Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Five Hundred And Twentieth Ix Big Brother Save Me

Chapter 529

When the heterogeneous light shone on her body, Artemis also woke up suddenly.

She was struggling in the halo in a panic, but let alone a body that was sealed with divine power, even an adventurer of Iv5 or Iv6 would not be able to defeat Andaris.

Her body approached Andaris uncontrollably, and then merged into the crystal.

It's like an ornamental fish locked in fiberglass, there is no way to see the outside except through the crystal.

Not only that, but Artemis also found that the divine power in his body was being quickly taken away, becoming a stronger nourishment for Andaris.

She knew that ancient monsters were immune to divine power, but she never imagined that they could absorb divine power for their own use.

And at this moment, Artemis also understood what Andaris wanted to do.

It is clearly drawing her divine power to create an arrow of destruction that can destroy the surface.

And her divine power is at the forefront among all the gods.

If the Moon God's Arrow technique is completed, it will be impossible to resist with the existing power of the dungeon.

Only the god-killing arrows stored in the heavens.

If you can use the remaining divine power to summon it to the lower world and hand it over to a qualified hero, you may be able to kill Andaris who possesses the power of God.

But just when she was about to put all her eggs in one basket, she suddenly remembered that there was still a chat group.

Subconsciously clicked on it, and found that she already had dozens of unread messages.

At this time, without waiting for Artemis to do it himself, the chat group took the initiative to issue a request.

[Group reminder: It is detected that the group member "Goddess of the Moon" is in crisis, and a commission is now issued to defeat the ancient monster Andaris, let Artemis stay in the lower realm, reward points 3000, 1

[Group reminder (private): Group member "Bai Chen" accepts the entrustment, do you agree that the other party arrives in your world? 】


"Of course I agree!"

Although Artemis was worried about whether Bai Chen could defeat Andaris, the current situation did not allow her to think too much.

It doesn't matter if you can't save her.

As long as she can take those children away, she is satisfied enough.

Little Spider: "I'm boiling! Finally!"

Blue Slime: "It seems that the previous battle was too intense, causing Miss Artemis to forget that there is a chat group."

Die Die Ren: "Yes, but in that case, there is nothing wrong with being distracted."

The Spirit of Time: "It's a good thing that the chat group can take the initiative to issue emergency commissions, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

Little White Cat: "Yes, if I hadn't let the teacher come over, I wouldn't be able to live like I am now."

Luo Abao: "Speaking of which, Sister Pao was the one who triggered this mechanism for the first time, right? Thinking back to how confident and stubborn Sister Pao was at the time, I really appreciate her unyielding spirit

But until now..."

I don't want to go to hell: "I can already say "Big brother save me" without hesitation.

Railgun: "What are you talking about?! Is it force majeure?! What's more, problems that cannot be solved by one person can be solved by shaking people [isn't it easier?"

Teacher Loli: "It would be easy with Bai Chen in the past."

Non-staff individual: "Damn it! It was preempted!"

Ji Puwei originally wanted to accept the commission and go there to find out how strong the so-called Andaris is.

But I didn't expect that because I was not familiar with the operation, I was taken a step ahead by others.

Little Spider: "Good guy! I almost forgot that there is a dangerous element in the group!"

Non-staff individual: "Not one, but one."

Blue Slime: "Oh, it looks like you have to be more careful when issuing commissions in the future, you can only issue designated commissions?"

The Spirit of Time: "Not necessarily, after accepting the commission, if the person who issued the commission does not agree to enter his own world, there is no way to travel through it."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "There is indeed such a hint."

Non-staff individual: "Is it so troublesome? It's so boring!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "You birdman, just stay in your own world honestly, even if a commission is issued, it will not be yours!"

The various regulations of the chat group can be said to have no loopholes at all.

After all, the people who join the chat group don't have to be good people.

If the entrustment is issued rashly to allow people with bad intentions to smuggle into it, the disaster will definitely be more terrible than imagined.

Non-staff individual: "...

Jibril gritted her teeth, wishing to tear up the bullshit rules of the chat group.

Little Spider: "Don't talk about it, let's watch the performance of a high-quality male, Mr. Bai Chen."

Blue Slime: "No, no, no, it's just a matter of pretending to be a showman."

Big Tree Sea Border, Forest Ruins C.

After being blown away by the impact of the explosion, the girls of the Familia saw their main god being sucked into the body of Andaris.

Although Artemis who was sealed inside could be seen from the gap in front of the monster, it was of no avail.

They have failed.

The strength of Andaris was far beyond that of his own side. From the beginning, the strength levels of the two sides were not at the same level at all.

Desperation and pessimism permeated everyone's hearts, and they were determined to die with God even if they died.

But just when they were about to put all their eggs in one basket, they saw Andaris spit out light at them that could easily melt their bodies.

next moment.


It was as if steel was rubbing against each other, and the sound of mountains colliding resounded through the heaven and earth.

The expected pain of being melted did not come.

The girls uttered puzzled syllables.

what happens?

Not far in front of their eyes, a man wearing black light clothes and short hair stood there.

The light that could melt everything was just blocked by that man's hand.

Then, the black-haired man who appeared out of nowhere raised his right hand and swung it forward.

Just such a simple action.

The monsters that covered the interior of the ruins were torn apart by the golden light.

At the same time, Andaris was thrown away.

Except for the crystal containing Artemis that Bai Chen deliberately avoided, the rest of Andaris' body parts, as if they had been poured by magma, had a scorched black color and a mushy smell.

However, Andaris' body quickly recovered, and he roared at the man in front of him that could shake his heart.


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