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Chapter 477 Maqima: The Pressure Mountain

Chapter 477

The Spirit of Time: "If it's about personal privacy, you can't ask to the end, Misaka-san."

Electromagnetic Gun: "I know, people are just curious."

Blue Slime: "Although I really want to go to see the different world with my own eyes, but now my relationship with Veludra is in the honeymoon period, even if it is not a private entrustment, I can't leave. 17

Bad woman: "Thank you for your understanding, love.jp-g."

[Group reminder (private): Your entrustment has been received by the group member "Bai Chen". Do you agree that the other party will go to Shikang where you are? 】

Macchima naturally agreed.

[Group reminder (private): You have accepted the commission and are about to go to the world of group members "bad women". 】

So, under the clear sky and the rising sun.

The black-haired youth suddenly appeared beside Machima like the image displayed on the TV.

The breeze blowing from the central air conditioner gently brushed his hair, revealing a handsome side face with a waving smile.

And at this moment.

Unable to settle down, Pava was taken aback when he saw the figure suddenly appearing in front of him, then took a step back suddenly and widened his eyes.

"Ah! When did you show up?!"

Pava pointed at Bai Chen and shouted.

The rather delicate face was almost wrinkled, yelling like a frightened child.

Denji, who was eating steak, raised his head, and when he saw that it was a man, he lowered his head and continued to fight with his steak.

On the side, Hayakawa Qiu looked at him in shock.

Is he the friend Miss Marchma mentioned?

How the hell did he show up?

Is this the power of the demon who made a contract with him?

Akira Hayakawa, whose head was a little confused, silently watched Bai Chen's figure, but the latter only glanced at him before turning his gaze away.

But it was such an ordinary sweep, but the power of the demon contracted with Hayakawa Qiu, seemed to sense the threat, and became restless.

Bai Chen stood in the coffee shop with a tall and straight figure. He looked at Macchima who took off his black suit jacket and only wore a white slim shirt in front of him, and smiled slightly: "Hello, Miss Macchima."

"Welcome to Kyoto, Mr. Bai Chen...I should call you that, right?"

The look of anticipation disappeared from her pupils, Maqima quickly came back to her senses, with a friendly smile, she stretched out her hand and shook Baifeng a few times.

"Anything is fine."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"Miss Marchma, won't you invite me to sit down?"

It was said that the contact with Bai Chen brought Maqima, who was in a trance, back to her senses.

After inviting him to take a seat, Xu Xu exhaled and asked in an inexplicable tone.

"May I ask, are you really Mr. Bai Chen?"

"Although there may be people with the same name as me in this world, those people shouldn't be able to pretend to be me, right?"

While speaking, Bai Chen's handsome face and relaxed smile were reflected on the window glass beside him. Anyone who saw him would think that Bai Chen was a college student.


Ordinary college students, how could they have an aura that made her feel proud.

Hearing this, Maqima fell into silence.

In her eyes, the smiling young man in front of him was not a human being at all, he was clearly a monster in human skin.

In the past, she only watched Bai Chen's live broadcast in the live broadcast room, so she knew him a little bit.

But the picture on the screen and the actual meeting are completely two kinds of impressions.

After all, when watching the live broadcast, you can only feel the power of Bai Chen through the screen.

But now, when they were face to face, Maqima really felt the horror of Bai Chen.

It is obviously only a slender figure, but it inexplicably shows a huge and heterogeneous presence.

From the eyes of the black and golden eyes, it seems that there is a sense of gap from the level of life oppressing her, and even almost forcing her to use the power of dominance to control the nearby men to resist.

Huge soul, vast power...

This is what I perceive at the moment of contact.

Noticing Maqima's weird expression, Bai Chen smiled and waved his hands.

"Why are you so serious? Although our cooperation this time is just a transaction, even if it is a transaction, it needs atmosphere. If you are too restrained, this commission may not be so exciting."

0 looking for flowers......

"...You're right, I'm a little nervous."

Hearing these words, after deliberating in her heart for a few times, Maqima showed her usual smile again, her palms intertwined on the table, and her plump legs crossed under the table.

stand up.

"So, let's chat while eating? Would Mr. Bai Chen want to drink or eat?"

"Black tea is fine."

After Machima called the waiter, the black tea was served quickly.

During this period, Bai Chen also took a look around.

Pava the Blood Demon, Akira Hayakawa, and the hero Chainsaw Demon.

But judging by the way he was cooking, it seems that he has not been taken in by Maqima for a long time.

But judging from the character of this woman, perhaps the necessary seeds and information have been spread out on purpose.


Therefore, Bai Chen initiated the topic first.

While looking through the window, he looked at the busy and noisy scene outside the window, and then asked seemingly casually.

"Leaving aside your other wishes, but according to the entrustment information you provided, creating a more perfect world should be your main purpose, so let me ask first, what is the reason that prompted you to do so ?”

"The original reason is not very clear, but if I have to say it, it is probably my wish, which is similar to a child's dream, but this dream cannot be achieved by relying on my own strength, until Mr. Bai Chen It was only then that I saw a glimmer of light.”

Macchima said softly.

Her voice has a bit of magic, which makes people want to believe it.

But Bai Chen was not affected.

"If I'm not mistaken, a perfect world refers to both spiritual and material perfection. Death, killing, famine, and disease are all garbage that pollutes the world, so the most basic perfect world does not need such things .”

Bai Chen continued.

"And according to your situation, if you want to erase these conceptual things, you only need to erase the corresponding demon."

I wish everyone a happy new year and a healthy family. You and your family and friends who are reading books will never die.

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