Chapter 566

Not only the content of the group files he uploaded, even the dark bullet novels and anime, the darkness of those human figures is still written a little superficially.

Everyone says that the empire of Zhanchi World is rotten from top to bottom, but when you think about it carefully, those who bully men and women, fish and flesh people are only the worst in the imperial capital and nearby towns, and none of them are qualified to do these things. Not rich merchants or noble officials.

But in the dark world of bullets, except for a few people, other people from top to bottom, and even the whole society are full of discrimination against the son of the curse.

Insulting and beating are still trivial matters.

Extreme mental and physical abuse occurs all the time.

After all, except for those who joined the organization, the other sons of the curse don't care about the crowd. As long as they are not under the watchful eyes of the public, any violence they want to commit anywhere else in the "May 20th" is acquiesced.

Even the police belong to the group that abuses the children of the curse.

Little Spider: "So there are darker things?"

Bai Chen: "Only you can't think of it, there is nothing they can't do."

I don't want to go to hell: "I can't imagine anything other than beating and abuse."

Bai Chen: "Go to the dark web to check and you will know. The reality is often crueler than imagined, but my personal suggestion is that if you are not psychologically strong, don't watch it.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Then I still don't watch it."

Blue Slime: "Quick!"

Sheng Tianzi: "@ Bai Chen, do you have a way to save our world? I will collect points and pay you as soon as possible.

Before that, she asked about Bai Chen's identity during discussions in the chat group.

The girl who took over the burden at the time of the world's most dangerous time has a very persistent desire in the bottom of her heart for the real god in front of her eyes.

Because she knows it well.

In today's situation, human beings are no longer able to resist with the existing power in their hands.

There are already billions of Gastrea in the world, and even more.

Titanium is used less and less.

Until the day when it is completely exhausted is the day when the world will end.

Bai Chen: "Yes, there are, but even if it is you, it is not so easy to accumulate points."

Except for some high-tech equipment and the corpses of gastroenterologists, Bai Chen really couldn't think of anything useful in the world over there.

What's more, Gastrea above level 4 is difficult to capture, and those with lower level have too few points.

Sheng Tianzi: "I will prepare as soon as possible!"

Chaos Evil: "The newcomer's world really needs to be rescued as soon as possible, but having said that, I think the most important thing is to solve the problem of virus infection first. Those sons of the curse are really worrying."

Teacher Loli: "If the problem of erosion rate can be solved, it can alleviate people's discrimination against the son of the curse to a certain extent."

I don't want to see a ghost: "But this kind of thing is very difficult, after all, the virus makes scientists all over the world helpless..."

Bai Chen: "Regarding this aspect, you can go to the almighty dug well, or if that doesn't work, you can also combine the rune technology from Xianshen Island."

There is absolutely no doubt about the scientific research ability of digging wells.

In the face of the crow man's attack, it only took one night to develop countermeasure equipment.

It can be seen that it is general.

On the other side of Xianshen Island, where blood devouring madly attacked, the rune and technology were combined, and it should not be difficult to develop a vaccine for the gastritis virus.

Little Spider: "I forgot there is such an operation."

Big bone boiled into soup: "I'm going to ask him to dig a well, and let him hurry up to film the vaccine research."

Since Dagu was chosen by Guang, it is enough to prove that he is kind.

After knowing what happened to the cursed children, he can be said to be the most distressed one in the group.

Even if he was asked to work for nothing, he would have absolutely no complaints.

Teacher Loli: "Then I'll let the researchers here pay attention."

Nangong Nayue was also willing to help with this.

The cursed son who was discriminated against was so similar to the witch's past.

Chaos Evil: "Since the problem of the virus is solved, the key is how to bring the cursed sons after the vaccine is developed? After all, the cursed sons over there are scattered all over the world, right?"

Even Miss Shengtianzi can only control the Tokyo area. "

Sheng Tianzi: "I will coordinate internationally as soon as possible..0"

Bai Chen: "In that case, it would be easy to argue. You took out an antidote that has not been developed in the whole world, and paid so much. How can you explain it? How can you convince them that it is the antidote?"

Among them, there is another point in the world of pitch-black bullets that I really want to make people complain.

That is, even in the last days, those politicians are still fighting for power and profit internally.

The funniest thing is that it is already the end of the world, and the contractor who contracted the titanium metal monolith is still cutting corners in the materials to make money for himself.

Holy Son of Heaven: "....."

Bai Chen: "Take a step back, they believe that the antidote is real, but the first to use it is definitely not the son of the curse, but those dignitaries."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It is indeed possible. After I took office, there were still many such guys in the empire, but I solved them all in the end."

Black-haired loli: "How did Sister Estes solve it?"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It's very simple, either kill it or send it to prison."

When she was a general, she had always been very clear about rewards and punishments. The rewards given to her by the emperor, she would distribute to the soldiers who followed her in battle, and she never kept her secrets.

Chaos Evil: "However, Miss Shengtianzi can't do this kind of thing alone."

Holy Son of Heaven: "...

The Holy Son of Heaven was quite sad.

She really wanted to refute 1.8, but as a politician, she also knew that what they said was right.

The society's discrimination against the son of the curse is not so deep.

As the head of state, she has been blocked everywhere from enacting bills guaranteeing the basic civil rights of the Sons of the Damned, let alone other things.

Little Spider: "@圣天子[Then why don't you ask the miraculous boss? Nothing can be difficult for the boss!"

Blue Slime: "Boss Bai Chen, YYDS!"

Bai Chen: "I'm always free during this time, if necessary, just post an order in the group."

Sheng Tianzi: "I know."

Sheng Tianzi: "And... thank you very much!"

Although it's only been a day since she joined the chat group, the girl is quite touched by so many people helping her with advice. .

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