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Chapter 461 Joan Of Arc: No Way?

Chapter 461

Little Spider: "Isn't it a story about a hero saving the beauty?"

Blue Slime: "It's a pity what a good woman."

Blue Slime: "It seems that they are going to be taken away to do experiments, and after they are done, they will definitely be treated like this or that?"

Black-haired loli: "This way?"

The Spirit of Time: "Children don't know this kind of group, rookie, pay attention!"

Blue Slime: "Okay, Crazy Third Sister."

Electromagnetic gun: "It's just two groups of useless fat, what's there to tangle with, it's quite a hindrance when fighting."

Little Spider: "Sister Pao's resentment towards Juru is still as great as ever.

Railgun: "Just two blobs of useless fat."

Butterfly Ren: "Let's continue watching the live broadcast."

Did not participate in the discussion of this topic, and continued to concentrate on watching the live broadcast.

On the other side, when Cao Cao and his party teleported away, Bai Chen and the kitten also followed.

It is still a mimetic space created by "Juewu".

In a very quiet courtyard with no one around.

Cao Cao asked his subordinates to place the captive Yasaka in a magic circle similar to an altar.

"Georg, let's go."

The hands of the man named Georg gathered together, and compiled the formula that had already been described.

Other members of the hero faction also began to assist.

But at this moment, a black shadow quietly appeared beside Cao Cao, it was Orpheus.

He was dressed in a light gothic loli outfit, with a black felt hat on his head.

No one noticed her appearance, only when they saw her with naked eyes, did they notice that Orpheus had come.

Orpheus looked at Yasaka who was in a coma, and then at Cao Cao.

"What do you need this monster for?"

"It is a pawn used to summon the Great Red."

At this point, Cao Cao stopped hiding his secrets and spoke directly.

"The city of Kyoto, surrounded by powerful Qi veins, has become a large-scale magic generating device. Various scenic spots regarded as places of interest are full of energy, and the onmyoji who gave birth to this city in ancient times, The original purpose was to turn Kyoto into a "power", but it is precisely because of this that it attracts all kinds of existence."

Cao Cao didn't care whether Orpheus could understand or not, and continued to explain.

"The mimetic space created by Juewu is infinitely close to the gap between dimensions, but also infinitely far away, so the power of the Qi veins will also flow here first. In addition, Nine Tails is a big monster that controls the climate of Kyoto, so theoretically speaking, it can be used These two forces come to summon the Great Red.

"The Great Red...!"

Orpheus' eyes glowed.

(cacc) "However, with Cao Cao's current strength, it is impossible to defeat the Great Red."

knew. "

Cao Cao nodded.

"However, we have made other preparations.

"Georg, get that thing out.

Hearing this, Georg said, "Cao Cao, is this okay?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it's about time, anyway, the important characters have already arrived, maybe there will be no such opportunity in the future, and the great red may not come, so call ahead, it's time to open the lid of the cauldron of hell. "

"I know, the time to devour infinity has come."

Georg raised the corner of his mouth and raised his cane, and immediately a huge magic circle occupying the entire open space appeared in front of him.

The courtyard was constantly shaking, and an ominous black flame seeped out from the runes carved on the ground.

As if someone pointed a gun at the back of the head, everyone felt a strong chill.

The solid ground became as sticky as a swamp.

Then there was a sound of pulling the chain from the center of the magic circle.

Only after it appears, can it be seen in its entirety.

This is a certain creature that was crucified, and the restraints that bound its body were stretched to the limit. Only the occasional wriggling proved that the creature that was restrained was still breathing.

The reason why it is called a creature is because of its extremely weird appearance.

The upper body is a fallen angel with black wings, the lower body is a dragon, and the tail is a snake tail covered with scales.

Not only that, but its whole body was covered with nails, so it couldn't move.

Its appearance alone gives people a strong sense of oppression.

And the appearance of being crucified like this can't help but make people think about what kind of crime they committed to be sentenced to such a capital punishment.

Even Orpheus couldn't help being a little moved when he saw it.

"Cao Cao, have you unlocked the seal of the lowest level of hell?"


Cao Cao couldn't deny it.

"This is the malice of God, the venom of God, the forbidden existence that lures the residents of the Garden of Eden to eat the fruit of wisdom. Even if the God of the Bible is not there, the curse still haunts him. It is an angel cursed by snakes and dragons, and it is also an angel. The dragon whose existence has been wiped out, Samael the Dragon Eater."

"The poison and curse on it are enough to destroy all dragons in the world."

And Orpheus looked at Cao Cao suspiciously as if he realized something.

"Is Cao Cao planning to destroy me?"

"No matter what, I won't do this, but the employer hopes to get an unlimited "half". At the same time, if we can capture the great red for research, it is also one of our goals.

Sorry, Defess. "

Cao Cao showed a faint smile.

"Many forces want your power, and we once wanted to help you, but who made you a "dragon"? Defeating dragons is what our heroes must do.

"That's it."

There was a flash of loneliness-like emotion on Orpheus's expressionless face.

However, at this time, she didn't know what to do.

For some reason, she looked at the false sky constructed by the fog.

Afterwards, all the members of the hero faction, including Cao Cao, looked up at the sky with puzzled eyes.

What can there be in the sky?

until the next second.

The golden light like the dawn of the morning illuminates the enchantment shrouded in mist, west in the courtyard.

It was as if the glory of God appeared in the clouds.

Afterwards, Cao Cao and others heard an incomparably magnificent and resonant voice, falling from the sky.

"It's a good plan, just to chase the petty dream of a hero, to choose such a path, ha ha.

"who is it?!"

Looking up at the sky dyed golden, the descendants of heroes including Cao Cao all showed incredible expressions.


Cao Cao called out to the short-haired youth.

"No... I don't know, obviously there is no one else in the fog except us!"

Georg's voice was flustered, which was an anomaly he had never encountered before.

You know, the artifact he holds is a god-killing tool, even if it is a god, it is impossible to bypass his perception.


Gerok seemed to think of something, his originally puzzled eyes suddenly became shocked, and a thought that made him tremble appeared in his heart.

And someone's reaction was faster than him.

Joan froze because of fear, looked at the halo that filled the sky, and even knelt down.

"No... no way..."

Soliciting opinions for a new book, I don't know what subject to write.

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