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Chapter 536 Freya, Were You Looking At Me Just Now?

Chapter 536

As if suddenly awakened from sleep, Freya stood there blankly.

"What a huge soul..."

Freya looked at the black-haired man who was walking in the city of Euler, and squeezed out a hoarse moan from her beautiful throat.

In her eyes, the line of sight has been completely filled with the brilliance overflowing from the golden soul.

What you can see in the pupils is only the endless golden color, and there is nothing else besides this.

Even if all the souls of Olalie are added together, it is far from being able to compare with that one.

After all, what she reduced to before, no matter how radiant and dazzling the soul is, is mixed with other things, but this man's soul is extremely pure and unified, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is spreading endless light outwards .

It's like a soul born from the light.

The extremely huge golden "nine-nine-seven" sea exudes soft and dazzling brilliance.

For Freya, even if she just looked at it, she felt as if she was sinking in the ocean of light, and her body, perception and even soul were about to be sucked away by it.

But the more this happened, the more she could feel the impact of the waves in the sea of ​​gold on her soul.

If there were outsiders present, they would have guessed that something very interesting happened to Freya.

The enthusiasm of the body gradually faded, but the urgency became more and more spiritual.

Freya knelt on the ground and slightly put her body together, trying to restrain the restlessness in the depths of her spirit.

If she hadn't found out the reason, she would have wished to rush down the Tower of Babel immediately to find that glorious soul.

On the other hand, Freya is also very calm.

There is no extraordinary thing that can have such a soul.

In addition to the joy that crazily hit her own soul, she also noticed the information contained in the other party's soul and heard voices that seemed to be there.

If there hadn't been an accident just now, she would have almost surrendered to that great voice.

Thinking of this, Freya frowned.

Thinking about whether she should risk herself or not, to see with her own eyes the glorious figure who made her give up the entire family.

Reason was warning her not to approach that man rashly.

But other than that, there was always a voice urging him to observe that man closely with his own eyes.

Ten thousand steps back.

If there is a way to get him, perhaps my boundless desire will also usher in the final satisfaction.

And just as Freya was thinking.

...You are the goddess of beauty, Freya?"


The moment she heard the voice from behind, Freya turned her head suddenly, and then showed an expression of astonishment that could not be added.

The jet-black hair, the clothes that are incompatible with Olari, and the dazzling light of the soul like the red sun.

There is no doubt that the smiling man in front of her is the one she saw through the eyes of God just now.

However, more questions popped up in my mind.

Why is he here?

You know, this is the highest level of the Tower of Babel. Ordinary adventurers need permission to enter. Besides, there are guards from the family guards created by her outside. Even Ota is guarding the door. It is impossible to enter without any reminder. Under such circumstances, it is right to let outsiders in.

But Freya couldn't think about why the man in front of her came here from the ground in just a short moment.

Freya wants to know more now, why did he come back to me?

the other side.

Noticing the astonished expression of the silver goddess in front of him, Bai Chen only showed a gentle smile like the rising sun.

Afterwards, she saw someone stretching out her right tail towards her.

While noticing this movement, Freya felt an indescribable wonderful feeling tightly wrapping herself.

It's like a fetus in amniotic fluid.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I will be captured by this feeling immediately.

But Freya is a goddess after all, and she will soon return to normal.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.

Bai Chen spoke with a smile.

The moment he was peeped by Freya, he captured the location of the other party.

Originally, Bai Chen wanted to block the sight of this God of Beauty, but after thinking for a few seconds, he decided to see how beautiful this legendary "God of Beauty" really is.

have to say.

From the perspective of appearance and figure alone, Freya is one of the women that Bai Chen has ever seen, and she can also be ranked in the forefront.

Although Artemis is also quite a beautiful goddess, but in her body, she can't feel the charm of Freya in her bones.

If you don't consider your background and judge by your first impression, 90% of men will choose Freya. 0

This is not to belittle Artemis, but this is the characteristic of Freya as a "god of beauty".

If not, the God of Beauty would not be worthy of the name.

The same is true for Bai Chen.

But it's a pity that, no matter in Norse mythology or now, Freya is one of the best roast chickens.

"Who are you..."

"Freya, were you looking at me just now?"


My gaze, Yuanran was discovered?

A trace of panic flashed across Freya's face.

Her god's eye is not the kind of ordinary power that adventurers can awaken, even gods can't feel her peeping.

Bai Chen had a panoramic view of Freya's look of surprise, but he didn't answer immediately, but just stretched out his hand to hold Freya's palm, and helped her up from the ground.

However, when he wanted to speak, he was immediately attracted by a dark mark on the carpet.

In addition, there was a similar wet mark on Freya's back skirt.

The situation is already evident.

Sure enough, Freya deserves the title of "one of the best".

"When you were looking at me, you must have had the idea of ​​getting me."

No need to admit it, Bai Chen could tell from Freya's expression what this goddess was thinking.

As the goddess with the most "selfish desires", Freya is also well-known in Orario for her collection addiction.

Therefore, with his current soul strength of 4.2, it is impossible not to attract Freya.

Although Bai Chen's strength is enough to ignore all the threats here, but it's not justified if a slut is not used.


Freya looked at Bai Chen blankly.

The eyes gradually became empty and blank.

This is not because Bai Chen used some kind of spell to dominate or hypnotize her thoughts, but it was the result of letting go of her own soul and allowing Freya to see the whole picture of the Holy Light.

Freya, who was longing for the soul of "Bai Chen", has completely become his captive at this moment.

Then, Bai Chen hooked his fingers slightly, and some compressed golden light particles merged into Freya's body.

Then, in this distracted silence, Freya's God's Eyes changed from purple like amethyst to pure gold.

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