Like the flowers and plants on the field, they are beaten by wind and rain, absorb the sun, and have survived through many hardships, hardships and graces, and they will gladly accept death.

But man has changed the fate of nature.

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Release the power of the concubine, and let the last silence come.

The golden snake pupil radiated the only light.

Turning everything in sight into icy stone is the power that can bring suspended animation.

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