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Chapter 481 Shining The Glory Of The Lord In Hell

Chapter 481

Bai Chen: "What if I have to wait a while longer?"

Bai Chen deliberately teased, wanting to see how she reacted.

Bad woman: "…………

Seeing this sentence, I saw the expression on Maqima's face changed slightly, showing an increasingly exhausted state of fatigue.

Bad woman: "It's okay for a while, but then I won't see Mr. Bai Chen again.

It doesn't matter if you wait a little longer, the worst thing is that the body will be cold.

No, maybe there won't be any dead bodies left.

Bai Chen: "Hahaha, I'm not kidding you, I'll be right there.


The reason why Bai Chen was not dragged into hell by the hell demon was because his physique was too special.

In the cognition of demons, in addition to those natural creatures that exist on the earth, demons and devils are also included in the cognition.

But Bai Chen is a foreign traveler, not included in the scope of the contract, so naturally he cannot be dragged into hell.

However, even if it is included, the power of the hell demon alone is not enough to affect Bai Chen today.

And 250 years after Machima disappeared from sight, Bai Chen was looking for the entrance to Hell.

After he killed Santa Claus, dominated and read her consciousness, Bai Chen further knew the existence of hell.

And it's much easier to understand the hell of this world.

Sacred radiance overflowed from Bai Chen's palm, and after holding it in the void, a cross-shaped red long sword appeared in his palm.

Then he swung straight down towards the space in front of him.

In an instant, a gap was torn open in the empty space, and the evil breath flowed in along the gap in the world.

Make no mistake, that was hell.

Without thinking too much, Bai Chen raised his feet and stepped into it.

the other side.

Mazima's other arm was already twisted in half.

And the degree of distortion is still increasing.

If the whole is broken, what awaits Machima is the death of this personality.

Perhaps it was to accelerate her stepping into the end of death, the bright world suddenly became extremely dark, and she couldn't see her fingers.

Mazima noticed the strengthening of the power of twisting her own arm (caba), and at the same time saw the dark demon not far in front, a sword hilt gauntlet that was rapidly formed on the top of the opponent's head, with a similar shape There is a Taidao in the shape of a Gouyu, four Gouyu, and four bells hanging on each of them.

She also saw the other arm of the Dark Demon was slowly raised, and with the movement of his arm, the Dark Sword also adjusted its direction, aiming at her head.


The Dark Demon groaned intermittently, as if laughing at Mazima's stupidity.

How can the mere dominant demon be compared with the root demon who is the transcendent?

But when the shadow of death was already hanging above her head, Maqima showed a proud smile.

She looked at the dark demon who was looking down at her from a high place, and declared with a voice that could be heard throughout hell:

"Dark Demon, you are dead, my friend said so."

The magic sword hanging above the head of the dark demon froze for a moment, and the mysterious whisper sounded again from the alien's head.

Then, the magic sword lingering in a dark halo stabbed straight at the woman in front of him!

Just at this critical moment.

Space is broken.

A series of golden cracks quickly climbed up the dark space between the Dark Demon and Maqma.

Then, the dark realm summoned by the demon collapsed, and the light and darkness collapsed into the cave, revealing a hollow that radiated golden light.

Then from this hole, stretched out an arm.

Looking fair, fragile and slender, without any trace of exercise, the right hand is as ordinary as ordinary people.

But in the face of the demon of darkness appearing, lingering in pure darkness, and piercing Mazima's demon sword like a black meteor, the right hand only stretched out the index finger and middle finger, and placed it between the fingers. On the path of the Demon Sword.

In the blink of an eye.

The dark demon's strange and desperate alien body froze in place as if he had seen something unbelievable. The eyes of the four heads on the body froze

Also lit up a dim halo.

Because, the magic sword of darkness, which is enough to wipe out all life, was caught between the fingers of two mere human fingers.

Afterwards, sudden changes occurred.

Under the watchful eyes of the Demon of Darkness, Machima, Akira Hayakawa and other demons and people, whether it was revelation, or calling, or praising, or celebrating the coming of a certain great existence, the whole hell vibrated in an instant up.

Brilliant and sacred beams of light shot up from the surface of the earth, and the countless doors covering the sky of hell were also pierced by the beams of light in an instant.

Debris fell, revealing the darkened sky of hell.

Those beams of light continued to penetrate the sky of hell unabated, until they connected the sky and the earth together, and the shape of the light changed.

The bright beam of light gradually evolved into the shape of a cross, running through the earth and sky of hell, and infecting the whole world into a pure and supreme bright golden color.

Just like the pillars supporting the sky described in the Shan Hai Jing, they exude pure light, as if they are showing the glory of God.

And such a change has directly affected the entire hell.

Countless demons looked up at the suddenly changing sky.

Although it is not clear what happened, but there is a warning in my heart that is enough to make any demon feel desperate.

That is the absolute suppression from the higher beings.

Just like water naturally restrains fire, demons also give birth to the emotion called "fear".

When Hayakawa Qiu, who had lost his arms, looked at the beams of light that soared into the sky and the sky that was dyed golden, he opened his mouth, and it was difficult to close his jaw due to excessive shock.

Even though he was an experienced demon hunter, what happened in front of him still stimulated his nerves.

Even though he is an adult with three views, what happened in front of him still made him doubt his life for twenty years.

"In this world...is there really such a thing as heaven?"

However, since the appearance of the devil in the world, there have been no actual reports of "heaven".

Even if he became a demon hunter serving the country, in the confidential information he came into contact with, there was absolutely no mention of anything related to heaven or gods.

Because of this, what happened in front of him made Akira Hayakawa begin to doubt his own life. .

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