Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 500: The Uninvited Guest Arrives

Chapter 500

In the life system of Kabbalah, no matter how things and the world are divided, God is still the creator of all things.

No matter what happens, it belongs to God alone.

That being the case, then just do some processing in the mental world he created.

For example, endowing the dead in the mind image world with the power to revive, and then adding some special abilities that belong to the "sacred creation world" to it, can resurrect the existence living in it infinitely.

In this way, wouldn't a simple and practical "Hall of Valor" be completed?

As for the objects sent to the mental world.

Although with his current power, he can create a human body by himself, but Bai Chen does not intend to imitate a clumsy angel.

After all, if used with the power of domination, there are many excellent objects that Bai Chen can plunder.

However, one of the requirements for entering the world of mental images is that only the dead can enter.

In this way, the living people who were dominated by Bai Chen before could not enter.

Of course, at this point, the power of the "cage of servants of death" can be used to collect captives.

After killing the desired object, control it with the power of domination or authority, and then put it into the world of mental images to fix it, and then the snowball can start.

After all, with the expansion of the chat group, Bai Chen will encounter more and more enemies in the future.

Among them, there must be villains whose death would be a pity.

For example...the group of Flügel in the world of Game Life.

November is coming to an end, and Milan, which has already arrived in winter, has a cold chill.

White snowflakes fell from the sky one after another, and pedestrians on the road exhaled white mist from their mouths, and hurried back and forth on the street with their heads down.

In the snowy weather, even Milan seemed a little quiet at this time.

But these have nothing to do with Bai Chen et al.

Compared with the damp and cold outside, the luxurious living room fireplace has a fire burning quietly, and the heat radiating from the pipe dissipates the cold temperature of the room, so that everyone in the room is still dressed in spring clothes. Summer is nothing short of an outfit.

Erica, Liliana, and Mariya Yuri sat on chairs.

Princess Alice and Witch Lucretia sat on the other side.

There is also a girl named Guinevia, who is petite but elegant, and has a magical appearance, sitting on the sofa, watching the TV screen intently.

The goddess Lancelot stood behind her, wearing a simple sportswear, which vividly outlined her slim figure.

Bai Chen sat with Athena.

While playing with her long hair, she watched the program broadcast on TV.

This is a popular science news program, and the host is introducing to the audience the strange phenomena that have happened around the world during this time.

After Bai Chen left the world of Machima, the world of Godslayers has undergone some small but weird changes.

The most obvious one is the weather.

Although the weather forecast is often inaccurate, the recent changeable climate has indeed attracted the attention of some people, and even panic.

At this time, the show host turned the camera to a gray-haired professor.

In the slightly modified words of this name, it is expressed that this is a rare change in thousands of years.

The host asked whether it would have any impact on humans and the environment, and the professor also made it clear that there is such a possibility, but further investigation is needed for specific matters.

Afterwards, the program came to an end, and other news was broadcast on TV.

After watching the TV, everyone looked away.

The god ancestor Genivia's eyes flickered, and he pinched his skirt and said: "Rare changes have taken place all over the world. There is no doubt that this is a sign that the "Last~"King" will come!"

As the "god of steel", the last king symbolizes nature related to "flame".

Because he was elected by all the "Steel Army Gods" on the earth, so he is the strongest steel.

If you want to forge it, you must use the flames of the planet.

Volcanoes all over the world are representative of them.

In order to forge "steel" like the King of the End, the flames in the planet will be aroused, which in turn will cause visions all over the world.

The most vulnerable are naturally the crust and climate.

Therefore, the weird changes in the climate are the precursors of its awakening.

If it was in the past, "Genivia's tone would definitely be extremely excited and excited.

Because, the King of the End is exactly the existence she has been thinking about, wanting to be resurrected.

However, after being dominated by Bai Chen, all actions of Genivia put Bai Chen first.

Therefore, at this moment, instead of looking forward to it, she was a little worried.

After all, the "King of the End" is the "Savior" who came to the ground and wiped out all the demon kings.

Throughout the ages, he has defeated countless opponents.

And her new master, Bai Chen, also happens to be a godslayer.

"Hmph! The King of the End is coming... What a big show!"

Athena's voice was cold.

As the Earth Mother Goddess, what she hates the most is the last king who is regarded as the leader by the "God of Steel".

"Don't be so angry, all the preparations have been completed, and then just wait quietly for the resurrection of the King of the End, and then deal with him."

Facing the King of the End who may come at any time, Bai Chen no longer had the initial worries.

Although the "Salvation Sword" in the original work has the power to split planets, Bai Chen is not bad at all now.

On the contrary, I look forward to (Zhao Mahao) meeting and fighting with the King of the End even more.

"My concubine will assist you."

Hearing this, Baifeng just chuckled.

The current him naturally does not need the goddess' forceful assistance.

However, in order to take care of the face of the thin-skinned goddess, he could only chuckle and nod.

Then, Bai Chen looked at Alice, Erica, Liliana and the others.

"How's the search going?"

"The progress is going smoothly. It has been reduced to the Tokyo area. If there are no accidents, the sleeping place of the last lord will be found within a week."

Erica stood up and reported in a neither humble nor overbearing way.

"Thank you for your hard work, too."

Bai Chen nodded and said.

After that, after having lunch in the warm living room, the girls dispersed separately.

But Bai Chen, who was about to open the chat group to relax, met an unexpected guest Xia. .

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