Chapter 438

After quitting the chat group, Bai Chen naturally wanted to sort out the results of this lucky draw.

R-level props and abilities, Bai Chen is too lazy to look at them.

At this moment, he lacks interest in even SR rewards. After all, unless it is some special ability, it is difficult to enter his field of vision.

For example, "Teigu-Thunder God's Wrath", the high-ranking Teigu from the Zhanchi World, used by the imperial general Bude, can attract thunder to strike the enemy, and can also stimulate the body with electric current to stimulate physical energy in a short time.

The setting looks great, but it's just that.

The power is also at the level of Academy City Iv5.

Keep it for now, and then decide whether to sell it or give it to someone else.

The second SR, the crystallization of the power that dominates demons, needless to say.

After Bai Chen chose to integrate it in "Five Five Three", it still feels the same as the previous few times.

Although there is an improvement, it is not obvious.

There is still a big gap with the root demon in the world where Machima lives.

After all, if it is true to upgrade to the root demon by repeatedly extracting demon crystals, Bai Chen at that time may be able to dominate the life of a city with just one thought.

Finally, there are three SSRs.

The power "The Cage of the Servant of Death" is the power that the Marquis of Vauban usurped from the god of harvest and Hades in Egyptian mythology "Osiris".

It is possible to preserve human beings who have committed suicide, outstretched hands, demons, and even artificial creatures with souls as living corpses in the world, making them absolute obedient and loyal servants.

And the servants whose souls are imprisoned by power, even if their bodies are destroyed, can still be reborn after a while.

It is similar to the ability to control demons, but its purpose is relatively simple.

Of course, Bai Chen doesn't mind having one more authority.

The power to control demons can be used to control valuable talents. After all, this can not only ensure that the other party will not betray, but also preserve the other party's mind.

And this power, in Bai Chen's opinion, is the best way to form a "death squad".

In the future, if the enemy defeated by him has some strength, he can use his power to resurrect him into a walking corpse obeying his orders, forming a real army of the dead.

"not bad."

Bai Chen took the power out of the props, allowing the power to turn into dark particles of light and slowly blend into his body.

I didn't feel any discomfort, but my spell power didn't increase.

But this is also normal.

The spell power after killing the gods every time comes from the god of disobedience of death.

The powers drawn from the chat group are just powers.

The second SSR reward is "Spiritual Crystal - Compassion", the spiritual crystal that Yoshino possessed during the battle.

The ability is related to "ice", and compared to other spirit crystals that are mostly weapons and equipment, the angel of this spirit crystal is named "Ice Puppet" rabbit, which can construct a defensive enchantment mixed with ice and rain.

However, its destructive power is not comparable to the power of other spirit crystals.

But Bai Chen is quite satisfied.

Although this spirit crystal is not considered outstanding in terms of defense or attack attributes, it is one of the systems of the Kabbalah life system after all.

If you want to thoroughly deepen your understanding of the Kabbalah system, spirit crystals are naturally indispensable.

Without thinking too much, Bai Chen took out the prismatic crystals that looked like snowflakes falling inside.

After choosing to fuse, pure white particles entered his body, further enhancing his spiritual power.

Then Bai Chen raised his finger and made a small ice barrier.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen laughed softly: "It seems that I won't have to worry about eating iced food in the future.

As for the "Lord God's Spear" that was finally drawn, it was a prop that surprised even Bai Chen.

Mentioning this name, the first image that pops up in Bai Chen's mind is Odin, the king of gods in Norse mythology.

It holds the main god's gun to unify the nine worlds, and the enemy it aims at will definitely be shot "it is a "must-hit gun".

At first, Bai Chen thought that he was lucky enough to draw a weapon held by a certain world god Odin.

For example, Odin, the main god in the Devil's High School, is not as good as a transcendent, but his strength is above that of ordinary demon kings.

After all, the Asgardians have a setting that gets stronger with age.

Or, there are also major gods in Xingyue World.

Various anecdotal belts and singularities are also related to the civilization of the Age of Gods. .0

And the main god Odin, as the god master of Nordic mythology, is also at the level of the main god, above the crown servant.

Of course, in the Godslayer world where Bai Chen is currently, there is also Odin, the God of Disobedience.

However, after seeing the introduction given by the chat group, Bai Chen discovered that this "Spear of the Lord God" came from the forbidden world and was a spiritual outfit made by Othinus.

And Othinus is a girl in the forbidden world who will become a demon god in the future.

This "Spear of the Lord God" was originally a spiritual equipment used by Othinus to adjust his own power of the demon god and make this power easy to use.

In addition to this simple function, its destructive power is not bad.

As described in the legend, once it is thrown out, it will definitely hit the target, and it cannot be shot down or destroyed on the way, and it must return to the holder after penetrating the target.

Capabilities are generally not complicated.

What's more, the so-called adjustment of the demon god's output is completely useless to Bai Chen.

After all, he is not a demon god.

Thinking of this, he took out the Lord God Spear from the props.

The main body is similar to the shape of a tree, the tail is twisted together like a tree root, and the top is clustered like a ribbon, and the tip of the spear is shaped like a leaf.

The whole body is made of pure gold, and the surface exudes a faint brilliance of 4.9.

The moment the spear appeared, the nearby air current was stirred up, making the originally peaceful room turbulent.

Not only that, but the power of the Eye God Spear has also affected the outside world.

The sky that was supposed to be clear, but in an instant, the wind and clouds gathered, and the wind and rain were about to come.

And this abnormality was naturally noticed by the girls and goddesses at the headquarters.

They looked at the sky at the same time, only to find that the clouds in the sky gradually turned into a swirl shape, and the center was aimed at Bai Chen's room.

Seeing this scene, the girls returned to normal after the initial surprise and exclamation.

After all, similar abnormalities have occurred several times before, and they have long been familiar.

On the contrary, Athena and Lancelot squinted their pupils. As gods, they could feel the extraordinary power of that force. .

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