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Chapter 553: Athena In Maid Costume

Chapter 553

It's normal for them to find it hard to accept.

Lancelot had assisted the King of the End in the past and was regarded as his subordinate.

Athena, as the oldest goddess of the earth, has a deep hatred with the God of Steel. The reason why she wandered on the ground for so long is because she wanted to kill all the Gods of Steel, especially the male gods among them.

Furthermore, Luo Hao, who had just tasted the strength of the King of the End, had to admit that she couldn't beat the opponent.

Therefore, even though Bai Chen had shown them the corresponding strength, their preconceived impressions still prevented them from accepting the facts so quickly.

"It's unbelievable that the King of the End was defeated so quickly in your hands. I, Luo Hao, originally planned to go to hell with you after you were wiped out by him. It would be nice to be a fateful mandarin duck."

Luo Hao accepted this result.

The smiling girl was the same as before, but there was no pretentiousness in this smile.

This battle also made her truly realize that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

In this world, not only Shiratori can defeat her.

"Mandarin ducks can play in the water, but the fate of mandarin ducks is spared."

Bai Chen teased with a chuckle.

And the hidden meaning of these 180 sentences that only people from the Celestial Dynasty could understand made Luo Hao's cheeks blush.

But soon she coughed twice and spit out a mouthful of blood, dyeing the white clothes extremely brightly.

She had been seriously injured when she fought Rama before, and it was just her self-esteem in her heart that made her hold on.

The girl's delicate body was crumbling, but even so, she didn't ask others for help.

Seeing this, Bai Chen smiled lightly and hugged Luo Hao's waist. The latter struggled to no avail. After giving Bai Chen a blank look, he relaxed the remaining strength and put all the weight of his soft body on his. body.

"Let's go back first."

Everyone else had no objections, and returned to the headquarters of the Bronze Black Cross in Milan.

As for the disaster caused by the King of the End, the island government and the local magic society will naturally deal with it.

The injured Luo Hao was temporarily placed in the room to rest.

The triumphant Bai Chen also received different blessings from the girls.

Among them, the ancestors Guinevia and Sita were quite surprised.

Before the war, although they were infected by Bai Chen's self-confidence, they also believed that Bai Chen would win the final victory, but at least they had to go through a hard fight, but the ending was unexpected.

Although the earth vibrated violently, the back and forth came to an end in less than ten minutes.

So much so that they haven't even been able to brew their emotions well.

"I've been preparing for such a long time, it's normal to lose the King of the End in seconds, okay?"

Bai Chen said half-jokingly.

If he had followed the normal trajectory and hadn't joined the chat group, Bai Chen would naturally not be so confident.

But in other words, if there is no chat group, he would have died on the first day of crossing over.

There's no point in discussing this.

"Now that the King of the End is dead, and the Godly Sword of Salvation has been destroyed, even the goddess of fate couldn't have expected that the fate of the godslayer would be easily broken like this!"

Athena said proudly.

She turned into a young girl, her silver hair fluttering in the breeze, and she smiled at Bai Chen while saying this.

"Goddess of Fate?"

After Alice heard it, her face showed doubts.

"The Goddess of Fate is the mastermind behind all of this, she summoned the King of the End, and made the fate of the King of the End fighting the Godslayer, but the main body is a weak chicken.

Bai Chen said casually.

"Now that I have dealt with the King of the End, she will definitely not let it go, so you have one more thing to do next, and that is to find the Divine Realm of Destiny in the Netherworld, and then just tell me."

Although the last big boss of Godslayer is the Goddess of Fate, Youniao really wanted to complain when he was reading the novel.

However, since it exists, just solve it. (caad) Goddess of Destiny is the God of Disobedience in the embodiment of fate. Her strength is very weak, and her only skill is to manipulate fate.

It's just that this is completely ineffective for Bai Chen, so the last step can be said to be extremely simple.

"The Domain of Destiny? I understand."

Liliana nodded heavily.

Since she couldn't help in the battle, at least she had to use her ability as a witch to help Bai Chen solve problems.

"I'm going to rest first, call me again if you have something important to do.

After speaking, Bai Chen went back to the bedroom alone.

in the bedroom.

Bai Chen saw Rama, the King of the End who was dominated by him, and the God of Salvation Sword was his magic tool, and Bai Chen was merciful and did not destroy it, otherwise it would be meaningless to dominate ten weak gods who would not obey.


Rama, who was still fighting against him before, now has a respectful attitude.

"You still have a lot of work to do in the future, do you understand, Rama?"


Although Bai Chen didn't explain it directly, Luo already knew what Richen needed him to do.

Explore other parallel worlds and create an environment where the master can descend.

The purpose of Bai Chen is this.

Stretch out your tentacles to more worlds until you gather all the parallel worlds and let your "general army" spread to more worlds.

Only in this way can we be called "the Lord of hosts".

Although he can do this kind of thing, it is too troublesome to do it by himself, so it is better to leave it to Luo Zhu to do it.

After explaining the matter, the next thing to do is to wait for the girls to find the location of the goddess of fate.

After solving her and controlling the Destiny God's Domain, he will use the God's Domain as a transit point to send Rama to work in a different parallel world.

Bai Chen, on the other hand, has no sympathy for Rama, who has been working for thousands of years, and after being beaten to death by him, he has to be resurrected and then go to work for him.

Bai Chen, who had finally settled his mind, closed his eyes and began to rest.

It wasn't until half an hour later that I got up and went to the living room to eat.

And when the time came to night, Bai Chen, who had just returned from the bath, met Athena who appeared in his room at some unknown time.

...Athena, what is this?"

If it was just an ordinary appearance, Bai Chen wouldn't be so surprised.

What catches Bai Chen's eyes is not only the girly goddess, but also the goddess in a brand new maid outfit.

A head of soft silver hair hangs down naturally on the back, and the decent and slim top is held up high "The skirt is so short that it only reaches the thigh and the knee tights complement each other perfectly.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Athena to wear this kind of clothing on weekdays, but what is it...

But no matter what, Bai Chen really likes it. .

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