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Chapter 498: Show Respect To The Boss

Chapter 498

Recalling the tragic victory back then, Artemis sighed heavily.

If it wasn't for Andaris, his former family members might still be there.

"Master Lord God, we are ready to go!"

At this time, a girl with a ponytail in strong clothes suddenly appeared in Artemis' eyes.

"My lord, what's on your mind? If you don't mind, you can talk to us."

The ponytail girl blinked her eyes, looking playful.

"Could it be related to men?"

Behind the ponytail girl, one of the petite women whispered.

But then, the person who made the sound was stabbed by another companion.

"Keep your voice down, and Lord Lord God is not that kind of person!"

"Oh. 17

"Are you paying back "Four Thirty Seven"?"

"I was wrong, stop hitting!"

Behind the girl were figures with different appearances and postures.

The sound of playfulness came from it.

In addition, these figures are all beautiful girls who are one in a thousand.

The reason why they are all women is because the prerequisite for joining the Artemis family must be women.

And it is strictly forbidden for members of the family to associate with men impurely.

This strict rule is also related to the experience that Artemis was often harassed by those male gods when he was in the heaven.

Of course, it's more of a nature.

Therefore, Artemis, who hates men, made such a rule.

Hearing the girl's muttering, if it were the former Artemis, she would definitely reprimand her with a serious expression.

However, after hearing the news about Andaris from Bai Chen, Artemis didn't feel that way anymore.

It is precisely because she knows what Andaris represents best that she is so worried.

Although he can request foreign aid from the chat group, Artemis can't be heartless and feel at ease.

The reliability of foreign aid is one thing, and the reliability of chat groups is another.

No matter what, she must do her duty well.

not to mention.....…

The reasoning of that alien god may not be all true.

What if the seal of Andaris is in good order?

With such thoughts in mind, Artemis adjusted her shape and stood up.

"keep going."

At the end, she added a sentence.

"If you encounter any danger, don't be brave. Our mission is mainly to investigate."


The girls responded loudly.

on the other hand.

After Artemis left, Jibril ran out again.

Non-staff individual: "@ Bai Chen, is it true that you said you can predict the future?"

Bai Chen: "The future is changing all the time, and I can only see the most likely futures from the countless futures."

Blue Slime: "The classic speech is here! Boss, can we not pretend?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Boss Bai Chen said no."

Little white cat: "hhhhhhh."

Non-staff individual: "Even if this is the case! Reason it for me too!"

Little Spider: "Tsk tsk tsk, with this attitude, the style of painting has changed before and after. Wasn't it very arrogant to everyone before?"

Non-staff individual: "Hmph! The dignity of an individual is divided according to strength. For beings stronger than me, I, Jibril, will naturally show others the corresponding attitude, but it's fine for weak monkeys, even a glance is unnecessary!"

Luo Abao: "What you said...is still so arrogant.

Blue Slime: "Although she is a beautiful girl, she can't fall in love anyway. If the beautiful girl loses her charm and only has her pride, it will be a disaster. In comparison, Miss Pao is better than a newcomer."

The Spirit of Time: "Be careful [Misaka-san may still be watching the screen."

Blue Slime: "This...won't it?"

Tokisaki Kurumi's words made Rimuru feel a little flustered, and couldn't help but feel a chill running down his back.

But after seeing only Veludra, he felt relieved a lot.

Non-staff individual: "@ Bai Chen, help me deduce, what is the probability that I can defeat the supreme being?"

Jibril had no wishes.

But if you have to say it.

That is to defeat the Creator and let Artosh, the God of War, taste the taste of failure, which is her greatest ideal.

Little Spider: "Good guy, is this going to rebel? I didn't expect you to betray the revolution too?"

Blue Slime: "Tsk tsk tsk, is this wave of filial piety?"

Non-staff individual: "What are you talking about? My lord is the strongest, isn't it normal for me to have the idea of ​​defeating him? Sure enough, I can't understand the monkey's brain circuit!"

Non-staff individual: "@ Bai Chen, so?"

Bai Chen: "Wash up and sleep, there is everything in the dream..0"

Non-staff individual: "Flügel don't need to wash their bodies, they can maintain the most basic cleanliness with magic. As for sleep, it's still very early."

Bai Chen: "The road is far away, farewell.jpg.

Non-staff individual: "?"

Non-staff individual: "Come out! My question hasn't been answered yet!"

Black-haired loli: "Goodbye, brother!"

Jibril couldn't help but clenched her fists when she saw that she couldn't get a response no matter how she called.

"Stinky guy, if it's in front of me, I'll screw my head off and kick it like a ball!"

Blue Slime: "Newcomer, listen to my advice, you don't have to respect us, but you have to respect the attitude of the boss.

Little Spider: "As much as you respect, you must respect as much, and it's best to put your energy of worshiping the Creator on the boss.

Non-staff individual: "Are you kidding me? Why should I listen to you?"

Blue Slime: "You'll know later, I'm right, Senior Spider."

Little Spider: "That's right, those who disrespect the boss will definitely suffer in the future, and it will be too late to repent at 2.7.

Non-staff individual: "Ridiculous!"

Little Spider: "Oh, it's gone, it's boring to chat with new people."

The turmoil caused by Jibril's joining ended here.

Bai Chen can foresee that Jibril will be excluded for a long time in the future.

But this is also normal.

After all, based on Jibril's words and deeds, he judged that the era the other party lived in should be the Yu era.

At that time, Jibril was not as cute and funny as in the feature film. Her nature was cruelty and cruelty.

But she's not a big problem.

The key is Artosh, the creator of the Flügel.

If possible, wait until the last step of penetrating the Kabbalah system, and I don't mind having a 1v1 real man contest with Artoxiu. .

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