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Chapter 513: The Cave Of The Fairy Realm

Chapter 513

Some people may think that modern people can rely on their own minds and knowledge to develop an industrial revolution or an advanced economic system, or use existing historical knowledge to make great achievements and reach the pinnacle of life.

No matter how bad it is, you can also use a little people's thinking and work hard on agriculture or light industry.

All in all, as long as they are skilled or ordinary people with formal education, as long as they are not in the era of chaos and chaos, they can live and work, and even have a major impact on history.

However, those who are sucked into the past by this power, when reaching out to the past, the correcting power of time will minimize the time traveler's influence on history.

Therefore, it is impossible to realize the plan to make a breakthrough in the past.

After all, people cannot fight against the sky.

Of course, Bai Chen is naturally not worried about this kind of problem.

Although the power of "930" is troublesome for others, it is a novel adventure for those who are prepared.

The only thing to worry about is the time rate of traveling back to the past.

After all, Mrs. Aisia spent most of her life in ancient times.

Although her recognized age is more than one hundred and fifty years old, in fact, she was only born for more than fifty years.

This is because she stayed in the past for a year and returned to reality, only to find that three years had passed.

But Bai Chen quickly dismissed such doubts.

With a chat group, he doesn't need to worry about problems caused by different time flow rates.

What's more, if he wants to come back, he can ask Aisia to release this power again at any time and return to modern times.

Besides, the correction power of time is extremely powerful.

Even with the power of a godslayer, it is impossible to fight against the whole world.

After all, time is the only thing.

If you want to fight against time, the required magic power is extremely huge.

Ordinary godslayers and Bucong cannot do it by themselves, and even the King of the End cannot do it.

Bai Chen estimated that he could do it, but modifying the historical process on a large scale would not do him any good.

Why bother wasting energy doing thankless things.

That being the case, it would be nice to enjoy it as an ordinary trip.

And just as Isia was at a loss, a dark crack appeared in the sky above the room.

The crack gradually expanded, and soon became a circular cave with a length and width of about two meters.

At the same time, an extremely powerful suction also acts on the surroundings.

When the items in the living room were about to be swept away, Bai Chen used his strength to fix the surrounding space, then looked at Madam Aisia and asked, "Madam, do you know what is on the other side of the cave?"

"I... I don't know either! However, it must be a very distant place, such as the past far away from us, or a distant different world!"

Mrs. Aisia forced herself to control the power, but it was in vain.

If she could control it, she would have controlled it long ago.

And why bother to be overwhelmed by this power every time.

"Also, it's already this time, master, please hurry up and find a way! Otherwise, you will really be sucked in!"

However, Bai Chen completely ignored Aishia's complaints. After fixing the size of the cave to prevent Erika, Liliana and others who came in rashly from being sucked into it and disappearing, and leaving a message, he strode towards the cave. .

Seeing that Bai Chen was so direct, Aisia could only follow closely behind.

This is not modern, nor is it Milan.

Rather, it belongs to a small island in Southeast Asia.

This information is the information that Bai Chen analyzed through the power of revelation after he came out of the cave.

The era he lived in should be ancient times thousands of years away from modern times.

The vast night enveloped the world, and the stars hanging in the sky covered the entire starry sky.

"This... what is this place?!"

Aisha's distressed voice came from behind.

"Although my authority is out of control, there are rules to follow, but I am not prepared at all this time, and the funds for the trip are not enough!"

In the past, she lived a hard life because she rushed back to the past, so she has a deep understanding of this.

However, just as Aisia was complaining, Bai Chen heard a faint sound of a zither.

In the vast night, there are no other conspicuous sights except the first quarter moon, and there are towering miscanthus and trees all around.

And this melodious tune came from the depths of the forest.

Bai Chen ignored Aisia's complaints and approached the voice..0

Soon, a hut repaired in the forest came into view.

The melody becomes clearer and clearer, and at the same time, it is mixed with a gentle and weak female voice.

Under the silent night sky, it doesn't feel intrusive.

On the contrary, Aisia felt scared, and stuck tightly behind Bai Chen, without the slightest majesty as a godslayer.

"Master, let's not go in."

Aisia suggested weakly.

However, Bai Chen ignored it and walked straight into the thin thatched hut.

The interior of the house is very simple, with a simple wooden bed, a table, and a kerosene lamp on the table, illuminating the dreamlike figure sitting on the chair.

It was a young girl in twelve single clothes, with long hair reaching her waist, flaxen color, light makeup on her face, and an indescribable sense of elegance in her dignity.

There was a Guqin on her lap, and the melody was played by the girl's dexterous hands.

Perhaps because she noticed Bai Chen's approach, the girl raised her head, her bright eyes showing the color of glass.

A look of surprise appeared on her fair cheeks.

"There will be two Rakshasa kings visiting tonight. If you are far away, you will welcome them, and you hope to forgive your sins."

The girl put down the guqin, stood up, and bowed to Bai Chen and Aishia.

Then, under Bai Chen's puzzled eyes.

The girl with long flaxen hair and glazed pupils slowly knelt down in front of Bai Chen and tried to kill her.

"Lord Rakshasa, if you want to kill my 2.0, you can take my life away.


"As you can see, I will not resist."

Although Bai Chen knew that the girl was a god ancestor when he saw the girl for the first time, he did not expect that the other party would be so obedient.

If it was Guinevia, I am afraid that she is trying to regain the posture of the mother of the earth, and she must fight him to the death.

"You are neither an enemy nor a goddess, why should I kill you?"

As the most benevolent and benevolent devil, Bai Chen has no habit of killing people indiscriminately, let alone the beautiful ancestor he met for the first time.

But at this moment, when Bai Chen checked the information of the ancestors through the revelation, he discovered a fact that surprised him.

The god ancestor in front of him is named "Sita".

It is the wife of Rama in the myth "Ramayana".

And Rama is the "King of the End"

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