Chapter 468

A group of reminders popped up in his mind one after another.

It is no surprise that Bai Chen received an excellent rating.

The disbandment of the old Demon King faction, the captives of the Hero faction, and the departure of the infinite dragon god Orpheus, although it has indeed successfully disintegrated the organization of the Disaster Group, but if you really want to get a perfect evaluation, you have to deal with Li Zevim and even him. Beast Emperor 666 in hand.

In this case, the time span is too long.

It's not worth it just for two thousand points.

Afterwards, Bai Chen's gaze rested on the last line of the prompt "group arena".

But soon Aite from the group diverted his attention.

Then, he looked at the chat group.

Little white cat: "Teacher, the minister asked me where you have been."

Bai Chen: "Save the world, practice in seclusion, in short, just find "seven to five zero" reasons to fool you.

Little White Cat: "Understood."

Bai Chen: "Also, I asked Michael and the others to investigate the matter between Li Zevim and the Beast Emperor. As soon as there is news, they will send someone to contact you. Just let me know when the time comes.

Little White Cat: "Master Michael...I see."

Although it's a little strange to let the heavenly world contact with my own little transparency of the underworld, but since Bai Chen said it, the kitten will not refuse.

Little Spider: "Wait, the terrorist organization is gone, but there are still some behind?"

Bai Chen: "Of course there is. The Scourge is just a superficial terrorist organization. The Beast Emperor I mentioned is one of the big ones."

Blue Slime: "In other words, there are follow-up tasks in the world of kittens! About when?"

Bai Chen: "A few weeks, maybe a few months, at most it will happen within half a year."

Blue Slime: "Oh! I'm going! I'm going! I'm going to another world! I'm going to collect points!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Aren't you afraid of being treated as cannon fodder for such a hasty past?"

Butterfly Ren: "The one called "Beast Emperor" is not easy to mess with at first glance."

The Spirit of Time: "It's still playing later, it should be an enemy more terrifying than the Brigade of Disaster, are you sure that Veludra's strength is useful?"

Blue Slime: "Huh?"

Blue Slime: "But I watched the live broadcast before, and those descendants of the devil king are pretty rubbish, they were shot by the big boss for a second."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "The comparison is different, and the strength displayed is also different. If it is compared with other people, the result will be different."

Blue Slime: "@ Bai Chen, boss, if you convert Veludra's strength to the past, how strong is it?"

Bai Chen: "It's not too strong, just at the level of Dragon King or Demon King."

Blue Slime: "Isn't that strong enough?"

Bai Chen: "It is indeed enough in the early stage, but in the later stage, it is just cannon fodder.

Blue Slime: "Outrageous!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Wait a minute, let me ask, how strong is the Demon King?"

Bai Chen: "I remember that it can destroy the surface of an island country in ten minutes."

Electromagnetic 1: "Uh uh uh uh!"

Electromagnetic Cannon: "It's outrageous! Open the door for Outrageous! It's home! Has the level of destroying the country been reduced to cannon fodder these days?"

Teacher Loli: "On my side of the world, only the three great ancestors have this level, but the destructive power is all done by the beasts, and the body is not very strong.

Luo Abao: "Don't talk about destroying the city, when I say this, I think of Sydney, which was bombed by Zeon.

The Spirit of Time: ""Not Too Strong"."

The Spirit of Time: "@ Bai Chen, can my deadly demon eyes clearly see the demon king's death line?"

Bai Chen: "I don't know, but theoretically, it should be possible, but the line may be quite hidden, and even if you see the dead line, it will be a mental burden, and with your current strength, it should be difficult to get close. "

Bai Chen: "Actually, Kuang San, your ability is not bad. If you do more research, it will be much easier to use than the Devil's Eye."

After all, Yue Zhan is a love story, and he didn't put enough effort into the setting of combat power.

But even so, Yoshino, who looks the least expressive, has the ability to freeze Tiangong City in a short time.

Blue Slime: "...Damn it, the group of friends are all monsters! Am I the only weak slime who can't hold a chicken?!"

Bai Chen: "From the current point of view, it is indeed."

Before devouring Veludra, even Rimuru with the three major cheating skills is just a slime that can be flattened and rounded by others. 0

However, Limulu's experience is just like that of a spider, it is accumulated and exploded.

It wasn't very strong at first, but as it progressed to the back, its strength soared like a rocket.

The plug-in is simply outrageous.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Speaking of which, how strong is that Beast Emperor?"

Bai Chen: "The extent of razing the earth's surface to the ground in a short period of time."

In the original book, Beast Emperor 666 is just a fireball ejected from the head, directly piercing through the heavens to the sixth floor.

Little white cat:

Little Spider: "Little Cat: I'm in a panic right now."

Not to mention kittens, Limuru is also quite flustered now.

Originally, he was complacent because he was about to acquire Veludra's ability, but after being hit by Bai Chen, he also began to doubt his life.

Let's hang on for a while.

At least draw a prize in this place first, and go out to explore after getting a few skills.

After all, God knows what is outside this foreign continent. A dragon as strong as Veludra has been sealed. If it jumps out on the first day, it encounters a gangster and is attacked as a monster. What should I do?

Black-haired loli: "Speaking of which, don't you pay attention to the new group application?"

Black-haired loli: "This group ring looks very exciting."

Little Spider: "I almost forgot about 3.7 points."

Seeing Sakura's reminder, Bai Chen remembered the new function of the chat group.

After reading it once, he understood the usefulness of the new function.

It is nothing more than a replica of "group PK".

After paying a small amount of points, group members can use the chat group to open up a virtual field, and then invite others to fight with themselves.

There is no limit to the number and number of times to open a ring, but after a battle is over, it will disappear immediately, and the group members in the ring will also be transferred to the original world.

In addition, the battle damage in the arena will not be fed back to the real world, even if you die in the arena, it will not have any impact.

Not only that, the degree of bloodiness and pain can also be adjusted according to the habits of the group members.

A complete virtual arena. .

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