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Chapter 431: Losing His Wife And Losing His Army

Chapter 431

But Bai Chen looked at Lancelot like this, but just silently raised his sword again.

The imaginary greatsword turned into a holy sword quickly gathered brilliance.

Then, Bai Chen said to Athena behind him: "Help me.

Although there was no specific explanation, just looking at each other, the pure silver-haired goddess understood Bai Chen's meaning and nodded slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

The Angel of Extinction scattered countless platinum prisms.

After the stars scattered in the void, they roared and fell like a rain of stars, ruthlessly ravaging every inch of Lancelot's skin.

But compared with the pleasure of galloping towards the difficulty, this little pain is just a slight disappearance.

Although she was secretly depressed because she couldn't reach the end, the peak she dreamed of stood in front of her.

As long as you can step over that enemy.

Forward, and forward.

As long as he keeps repeating this process, his holy spear will definitely be able to touch that unreachable figure.

Light fell like stars.

At some point, Lancelot's body suddenly tilted.

When she realized it, her mount disappeared at some point, and she didn't know where it fell down.

Although she wanted to stop and pay tribute to her old friend 283, she couldn't stop herself.

Every step forward now is the best feast for the dead.

The godslayer in front seemed to be saying something, but she couldn't hear it anymore.

The unhurried young man is already in sight.

Just one more step forward, and the tip of the Holy Spear would be able to pierce this man's chest.


Accompanied by the sound of shouting that resounded through the sky, the sharp spear stabbed suddenly.

The moment of victory seems to be sure, but for some reason it continues to freeze like eternity, as if time has been stopped.

In fact, what stands still is time.

Lancelot, who was covered in bruises, even used the magic power used to defend against magic to attack.

The artifact that allowed Bai Chen to freeze time could easily imprison the goddess who had given up all defenses at this moment.

"Knew it."

Lancelot let out a long sigh.

No remorse and no anger.

Some are just the self-deprecating self-deprecation that fell short of success and the wry smile at the corner of the blood-stained mouth.

My sharp spear didn't even touch (cade) the opponent, but my chest was pierced through.

She looked up at Bai Chen, her wry smile turned into a soft smile.

"It was a wonderful battle, Godslayer, I am very grateful to you, both Athena and you have responded well to the desires I have accumulated over the past year, my dream has woken up, and it is time to go back, it's just a pity My dear son Guinevia.

Lancelot squinted his eyes filled with blood mist, and murmured with emotion.

Her body gradually turned into stone and was about to collapse.

And at this time, Bai Chen and Athena also released the magic formula that they had coordinated countless times on Lancelot.

Subsequently, Lancelot's body turned into stone and completely collapsed.

But immediately, Bai Chen stretched out his right hand towards the place where the goddess was erased.

In the void, countless spiritual particles gathered inward, and then slowly condensed into a human form.

Thus, Lancelot reappeared in front of Ri Chen with a sense of satisfaction and a satisfied smile on his face.

But compared to the half-kneeling before, he is standing now.

And after Lancelot noticed that he had not returned to the God Realm, that dying smile gradually turned into unbelievable astonishment.

"What happened to me?"

There is an incredible expression on the delicate face of the goddess, and compared to the previous fanatical excitement and passionate fighting spirit, she is a little cute at this moment.

"Resurrected, follow me and work under me from now on. 11

Bai Chen said with a smile.

The goddess in front of me was summoned by Guinevia under the name of "Lancelot" 1,500 years ago, and signed a guardianship contract.

However, after she died once, there is no longer any contractual relationship with Guinevia.

Furthermore, the name of Lancelot also changed people's impression of the knight in the lake because of the legend of King Arthur.

If you wait until the next time, when the God of War with Lancelot appears, you will be a male knight completely different from the heroine in front of Bai Feng.

Because the mythology associated with her has been completely changed.

As if he had already acquiesced in reality, Lancelot nodded slowly after returning to calm.

From now on, she is indeed the servant of the young man in front of her.

Afterwards, Bai Chen didn't stay here, grabbed the hands of the two goddesses, and flew towards the last battlefield.

And in the blink of an eye, they came to the battlefield between the girls and Guinevia.


Sensing the familiar aura, Guinevia, who was suppressed by several people and almost abandoned the body of the ancestor of the god, and regained the body of the dragon snake, raised her head in surprise.

When they saw the figure of Lancelot, they thought it was their victory.

But after seeing Bai Chen and Athena, a layer of incomprehensible shadow immediately cast over them.

"It's over, Guinevia."

Lancelot spoke softly.

"Uncle, you..."

After being puzzled for a few seconds, Guinevia seemed to understand something.

"So it turns out that even my uncle failed, and was imprisoned by this devil king and became his prison.

"Since this is the case, I will only live another life."

After all, Guinevia will abandon the immortal body of the ancestor of the gods, and regain the divinity that was once the goddess of the earth.

But Bai Chen naturally won't do what she wants.

Seeing him dodge, he came to Guinevia.

After that, without giving her any time to think and buffer, the palm directly penetrated her abdomen, looked down at the painful and unbelievable pupils, and announced with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"From now on, I will be the only king you submit to."

Blood flowed from the wound like a stream.

Just like how Bai Chen treated the other servants gathered, as the patterns on her belly condensed, Guinevia's pupils gradually lost focus, and her expression also became slack.

After doing all this, Bai Chen turned off the live broadcast and took the girls back to the headquarters of the Bronze Black Cross.

Of course, Bai Chen did not forget to take away the unconscious Alexander Gascoigne.

Afterwards, he will unite with Athena and use his own power to control her, because of his own use.

And after this incident, he should take a good rest for a while. .

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