Chapter 440

Hearing the kitten's question, Bai Chen couldn't help but think of what happened before he left the world of Devil's High School last time.

After he killed Cocabil, because of the relationship between the parties, he met with Asachel and Sergex, and then directly pointed out the matter of the disaster group.

And hearing Kitty's tone, it seemed that Sergex should have accepted his proposal.

Bai Chen: "It's just that I'm bored at home, so I'll go and have a look."

Little White Cat: "Please take a trip."

Bai Chen: "It's just a little effort, besides, you call me Master, but you haven't seen each other for a long time, right?"

Little White Cat: "Well, I am also looking forward to seeing you again, Master, Maomao is shy.jpg."

Since she solved the misunderstanding with her sister, the long-standing knot in her heart has also been opened.

And the result of no longer suppressing emotions is that the favorability towards Bai Chen will naturally increase.

[Group reminder: The group member "Little White Cat" issued a commission to disintegrate the group of misfortunes and reward 4,000 points. 】

[Group reminder: (private): The group member "Little White Cat" released a group entrustment that only you can receive. Do you respond to the group member's request?】


Juwang Town, private apartment.

The streets are sparsely populated, through the window, the Tacheng kitten looks at the clouds in the sky bored.

The silver hair swayed gently with the breeze blowing on the face, and the pure white cat ears trembled slightly between the hair.

Although the commission has been released, there are still several hours before the night of the meeting, so it is not known when Bai Chen will come over.

It was only less than a month's parting, and Tacheng Kitty couldn't help but miss every little bit of Bai Chen.

No matter what, you can contact Bai Chen through the chat group.

But the girl still wanted to see Bai Chen again with her own eyes.

However, patience is also an important part of practice.

If even this level is unbearable, it may disappoint Bai Chen.

If Bai Chen knew about this thought, he would definitely laugh out loud.

However, girls in love are always prone to overthinking, even if they know it won't be like that, they will develop in strange directions.


While waiting for a response, the Tacheng kitten silently stared at the sky outside the window in a daze.

And not far behind her.

Three figures poked their heads out from behind the door.

Three pairs of pupils of different colors stared at the sighing kitten, then looked up and down, left the door silently, and came to the living room.

"The kitten has been in a low mood during this time."

Asia sat on the sofa, clasped her hands together, and said worriedly on her immature cheeks.

"I decided to go and see her."

"Wait, Asia, this kind of thing can't be solved by chatting alone, and I have already found out the problem of my sister!"

Kuroka, who was dressed in a kimono, showed a mysterious smile.

Then, like an elderly old woman, she deliberately lowered her voice.

"I didn't expect that Baiyin from my family would have a man he likes one day."

"Huh? A man you like?"

Asia was stunned.

"Isn't it very simple? After all, this is what the kitten smells like."

Hei Ge covered his lips, showing a coquettish smile.

"If I'm not mistaken, Master Kitty is missing the owner, after all, it's been almost a month since the owner left us.

Linali, who was wearing a maid outfit, spoke like this.

" it Mr. Bai Chen?"

Hearing this name, the figure of a black-haired youth appeared in Asia's mind.

Then I don't know what I thought of, and my cheeks gradually heated up.

"Ah la la... Could it be that little Asia also wants to give birth to Bai Chen? That's right, after all, Bai Chen is strong, and his appearance is also suitable for a woman's appetite. If Little Asia is not interested, it is a fake, meow. "

Hei Ge looked at Asia's expression and said charmingly.

"Hey! It's too early to have a baby or something? Besides, I don't look good, and my figure is not as good as Sister Heige's. After all, boys like older girls, don't they?"

Having said that, Asia looked at Linali and Heige, and then looked down at her chest.

Well, I can see the instep directly.

The difference in stature made Asia want to cry.

"What are you talking about?"

The kitten suddenly appeared in the living room, looking at his sister expressionlessly.

"It's... there's nothing meow, right?!"

Seeing his younger sister appear suddenly, Hei Ge was frightened into incoherent speech.

After all, after Bai Chen left last time, she was warned deeply by Bai Yin not to talk about having a baby any more.

Coupled with the fact that she felt guilty towards Baiyin in her heart, she naturally did not dare to disobey any of Baiyin's demands.

`Yes, yes! Baiyin, isn’t there going to be a big talk at your school tonight? We’re going too, right? I’ll go and make preparations in advance, meow!」

Under the cold gaze of the kitten, Heige ran away in embarrassment.

Then, the Tacheng kitten said helplessly to Asia and Linali: "The teacher may come over at night, let's prepare a little at home.

After finishing speaking, the Tacheng kitten returned to his room, and then covered his hot cheeks with both hands, and murmured to himself: "I look... really weird?"

Time passed, and the stars moved.

It was getting dark soon, and after a simple dinner, Kitten and Heige set off for Juwang Academy.

Today is the day for the talks between the three major forces.

The meeting place is located in the faculty meeting room of the new campus of Kuou Academy.

Because it is a crucial meeting, it is specially chosen to be held in the middle of the night in the world.

After the two sisters approached the Kuo Academy, there was no one around except them.

Hei Ge is more sensitive (Qian Hao), she can smell countless figures hidden in the shadows.

If it is correct, those breaths should be the guards brought by the leaders of the three major forces.

The surrounding streets have been set up in advance to drive people enchantment, to ensure that no ordinary residents will enter.

Although Heige's identity has been cleared with Bai Chen's help, her experience of being hunted down over the years still makes her quite vigilant.

Not only her, but even the kitten herself was very nervous.

After all, Juwang Academy has been surrounded by armies of angels, fallen angels and demons. If something goes wrong, the peace talks may turn into war on the spot.

"Little cat, you are finally here, Jean."

In order to wait for her family members, Rias and Junai waited in front of the campus gate.

"Well, Minister, sorry for the lateness."

The kitten had an apology on its face.

And at this moment, a ripple visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the nearby space. .

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