Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 582 FlüGel X White Yasha

Chapter 582

Irregular white-haired loli: "Anyone want to challenge us?"

Non-staff individual: "Of course, you just answer yes or no?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Oh, Huo, your tone is not small, no wonder you are the most arrogant, you must be very unhappy in this group, right?"

Non-staff individual: "What does this have to do with you? If you want to fight, don't be such a mother-in-law."

Jibril doesn't care who the other party is, let alone with her IQ, she can't tell that she is being annoyed by yin and yang, so it is a mess when she comes up.

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Okay, anyway, we happen to be free right now, so you can set up a ring and invite me."

After joining the group, Shiraiyasha has already understood the various functions of the chat group, but now she has no points, so she asked Jibril to start the ring.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Jibril quickly sent an invitation to the ring.

[Group reminder (private): The group member "Non-staff Individual 20" sent you an invitation to fight in the arena, do you accept it?】

Of course I accept.

Bai Yasha readily agreed.

Although she understood the function of the chat group, due to curiosity and other reasons, she naturally wanted to experience it for herself.

And since it is a arena, how did the chat group create the arena?

Is it similar to setting up a virtual arena in a virtual network, copying the body data of group members in the network, controlled by the individual's consciousness, or is it like the game field created in the gift game, where both contestants are sent in?

If it is teleportation, how can the chat group teleport people from two different worlds to where?

Shiroyasha was quite curious.

Accept the next second.

In the blink of an eye, after opening his eyes again, Shiraiyasha found that the scenery around him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

She was originally in the He room of the lower Thousand Eyes Community branch, but now, she was teleported to a strange environment in an instant.

Compared with the clear blue sky of Hakoniwa, the sky here is particularly dark. The whole world seems to be covered and lit by Chai Xin, and the sky presents a dull red color.

At the same time, ashes with flashing spots of light fell from the sky, covering the whole earth.

Looking ahead, you can occasionally see the ruins of weather-beaten buildings.

"...that's interesting."

Bai Yasha lowered his eyes, and with a paper fan he took out from nowhere, he opened it and blocked the lower half of his face.

The world of Hakoniwa is extremely solid.

The power that can move mountains and reclaim seas in the outside world, in Hakoniwa City, may only be able to exert the power to smash mountains and destroy the size of villages.

the same way.

The power that can teleport in the outside world will also be weakened in Hakoniwa.

Therefore, the gift of space is particularly valuable in Hakoniwa.

As a protoss, Bai Yasha was originally a master at manipulating space.

So the chat group was able to send her to a strange world without her responding, which made Bai Yasha secretly startled.

Maybe even after I got back the spirit grid of Tiandong, I couldn't resist the forced teleportation of the chat group.

"Hello, newcomer."

At this moment, a clear and loud voice came from above.

Under the watchful eyes of Bai Yasha and the group members, the girl with a geometric halo above her head was suspended in Kongchen.

Wings sprouted from the back of her waist, and her long tassel-like hair was fluttering with a little dryness.

Whenever the hair is swaying, the long pink hair will reflect light like a prism, like a rainbow.

Jibril, who looked like an angel, landed not far in front of Shiroyasha, her eyes slightly opened, and there was a fighting intent in her sight that seemed to possess quality.

"My name is Jibril, a member of the Flügel created by Lord Artosh, the strongest god species."

"Flügel? Hakoniwa has never heard of a race like you, but there are quite a few races with wings like you.

The winged race is not limited to angels, White Yaksha is well aware of this.

"I almost forgot to introduce myself, so you can call me Bai Ye."

Although White Yasha has the spirit of Yasha, he hates being called White Yasha.

After all, this represents her disgraceful history.

"Bai Ye, I remember the name, and...

An iridescent light floated around Jibril's body, and a sense of domineering oppression spread in all directions.

Centered on the girl, a violent storm suddenly blew up, rolling the ashes covering the ground, forming a black storm.

Jibril squeezed the elf and vented her energy.

This situation is like the end of the world.

"welcome green hands."

In the next second, the space transfer ability capable of moving 4527 kilometers in 0.023 seconds made Jibril's figure disappear from the original place.

against the enemy.

Especially for those enemies with human form, Jibril's favorite fighting method is to teleport behind the opponent, and then take off the opponent's head completely with her own hands.

Although the chat group couldn't bring back the head, Jibril was still used to this fighting style.

In the arena live broadcast room.

Little Spider: "Oh, there's another good show to watch!"

Blue Slime: ...I didn't expect the newcomer to be quite cute, so small, but with horns on its head, does that mean it's not a 227-type human?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "She's wearing a kimono, does Hakoniwa even have this kind of clothing?"

Butterfly Ren: "After all, the big world where various myths gather, different cultures should have been brought over."

Teacher Loli: "Which one do you think will win, the rookie or Jibril?"

Blue Slime: "Of course it's Yuexiong's side!"

Little White Cat: "Although I want to support the newcomers, Jibril is also very strong."

Little Spider: "About this point, I think Misaka-san has a deep opinion, @超级电空炮, is Misaka-san there?"

Railgun: "Your sister! How do I know who is stronger! Besides, the me now is not the me I used to be!"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Then why not take this opportunity to fight again?"

Railgun: "Wait... just a little longer!"

Although she got Thor's hammer, Sister Pao still felt a little guilty.

After all, Jibril's strength is obvious to all, and what he has drawn is the incomplete power of Thor.

According to Bai Chen, there is still an "Almighty God" mode that has not been drawn, and it will be considered complete when it is drawn.

As for now, I can only endure for a while! .

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