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Chapter 558: The Hammer Is The Body

Chapter 558

"Crooked Sun, did it really work?"

Seeing the flashing purple light in her eyes, Misaka Mikoto, who was belatedly aware of it, looked ecstatic.

Then, like a conditioned reflex, the screenshot was sent to the chat group.

Super electromagnetic gun: "I shipped it!"

Little spider: "Listen quickly, the dog will bark again!"

The Spirit of Time: "Have you finished reading it so soon? Shipped?"

Little Spider: "Sorry, it's just a subconscious reaction."

Blue Slime: "It finally appeared, I thought you were pushed to the ground and beaten again, smirk.jpg.

Railgun: "Hehe, whatever you say about me now, I've shipped it!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Quack too proud.jpg."

I don't want to see the devil: "What happened to me Kangkang?"

After the group members saw the whole picture of the screenshot clearly, they were speechless for a moment, and no one typed or spoke for ten seconds.

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "How is it? Are you scared?!"

The Elf of Time: "Thunder God Thor, is that the Thor I know?"

Little White Cat: "Just pray that it's not the Thor of our world."

Electromagnetic Cannon: "380@时之神, Kuang Sanjie, thank you for your suggestion before, otherwise, I wouldn't have shipped it so easily."

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, Misaka-san, you should know that the person who should be thanked is not me."

Railgun: "Of course I know! But thank you very much!"

Although Shilian saw the blue sky and white clouds for the first time, at any rate, it finally shipped for the second time.

I have to say that this feeling of ups and downs is quite exciting.

Fortunately, Misaka Mikoto had the foresight.

If she was impatient and came to the lottery draw after collecting ten points in a row, the previous one would probably make her doubt her life.

After all, if others can ship ten consecutive shipments at a time, if it's your turn to sink all the ships, everyone will be depressed for a long time.

I don't want to see hell: "Congratulations!"

Blue Slime: "Hiss! Suck! Suck! Suck!"

Chaos Evil: "That's great, it would be great if I could get one too."

Seeing Sister Pao's shipment, Fujimaru Tatsuka's real name system was envious.

Not to mention anything else, just the name of this reward (caaa) seems too strong.

Although her pumpkin turret is powerful, it is only a weapon after all.

It's not fair!

Fujimaru Tachika secretly vowed that when the heroic spirits summoned by Chaldea took shape, she would find a chance to sell them all.

"Senior...what's the matter with you?"

The little eggplant Matthew at the side saw Fujimaru Tachika suddenly showing a sinister face, and said with some fear in his heart.

"Ah...it's nothing, I'm just thinking about something."

Fujimaru Tachika quickly returned to normal, then seemed to think of something, looked at Matthew with a smile on his face and asked.

"Mash, I ask you a question, answer me after you think it over."

"Hmm...Senior, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them."

Although he was a little worried, Fujimaru Tachika was a reliable senior whom he had known for a while.

Such a senior would not design to frame himself, probably...

"Let's make a hypothesis. If one day I let you work under someone else for a while, would you like it?"


Hearing this question, Ma Xiu seemed to see the shadow of a demon emerging from behind the senior.

Today's predecessors, could it be that they took the wrong medicine?


It's also thanks to the fact that Bai Chen and Fujimaru Tachika are separated by a dimension, otherwise, he would definitely feel sorry for Little Eggplant for a few seconds.

It must be hard to live with a human being who can tear Gaetia with his hands.

Little Spider: "Eat something good, maybe, forget it, take it away!"

The indescribable jealousy in Spider's heart.

She was a newcomer back then, and she got the SR in the first ten consecutive rounds when she joined the chat group for the first time, which made her happy for a long time.

But now, she found that the Teigu she got was a joy compared to the SRs drawn by other group members.

Complicated mood.jpg!

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Thor? Misaka has drawn the power of the gods?"

Bad woman: "Thor, the god of thunder and power in Norse mythology, is also in charge of storms, wars and agriculture. He is the son of the god king Odin and the giantess Joan. From the perspective of status, he is the second son of Norse mythology. Take your hand."

Moon Goddess: "Huh? Thor is Odin's son?"

Loli Poison Coin: "I remember that Miss Artemis herself is a god. The history there may be different from the myths we know, so don't worry about it."

In the world of dungeon encounters, the gods only know each other, and do not have the various blood relationships in modern mythology.

Take Loki as an example. In Norse mythology, he is Odin's brother-in-law. In the Marvel world, he is the son of the Frost Giant picked up by Odin. But in the world of Dungeon Encounters

She is a squint-eyed, flat-chested goddess.

The world is different, and the mythology is different, so the reference is not very meaningful.

Bai Chen: "Although it has nothing to do with the son of Odin in Norse mythology, it's pretty lucky to be able to draw this."

Railgun: "So, is this easy to use?"

Bai Chen: "It's very useful for you, after all, you can control lightning."

He still knows some settings about Thor in the forbidden world.

Thor, the god of thunder in the forbidden world, is the most powerful existence besides Othinus in the "troublemaker" organization established by the one-eyed demon god Othinus.

Thor has two combat modes.

The first is the "Thunder God Mode". Through the energy supply of the "throwing hammer", after the Thunder God state is activated, an arc knife that can easily cut a ten-centimeter thick steel plate like cream can be generated from the finger, and can extend up to two about kilometers in length.

Really - two thousand meters long arc sword, just ask if you are afraid.

The second is the "Almighty God Mode". After it is turned on, it will use the magic formula of "moving to a certain position of victory" to create a combat environment where the opponent's attack is completely ineffective, but you can attack unilaterally.

In a certain way, "invincibility" can be achieved.

Bai Chen: "Its ability itself should be called "Throwing Hammer". Take that hammer, and you can gain the power of Thor."

Super electromagnetic gun: "The power of Thor? Then I will find a place to try it.

Seeing what Bai Chen said, Misaka Mikoto became more and more excited. .

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