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Chapter 493 The Arrogant Xiaoji

Chapter 493

Although he didn't know why he was invited to fight, Bai Chen had no reason not to accept.

Soon, Bai Chen was teleported to the arena with Academy City as the background.

Looking at the girl with pale pink long hair standing in front of him, Bai Chen couldn't help being a little surprised.

The light wheel rotated slowly, exuding a faint brilliance. From the perspective of aerodynamics, the small wings were not enough to keep her body floating in the air.

The breeze blows, causing the hair to sway and reflect light like a prism, looking like a rainbow.

However, the gaze projected by those eyes contains a killing intent that seems to have quality.

no way.

After all, the dependents created by the God of War are no different from other Flügel except for their different personalities.

The arrogance based on strong strength allows the "550" to become the most terrifying weapons of war in the game life world.

Moreover, the human beings in the game life are indeed the same as those wild animals, and there is no difference in the eyes of the upper species.


When Jibril saw Bai Chen, the ridicule she wanted to blurt out was abruptly held back.

"You are quite different from the tea-haired monkey before."

Although the temperament of the young man in front of him is indeed different from that of the monkey last time, Jibril can't tell the specific difference.

But it doesn't matter.

Although it is a pity that there is no way to get the head, it is also exciting to ravage the weak.

Ravaging everything is the essence of their Flügel!

"At this time, should I say thank you for the compliment?"

Bai Chen smiled slightly, and then waved to Jibril.

"You start first, this will save others from saying that I bullied children to death.

It doesn't take much to talk to the Flügel with their nature.

Although Jibril is special, she only recognizes the strong.

Therefore, even if what you say is reasonable, but you can't beat her, then everything you say will be just a deaf ear to her.

Hearing this, Jibril was slightly taken aback, but soon showed a mocking expression, mixed with a bit of anger.

"You're still the first guy who dares to say that to the Flügel."

After speaking, there was no response.

Jibril saw that Bai Chen was really standing there, and the emotion called anger immediately filled her entire chest.

She has always been the only one who looks down on others, not others look down on herself!

The elf was squeezed crazily, causing Jibril's body to spread ashes with blue light.

Light materialized in her hands, taking the shape of a sword.

"I'll make you very sorry."

After knowing that the group ring will not die, Jibril decided not to kill the man in front of her immediately.

As a hunter, playing with prey slowly is also one of the joys of fighting.

In the next instant, Jibril's figure disappeared from Bai Chen's field of vision.

Just like removing Misaka Mikoto's head before, Jibril appeared behind Baichen.

This is different from speed, it is pure space transfer.

Therefore, only at the moment of disappearing, it will appear in any direction within the field of vision.

If there is no ability similar to "mind's eye", fighting an enemy with teleportation ability is equivalent to losing both eyes.


Jibril, who showed an excited smile, slammed down the blade of light that could split mountains and rocks towards Bai Chen's shoulder.

If you just lose an arm, you won't be judged as a failure by the rules.


Just as Jibril was thinking about how to cut Bai Chen into a stick, the girl let out a little bit of doubt.

The blade of light did not feed back the feeling of cutting the flesh.

Instead, it seemed to be stuck, and there was an unpleasant sense of sluggishness.

Then, she discovered why.

The lightsaber capable of severing the flesh of giants was clamped by a pair of fingers.

"How can it be?!"

While this confusion was born in her heart, Jibril's eyes widened in surprise.

But before she could think about it, a sense of crisis came suddenly.

The huge force from the blade of light sent her flying in an instant.

The thin figure destroyed dozens of buildings, and barely stopped until it fell to the ground and made a deep hole.

When the floors collapsed, there was a storm of ash, and gunpowder smoke and explosions came out one after another.

Jibril, who was embedded in the soil, only had one thought in her mind. 0

Impossible impossible impossible impossible!

Even the dragon spirit species will never have such a huge physical strength!

He mercilessly smashed the protective magic that he compiled, and severely injured her body, even breaking more than a dozen ribs.

This is the first serious injury in my life!

The sudden blow made her a little confused, but then Jibril stood up again precariously.

The healing magic took effect, treating the more serious injuries on the body.

Although the wound was painful, Jibril was more excited than before compared to the injury.

The line of sight crossed a thousand meters away, and Bai Chen's figure was reflected in his eyes.

Jibril, who grinned at the corner of her mouth, trembled in embarrassment.

"Don't you think that this level can defeat me?!"

Saying so, Jibril opened her huge wings that radiated light from her back.

Her body slowly floated up into the sky.

The geometric aperture above the head suddenly expanded and rotated slowly.

The energy crazily extracted from the body is quickly concentrated and compressed.

In just a few seconds, a wobbly "light gun" appeared in her hand.

This is the strongest move of all Flügel, "Sky Strike"!

A powerful skill that once destroyed the capital of the elves and beheaded the gods in one blow.

A full blow contains energy capable of evaporating seawater.

The surrounding 2.8 air was instantly drained, and then shot towards Bai Chen's figure violently.

The huge amount of energy rolled up a vortex of heat in just an instant, melting the nearby buildings into flowing magma.

Facing such a blow, a spear of light also appeared in Bai Chen's hand.

Compared to Jibril's Sky Strike, Bai Chen threw it out at a neither fast nor slow speed.

As a result, the fragile continental framework groaned, nuclear explosion-like movements resounded throughout the world, and the virtual Academy City was reduced to ashes under the tide of light. If you look from outer space, you can find that even the sky has been opened. Make a huge hole.

Jibril, who lost her power and temporarily entered the state of a child, watched the photon flow drown herself.

The Sky Strike, which the Flügel are proud of, was completely crushed back. .

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