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Chapter 551 Skip The Warm-Up Stage

Chapter 551

It's like in Dragon Ball, Monkey King opened the Realm King Fist, and his strength suddenly increased several times and dozens of times.

The situation with Rama is similar.

The ever-increasing mantra power made Luo Hao also look shocked.

The opponent in front of her seemed to be a different person. Even if she didn't have to fight, she knew that she couldn't win this battle.

Fear welled up in the girl's heart.

Until now, she didn't understand why the man in front of her was called the brave man who wiped out the Demon King.

With this kind of strength, it is strange that there is no way to defeat the godslayer.

However, even though he knew he was invincible, Luo Hao did not flinch in embarrassment.

Walking in the world for decades and becoming a godslayer for a hundred years, she has already put life and death aside. If she can end her life with a hearty "eight-five-seven" battle at the last moment of her life, it would be a good choice .

But facing Luo Hao who was waiting solemnly, the expression of the King of the End was full of pity.

He gave an order to the Divine Sword of Salvation floating in front of him.

"Savior Knife, show the world your true colors!"

Then, a huge square magic circle unfolded from the bright knife body.

The sides are tens of meters long, and there are countless tiny squares inside, with patterns of various weapons drawn inside.

This is the gift given to Rama by the gods. The patterns in it can be transformed into real weapons, and each weapon is the rarest weapon of the gods!

"Have you finally completed the Dafa of the covenant? The ultimate sword that can annihilate all demon kings!"

Looking at the scene in front of her, Athena whispered.

If it weren't for the great law of the covenant, it would be impossible for the King of the End to win many battles.

"Yes, this is the weapon of the gods."

Rama was suspended in the air, looking down at Luo Hao's frail figure.

"In the past, when I came to the world, the heavens gave me countless divine tools to assist me in my mission of defeating the devil. The Divine Sword of Salvation is the appearance of all the divine tools combined, and the mandala phalanx is its true form."

As soon as the words fell, countless blue thunders flew out from the mandala square.

They streaked across the air and fell towards Luo Hao's position one after another.

The vajra warrior summoned by the vajra power can resist even Tony's silver magic sword.

But this seemingly huge golden giant turned into powder amidst the roar of thunder, it was simply unstoppable and irreversible!

Even if Luo Hao exploded with all his spell power, it would be difficult to defend, let alone dodge.

Because, those thunderbolts wrapped in all kinds of weapons in the myth almost covered the whole world.

If he endured this blow, Luo Hao would definitely die here.

However, the expected death did not come.

The figure of Bai Chen quietly appeared behind the King of the End, and then, relying on his height advantage, he easily grabbed the wrist of the Ugly Last King.

The target of the mandala phalanx is controlled by the King of the End.

And this sudden support made Rama startled, and the various weapons originally aimed at Luo Hao were also skewed.

Afterwards, Luo Hao, who stayed where he was, was taken away by Lancelot who came galloping on horseback.

Immediately afterwards, countless thunderbolts wrapped in weapons fell to the ground indiscriminately, turning the area within more than ten kilometers into burning scorched earth.

After that, Luo Hao instinctively wanted to fight back.

After being blocked by Lancelot, the latter said: "Master asked me to save you.

"Master? That is to say... Bai Chen.

Hearing this, Luo Hao also stopped what he was doing and looked towards the sky.

"Has his strength become stronger again?"

Seeing that Bai Chen had suppressed the King of the End whose spell power had increased dozens of times with only physical power, that pretty face couldn't help showing a look of astonishment.

"I'm sorry, Luo Hao, you probably won't have the chance to play in the future."

Bai Chen's voice rang in Luo Hao's mind again.

The latter was slightly taken aback, then nodded helplessly.

She knew that she was no match for the current Rama, so she could only give up.

On the other side, after Bai Chen finished the sound transmission, he let go of his right hand.

The moment he realized that his right wrist was being released, Rama's figure also quickly flickered to other places, facing Bai Chen in the distance.

"You are the King of the End, Rama, right?"

Rama's face, which was shocked by the restriction, was slightly stunned.

"Exactly, you are also the godslayer in this world..0"

"Of course, otherwise I don't have to wait for you all the time."

Bai Chen looked at Rama, and the golden pupil reflected the gray-haired youth in his eyes, and then he whispered: "Although the basic strength is not strong, but the covenant Dafa, and the mandala phalanx...  … Difference."


Being watched by such almost underestimating eyes, the King of the End reminded him loudly.

"Now I have been blessed by the Covenant Dafa, and my strength has made great progress, so excessive contempt will only bring you trouble.

"It's enough to worry about you."

Bai Chen already had a plan in mind.

He didn't intend to kill the King of the End.

"In that case, let's get started.

Seeing that Bai Chen was so confident, Rama didn't intend to continue chatting with him.

He must end the battle as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we stop the harm caused by our own existence to the planet.

Otherwise, if he continues, let alone wipe out the devil, he alone can destroy all life on the planet.

After the voice fell, Rama's figure disappeared.

The previous wrist strength was suppressed, which made him understand that if he fought in close quarters again, he would suffer only from himself.

What's more, when the Divine Knife of Salvation is fully deployed, it is the right way to use the magic tool in it to destroy the enemy. 3.6

Rama took the bow and arrows from the mandala phalanx.

Nock up the arrow and aim at Bai Chen at the same time to launch.

Black arrows spiraled out in the air, wrapped in a terrifying aura, and attacked the black-haired man.

The next moment, the shining golden color was born from the void.

Like a spear dyed purely in gold, aimed at the flying black arrow.


The atmosphere was shaken.

The arrows that were powerful enough to wipe out the mountains were easily scattered.

Among the broken divine power and debris, Bai Chen looked at Rama with a surprised expression, and said: "Don't judge me by your previous experience, I am different from those ordinary godslayers.

The black-haired young man gently stroked the gun body with his palm, and said leisurely: "Skip the warm-up stage and use your strongest power star."

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