Chapter 459

"what happens?"

Yasaka showed a delicate and extraordinary face from behind the curtain, and asked those monster tengu.

"Master Yasaka, we don't know why this happened, but when we were walking, we suddenly found that all the surrounding sounds disappeared.

The tengus were a little panicked, it was the first time they encountered this strange phenomenon.

Hearing this, Yasaka immediately recalled the man he saw in God during the day.

Could it be...

His thoughts gradually faded, but before Yasaka carefully recalled Bai Chen's appearance, a sudden change emerged.

The horse that streaked across the sky tore apart the night, and then penetrated the bodies of the tengu monsters.

The monsters who reacted quickly raised their demon power to resist, but those who failed to react were not so lucky.

Accompanied by the sounds of several bodies being penetrated, more than half of the guards fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

Seeing this scene, although Yasaka was a little panicked, as a great demon and her experience in high positions for a long time did not make her lose her composure too much.

The surrounding fog thickened.

And in the dense fog that diffused, a calm voice 20, came out.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yasaka, the chief general of the demon world in Kyoto."

A figure lingering in the mist gradually appeared.

Not one person, but a group.

However, the leader is a man in Hanfu, holding a gold and dark blue spear, and beside him are men and women in strange clothes, even student uniforms, and they are holding different shapes in their hands. arms.

Even though Yasaka has not been out of Kyoto for a long time, he still knows that it is an artifact made by the God of the Bible and bestowed upon humans as a gift.

Yasaka glanced around, and among the group of figures, there was no man who put a lot of pressure on her just by looking at him during the day, and he was relieved immediately.

"Who are you?"

Yasaka narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"The Heroes of the Misfortune Group, Cao Cao, the descendant of Cao Cao, who is quite famous in the annals of the Three Kingdoms."

Cao Cao put the spear on his shoulder and tapped it a few times, and replied.

Hearing this, Yasaka was taken aback.

"What is the purpose of the people from the Misfortune Group coming to Kyoto?"

I just want to ask General Yasaka to go with us and cooperate with our experiment.

"Experiment? What is that?"

"On the surface, it is to fulfill the sponsor's request."

Cao Cao shrugged and said without changing his expression.

"Time waits for no one, did General Yasaka choose to go with us?"

"How could a concubine leave without authorization with someone of unknown origin?"

Yasaka stepped out of the sedan chair, wearing a kimono with an extremely enchanting figure, but what caught the eye was the fox tail gradually revealed from behind.

A few patterns appeared on Zhizhi's cheeks, as if painted with the makeup of a fox fairy.

Although the enemy is a group of disasters, Yasaka is not a toy that can be manipulated by others.

To become the general of the demon world, in addition to qualifications, there is strength as a capital.

"It seems that the negotiation failed, but it doesn't matter, General Yasaka, our methods may be a little rougher." 1

After Cao Cao finished speaking, a blond girl in a white uniform jumped out with a big sword on her shoulder.

"Then let me start this scene, Joan of Arc, you must have heard of this name.

The girl showed a happy and interested smile.

"Just let my sister let me let you sleep."

Immediately afterwards, the girl who claimed to be Joan of Arc collided with Yasaka.

And on the rooftop not far away.

Bai Chen and the kitten stood on the edge, overlooking the two silhouettes who kept interlacing on the road and making the sound of cracking and exploding.

The kitten shook its soft ears, clenched its fists, and looked at the situation below, feeling a little anxious in its heart.

But since Bai Chen didn't take any action, he looked up at the young man and asked, "The Brigade of Misfortune has shown up. Are we really not going to help?"

"I don't need it for the time being. The actors haven't arrived yet. Taking action now will only make those who hide in the dark cast a trap. Besides, the free battle is not for nothing."

Bai Chen chuckled while talking, and clicked on the chat group.

"I'm afraid those white prostitutes in the group can't wait."


The kitten was puzzled for a moment, then reacted.

[Group reminder: group member "Bai Chen" started the group live broadcast, come and watch~】

Ever since, the group members who had been impatiently waiting to watch the blockbuster special effects filed in.

Blue Slime: "First!"

Little Spider: "Damn it! I was preempted!"

Chaos Evil: "Has it finally started?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Finally caught up with the live broadcast! It's worth my homework all afternoon!"

Chaos Evil: "Huh? Miss Jianzi is still a student?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yeah, you don't know? Besides me, there are several other group members who are students, and of course there are teachers."

Teacher Loli: "Although this is in the group, I still want to say that homework is not a task, but a way to exercise students' autonomy. Jianzi, do you understand?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Understood, Teacher Nayue!"

Chaos Evil: "...

The composition of this group is indeed really strange.

Black-haired loli: "My brother is still as handsome as ever."

Butterfly Ren: "But this time it's not Mr. Bai Chen fighting with others."

The Elf of Time 890: "If I'm not mistaken, one of them is the hero faction of the Disaster Regiment. That black-haired man with a whip is probably Cao Cao?"

Chaos evil: "The speed is so fast, I can't see how to fight at all!"

The Spirit of Time: "Compared to the previous few times, I can already see the trajectories of those people fighting in the live broadcast. Could it be the influence of the magic eye of death?"

Electromagnetic Cannon: "Damn the magic eye, I really want to...I am electric shocking my head now, stimulating my brain nerves, otherwise I can't see clearly, I really want to draw a lottery quickly, I am too difficult Woo hoo hum."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "I can see clearly, but the two who are fighting seem to be quite weak."

Chaos Evil: "?"

Those two are weak?

Then am I not even as good as a paramecium?

The Spirit of Time: "It seems that there are many people who can see clearly. Compared with when we first joined the group, everyone's strength has improved a lot.

Little Spider: "I can too, hehe!"

Eight eyes plus super-high-speed brain nerves allow spiders to see clearly.

In front of newcomers, even she can show off.

Little Spider: "But why do you think so much! It's free, and it's more special effects than Hollywood!".

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