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Five Hundred And Ninetieth Chapters Violent Rabbit

Chapter 595

Bai Yasha, who was beaten upside down again, just smiled and patted his head.

However, the only one in Hakoniwa who dared to beat Shiroyasha like this was Kuroto.

On the one hand, the person who is beaten will not feel pain, on the other hand, Heitu is usually taken advantage of by White Yasha, and knows that he is wrong~.

"You idiot, Yasha-sama! Listen to what you say!-"

Seeing that the rabbit was about to go berserk, Hiyaka became serious.

"Then tell me what's going on."

Seeing that the black rabbit was safe and sound, White Yaksha knew that Perseus's attack was not successful, which also made most of the anger in her heart disappear.

"Is such that!"

Hei Mian completely ignored Luosi and began to explain the situation to Shiro Yasha.

"The above is the disrespectful behavior that the Perseus community has done to us, do you understand?"

"Well, Perseus's vampire trespassed into Noname's territory and caused damage, and Perseus's members committed offensive behavior when they went to capture the vampire. I do know all about it. If you want Perseus to apologize, then It will be arranged at a later date."

Within her jurisdiction, this kind of conflict may happen at any time, and Bai Yasha also gave a formulaic answer.

"No need, just apologizing for such disrespectful treatment can't appease our anger. We believe that the humiliation caused by the Perseus Community this time should be resolved with a duel between the two sides!"

Before coming, Kuroto had discussed with Izayoi and the others.

It is of course a fabrication to accuse Leticia of destroying this part of the territory, but in order to regain the former partner, this is the only way to do so.

Make a big fuss, and they'll get the upper hand in justice and make their own demands.

And the purpose of the black rabbit is to gift the game.

With Leticia as a bet, as long as you win the game, even the Perseus Community can't cheat!

And the few newcomers she invited have also shown her the power she can believe in.

At least, it should be no problem to deal with Perseus.

"Uh... this one."

Hearing this, Bai Yasha suddenly scratched his face in embarrassment.

Then, he looked at Bai Chen with a bit of resentment.

"Any questions?"

asked the angry black rabbit.

Rabbit's observation ability is also quite keen, noticing the change in Bai Yasha's eyes, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"If it's normal, I can naturally mediate, but before that, the leader of the Perseus Community, Luus, has agreed to play a gift game with this person, so.

White Yasha felt a little helpless.

Wouldn't it be nice for you to arrive a few minutes earlier?

However, with Luosi's personality, without Bai Chen's brainwashing ability, this bastard would not be able to make unfavorable demands on him.

If she firmly disagrees, she's fine.


Hearing this, the premonition in Hei Tu's heart became more and more solid. After swallowing, he waited cautiously for a response.

"...The bet is where Leticia belongs."


Hearing the answer that he didn't want to hear the most, Hei Tu suddenly exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Moon Rabbit, I got the Vampire Princess first."

Bai Chen smiled at the black rabbit.

And the young man looked at the black rabbit with an unbelievably shocked expression, and he didn't know why it was extremely beneficial in his heart.

It may be because the black rabbit is the nobleman of Hakoniwa, which symbolizes the most primitive purity.

Perhaps it could also be that Heitu was too much trained by Shiraiyasha, otherwise, why would everyone who saw her try to ravage her.

Bai Chen's eyes moved to the black rabbit's ears, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

I really want to grab the rabbit ears and rub them.

Noticing Bai Chen's eyes, Heitu subconsciously covered his ears and took a step back.

Then, a short-haired girl in a red dress and casual clothes stood in front of Heimian.

Jiuyuan Asuka, Kasukabe Yao.

There is also a yellow-haired boy with headphones and a wild hairstyle.

Back to sixteen nights.

The protagonists of problem children reunite here.

However, Bai Chen's eyes quickly passed over them.

Except for the black rabbit who interested him a little bit, others are not important to Bai Chen.

Behind him, Shiroyasha bumped him lightly with his elbow.

"Don't keep staring at my black rabbit."

"What's yours, the black rabbit doesn't belong to anyone!"

0 for flowers.

Withdrawing his gaze, Bai Chen looked at Luosi.

And Luosi, who was about to be blinded by mania, couldn't wait.

"Hurry up, get rid of all irrelevant people!"

His eyes were red, and he looked like he had been spat out with chicken blood.

At the same time, his right hand was holding the pendant in front of Yuexiong, as if he wanted to release the beast sealed in it at any time.

"Fighting is fine, but don't smash our shop!"

Shiroyasha glared at Luosi, then waved her right hand, teleporting several people present to her exclusive game field.

The cold wind blew, making the little black rabbit shiver.

At this time, everyone is no longer in the shop, but in another world.

Time stands still forever at the dawn of dawn.

Nearby is a plain made up of rocks and grasslands, and in the distance there are undulating mountains. On the top of the mountain, you can see the sun dyeing the sky into fish belly white when the sun breaks.

There is no other life around, and it is a playground specially created for gift games.

In terms of choosing a fantasy point, it is a small world with you.

Although Bai Chen has already known the power of White Yaksha through the original book, but seeing it with his own eyes is still unavoidable.

But he wasn't envious either.

After he completes his general army, it will definitely not be difficult to create such a game field.

"Okay, okay, let's retreat temporarily and leave the venue to the two of them."

White Yasha disappeared from the spot with Black Rabbit and the others, and when they reappeared, they were already 10,000 meters away. At the same time, they erected a barrier in front of them to prevent them from being affected by the aftermath of the battle.

"Master Shiroyasha, what is going on?!"

The black rabbit finally came back to his senses, and hurriedly asked.

Leticia is their important partner, but who would have thought that now she would watch the other party as a bet and be scrambled by outsiders.

"It's good to watch quietly, after the gift game is established, it will not be interrupted under normal circumstances.

Shiroyasha remained calm.

Having watched Bai Chen's live broadcast earlier, she knew that even if Luosi had Algar's seal, it was impossible to win Bai Chen.

Thanks for the 20,000 point reward from the eu20 boss, the boss is in good health and has a successful career!.

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