Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 450 I Agree With This Marriage

Chapter 450

Although Sergex and Serafulu's pursuit of Orpheus is a little unbelievable, but from the current point of view, the infinite dragon god is indeed very likely to be deceived by the people of the disaster group.

"But...under the current circumstances, it's almost impossible for Orpheus to leave the Scourge."

Seraflu didn't know what to do.

"There are always more solutions than difficulties. If the news can reach Orpheus, it is very likely that Orpheus will leave the Brigade of Disasters. In this way, the Brigade of Disasters will exist in name only."

Bai Chen said lightly.

"If it can be passed on, it is indeed possible, but... how to do it is the key."

Hearing this, Sergeux nodded, but then looked at Bai Chen.

"Is there something you can do?"

"Indeed there are."

Bai Chen nodded.

Just now, he accepted Kathleya and Kruzelle as servants of the living dead.

While the consciousness stored in their souls has not completely dissipated, they have to make good use of it.

....This is too much trouble for you, this is obviously what we should do. "

The face of the red-haired demon king revealed a deep apology.

"It's just a small effort, not to mention, I don't want to watch this world be destroyed.

Now that the Red Dragon Emperor has disappeared inexplicably, if he does not intervene, it is hard to say what the future of the world will be.

What's more, the kitten is still a member of the group, so it is natural to help if it can.

What's more, in the later stage, the number of commissions in this world will definitely increase dramatically, and Bai Chen will also be able to get several points rewards at that time.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen looked at the kitten.

Then silently sent a message to the kitten, asking her to pay attention to collect a little more points, just in case.

After receiving the vibration from the chat group, Kitty subconsciously looked at Bai Chen and nodded silently.

Even she knew how much impact what Bai Chen said just now would have.

"Your kindness will never be forgotten in the underworld`||."

If before Sergex only regarded Bai Chen as a collaborator of equal status, now he respects him from the bottom of his heart.

"Since there's nothing else to do, I'm leaving."

Bai Chen is also very crisp.

His purpose of coming has been achieved, and he is too lazy to stay any longer.

Wouldn't it be nice to go back and play games with the kitten?

"Wait a minute, Mr. Bai Chen, I have already asked the servant to prepare the room, if you are tired, you can rest at any time.

Serges said with a smile.


Hearing this slightly familiar line, Bai Chen suddenly looked at Sergex with vigilance.

"No need, the underworld is very busy right now, so I won't bother you."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"By the way, instead of thanking me, you might as well thank Kitty, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't interfere in this kind of thing.

After speaking, Bai Chen left the underworld.

Seeing off Bai Chen, Sergex looked at the place where the young man left, and couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart: "Seraph, what do you think of Mr. Bai Chen?"

"He is a very good person. He is strong, handsome, and has helped us a lot, but... I don't really want to see him."

Seraph was frowning.


Serges was a little surprised.

He wanted to communicate more with Bai Chen.

"Because Cang Na-chan has been completely fascinated by Mr. Bai Chen! When I was in school, I found that Cang Na-chan kept staring at him, and I didn't see my sister at all! Only this one It is absolutely not allowed!"

The demon king, a girl with twin ponytails, shook her hair uncomfortably.

"If Cang Najiang is fascinated by him, no one will know how to change it!"

Hearing this, Serjex showed a wry smile.

"Just for this kind of thing?"

"What is this kind of thing?!"

Speaking of this, Seraphlu immediately put her hands on her hips and stared at Serjex angrily.

"Cang Najiang is my treasure, she belongs to my sister and me alone!"

"If Cang Na heard what you said now, he would definitely cry because of grievances, and if he really wanted to be good for his sister, he might as well let go as soon as possible and let her have the right to choose."

Sergex said earnestly.

...Little Sergeux, you feel so strange today!"

"I just learned some truths from Rias's growth experience. As an elder brother, I have no right to interfere in my sister's life. I just need to support her silently when she needs it."

"I've said so much, I can't understand at all, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Rias has a crush on Mr. Bai Chen, so I plan to facilitate their marriage."

Juwang Town.

It was late at night, the moonlight was cold, and the reflections of the three stretched extremely long on the road.

Although the Juwang Academy had just fought a battle that could affect the world situation, under the protection of the barrier, the residents of Juwang Town were not disturbed from their dreams.

Thank you, teacher. "

The Tacheng kitten looked at Bai Chen's profile and thanked him in a low voice.

"Why do you say that?"

Bai Chen asked.

"Because teacher you said that in the underworld, it's all your credit, I can't do anything."

The kitten said.

Hearing this, Bai Chen also knew that the kitten was telling Sergeks not to thank himself, but to thank the kitten.

"If you say thank you, it will be exempted. Isn't it normal for a group of friends to help each other? What you have to do now is to practice fairy arts, improve your strength, and then use the treasures presented to you by the underworld to redeem points for the lottery. After all, relatively speaking, your The world is not at all easier than that of Sister Pao."

The secret threats and troublemakers have never stopped.

At least the Demon God of the Forbidden World can restore it after destroying it, and the life living in it can't detect any abnormalities.

After all, the demon god is an exceptional life form in the forbidden world, so it is difficult to call it a threat.

"I understand, teacher, I will definitely work hard to practice fairy art, and then I can help you!"

Hearing this sentence, Bai Chen patted her head.

"Well...too eccentric, I even have a younger sister, so I can't lack meow here!"

Hei Ge put his head directly under Bai Chen's hands, begging for a pat on the head, like a coquettish cat begging.

And Bai Chen didn't refuse either, and smiled, rubbing the black cat's head with one hand and the white cat's head with the other, and returned to the apartment where the kitten lived.

After going back, Bai Chen didn't forget the business.

Release the souls of Catheria and Cruzel, and use power to create a new body for them.


After the words fell, they, who had become walking corpses, quickly disappeared into the shadows. .

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