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Chapter 548: Awakening Of The Last King

Chapter 548

Compared to his initial worries, Bai Chen is now looking forward to the awakening of the King of the End.

"The concubine has also noticed that the henchmen of the King of the End are starting to move, and he is about to recover!"

Athena said exactly.

She descended to the earth as the goddess of the earth, and from the beginning to the end, she will take revenge on the King of the End as her ultimate goal.

Therefore, compared to the witch's spiritual vision, the induction that has lasted for thousands of years is more accurate.

"Is the day of the end finally coming?"

Lancelot crossed his arms and stared at the gloomy sky outside the window.

Since the last time news of climate anomalies was broadcast on television, the weather around the world has undergone drastic changes.

"No wonder my uncle and I have been unable to find it for the past thousand years. I didn't expect that the root cause was that we were looking in the wrong place."

Guinevia smiled self-deprecatingly.

This pair of faces is especially lovable.

However, in the next second, the tone of the god ancestor changed sharply.

"King, I suggest that we ambush near the King of the End, and after he wakes up, you will kill him in one fell swoop!"


Bai Chen asked suspiciously.

"Although the King of the End will be revived by fate, his power is the weakest when he is just revived. Only by constantly absorbing the energy of the earth or plundering the power of the Mother Earth God can he recover to its peak. Therefore, in other At the moment of awakening, it is the safest and most effective way to kill him with thunder."

Sita spoke softly.

This poor woman who was suspected and abandoned by Rama in the myth, and was still killed by Rama in reality, also hated the King of the End.

After the two god ancestors finished speaking, it seemed that the chatterbox had opened, and the rest of the girls in the house also gave their opinions and suggestions.

After learning the information about the King of the End, they have been searching for the knowledge recorded in the ancient books, and then looking for the possible weaknesses of the last one.

But Bai Chen, who heard those favorable remarks for him, smiled lightly and shook his head.

"I appreciate your kindness, but what I want to do is to defeat the King of the End openly, and completely crush him and the fate behind him"

There is indeed something feasible in the girls' suggestion.

But doing that would just put the King of the End into a brief slumber.

Given time, he will definitely be resurrected again.

What's more, Bai Chen has been preparing for such a long time, didn't he just want to fight the final boss so as to accumulate combat experience?

After all, he who joins the chat group will encounter all kinds of enemies in the future.

However, the King of the End possesses the artifact "Mandala Phalanx" provided by the gods. Taking this opportunity to make the King of the End his stepping stone is Bai Chen's truest idea.

After learning of Bai Chen's purpose, the girls didn't repeat the details, but prayed in their hearts that Bai Chen would still be able to triumph in this battle.

On the other side, on a floating island in the air far away from the hustle and bustle.

Across the wind surrounding the island, the appearance of the small island is similar to the islands in the Pacific Ocean, with hills and basins, but there is no vegetation or life, only bare soil and rocks.

In the center of the island, stuck a rusty iron sword.

About one meter long, the thick blade looks like a Xuan knife, and the blade is mottled and rusted.

This is the real sword of salvation, and it is also the strongest steel worn by the last master who wiped out the devil.

Accompanied by this floating island, it has been floating over the island country for thousands of years without any change. Until recently, some abnormal signs appeared.

And these omens are the symbol of the awakening of the King of the End!

"My lord, have you finally waited until you wake up?"

At this time, the wind around the island suddenly stagnated, and a tornado broke out from the storm, and finally turned into a human figure with bandages all over his body, standing not far from the Divine Sword of Salvation.

Even though his body was covered in bandages and he couldn't see his figure clearly, he could be judged to be the God of Disobedience just from the huge aura emanating from his body.

And his identity has a lot to do with the King of the End.

Its real body is the god monkey Hanuman.

In the mythical story "Ramayana", after Sita was captured by the devil, it was because of the help of Hanuman and the monkey army that Rama was able to rescue Sita from the devil.

Hanuman is a monkey god in Indian mythology, who is in charge of storms and possesses the divinity of "steel".

Some people may not know Hanuman's name, but if it is about Monkey King, it must be widely known.

Because Hanuman reprimanded Ravana, imprisoned the sun god, and made troubles in Lenga City in Indian mythology, many scholars believe that Hanuman is the prototype of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

However, some scholars do not agree with this statement.

Because Hanuman was born with great respect for the gods and obeyed the majesty of the gods, the detainment of the sun god was also a last resort to save Rama's younger brother, and he even sincerely apologized to the sun god afterwards.

If it were Sun Wukong, it would be absolutely impossible for him to happen.

In mythology, Hanuman is Rama's right-hand man, and here, He is also the subordinate god of the last king Rama.

While Hanuman was waiting, an aura even bigger than the average God of Disobedience came from under the God of Salvation Knife.

Under Hanuman's expectant and excited eyes, the Divine Sword of Salvation kept shaking, as if something was about to wake up from the sword.

At the same time, the earth, which is far away from the floating island, is also undergoing earth-shaking changes suddenly.

Especially the island country closest to the floating island.

Between Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture, Mount Fuji, which had not erupted for more than 300 years, erupted loudly under the astonished eyes of the people. Li Zhao

Smoke and dust soared into the sky, and the falling volcanic ash soon covered an area of ​​dozens of miles.

The volcanic eruption made the originally beautiful Mount Fuji directly turn this place into the worst disaster site in the island country.

And not only Mount Fuji, but almost at the same time, all volcanoes, large and small, on the island erupted without warning.

If satellites were used to photograph the island nation at this time, it would surely be possible to capture a picture plume where all parts of the country were obscured by dense volcanic ash.

Next time, not just island nations.

Like a virus, volcanoes around the world are spewing hot magma one after another.

The world is in chaos in an instant.

Various theories about the end of the world have been spread on the Internet.

However, what none of them knew was that it was a so-called "hero who saved the world" that caused such a worldwide disaster. .

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