Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 600 Reasonable And Convincing

Chapter 600

After the entrustment is completed, 1,000 points will be credited to the account smoothly.

But today's Bai Chen doesn't think much of these points.

What really made him care.

One is the initial friendship with Bai Yasha.

Although the power of that white-haired pervert was limited to four digits due to historical reasons, as long as she wanted, she could retrieve her spirit status at any time, and became the two-digit star of Hakoniwa Maeda.

Although there are some existences who are threatened by dudes like Luosi because of Shiroyasha's limited power, but the reason is only because the lower level of Hakoniwa, especially the outer gate where Shiroyasha lives, is a backcountry with more than two million people. .

The gods and Buddhas at the upper level knew that Bai Yasha could regain the godhead at any time, so they didn't dare to provoke her easily, but the natives at the lower level didn't know it.

Just think of her as a "poor worm" who made a mistake and was sealed and exiled to the lower levels.

Before Bai Chen asked her to help find a way, since the other party agreed, he will definitely help.

Moreover, if the superior finds him in the future, Bai Yasha will also send him a message to cover up.

Another harvest is Alger.

Although it was a protoss problem, and his strength was so weak that he was beaten violently by the protagonist when he appeared on the stage, the main reason was that Luos was not skilled enough to display Alger's strength.

If Shiroyasha was the master, even if he only had five digits, he would definitely not be killed by Izayoi so easily.

If Alger had his own consciousness, his strength would be even higher.

And that starts with reality.

The reason why Alger's spirit degrades is because he failed in the war with Athena and was beheaded by Perseus Perseus.

Because Hakoniwa and human history are complementary.

What happened in Hakoniwa further affected the history of mankind, and it caused Algar to degenerate from a god to a monster.

Therefore, if you want to restore her godhead and consciousness, you may have to start with Greek mythology.

Bai Chen thought about the feasibility, and found that the success rate was too low.

After all, the Greek gods in Little Garden are quite powerful.

And because of what Zeus did in the lower layers in the early days, the Greek gods also had the greatest influence in the lower layers.

After Algor was integrated into the world view of Greek mythology in the early days, the myth that he was beheaded by Perseus also spread in all the Greek myths related to Hakoniwa.

If you want to reverse, unless you reverse the mythology, the historical transition period that caused the changes in Greek mythology, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

What's more, it is impossible for Athena to allow Algar to recover.

"...There seems to be only one way to go.

Bai Chen sighed helplessly.

Cut off Algor from the Greek gods.

In this way, she can avoid the influence of Greek mythology on her.

But Bai Chen didn't have a clue when he wanted to cut this conceptual connection.

But after thinking about it, I thought of a feasible way.

Just then, a notification tone sounded in the chat group.

After opening it, it is a daily chat message.

Irregular white-haired loli: "I forgot to ask about something."

Bai Chen: "Speak, if I can help."

Seeing Bai Chen's response, Bai Yasha was suddenly a little embarrassed.

However, after living for so many years, she has grown a lot of cheek. After hesitating for a few seconds, she quickly narrated.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Actually, it's about the lottery. Others seem to have said before that the probability of your lottery to ship has always been high. So can you tell us the secret of fast shipping?"

Bai Chen: "Krypton gold, as long as the number of times goes up, you can definitely get it."

It's a simple matter of probability.

Even if the surprise rate is only 0.01%, as long as the number of times increases, the error tolerance rate will be greatly improved.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "We came to you because krypton gold is not enough."

Although Bai Chen comforted her at the beginning and said that it was not that easy to ship, and he believed it, but after thinking about it, he still felt that there was something wrong.

And other people in the group have also said that they all shipped after two or three faux pas.

Unlike her, who smoked a dozen times in a row.

Bai Chen: "I don't know.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: ... Well, it may be that your luck is better, after all, we have seen many lucky guys in Little Garden. "

ask for flowers...

Seeing that there was no result, Bai Yasha was also a little disappointed.

But she didn't take it to heart.

If you want to sell good products, it is not so easy after all.

With her position as the ruler of the stratum, if she can control her hands, it should be no problem to maintain her level of ten consecutive times every two or three days.

She is not demanding, as long as she makes a little progress every time.

Simulating the Star Creation Map, the double-digit spiritual power is temporarily not expected.

Freeze the small goals, because of Yang sovereignty!

After returning from the world of Black Bullet and Hakoniwa, Bai Chen, who has nothing to do for the time being, lives quite comfortably every day.

It is just that the matter that was handed over to Erica, Liliana and others to find the goddess of fate has not yet been completed.


It may be that the goddess of fate has noticed it, or it may be recharging its energy, at least this time is quite leisurely.

Therefore, Bai Chen's daily routine is to be tender with the girls around him.

Other than that, just chat in the group.

Sheng Tianzi: "I have received the gastritis vaccine, thank you very much for your help!"

Big bone boiled into soup: "It would be great if I could help those children."

Teacher Loli: "The vaccines jointly developed by the researchers of Xian Kamijima and Dagu are divided into two types, one is a targeted vaccine that can completely eliminate the virus, and the other is a vaccine that suppresses the activity of the virus. One is for those who have been affected by the virus, and the other can both suppress the vaccine and retain superpowers, so be careful not to mix them up.

Sheng Tianzi: "Thank you very much!"

Blue Slime: "That's great, will we be able to leave a lot of cute animal-eared loli in this way?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Is there a loli with animal ears? Where is it?"

Bai Chen: "Speaking of which, aren't you a lolita yourself?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "We did this on purpose, and who stipulated that loli are not allowed to like cute loli?"

Little Spider: "It is well-founded and convincing."

Little Spider: "By the way, it seems that we haven't seen combat units these days, three?".

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