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Chapter 603 Am I The Only One Who Grabs The Star Cup?

Chapter 603

Bai Chen: "The entrustment can be sent later. As for reporting to Artoxiu, don't worry, I have some other things to do there."

Non-staff individual: "No problem, what the boss says is what it is."

Five thousand points were credited to the account for no reason, this small request is completely acceptable to Jibril.

Anyway, Master Artoxiu has been waiting for tens of thousands of years, and he doesn't care about this little time.

Bai Chen: "I have a question, when my goal is the star cup, why did you agree so easily?"

Non-staff individual: "I have no reason to disagree. After all, Lord Artoxiu's purpose is to fight against a strong enemy. You are a strong man I recognize, and I am also Lord Artosh's subordinate. It is strange that the subordinates try their best to meet the master's requirements. ?"

Bai Chen: "I was worrying too much."

Originally, if Jibril disagreed, he would simply give up this tricky way.

But it seems that he still underestimated the Flügel.

Not to mention Jibril.

Although she has a distasteful personality, she will not lie anyway.

At this time, discussions on the "Star Cup" also started in the chat group.

After all, something worthy of Bai Chen's initiative is quite precious no matter how you think about it.

Irregular white-haired loli: "We haven't heard of such a thing in Xiaoting, is it useful? @ Bai Chen.w

Bai Chen: "Let the natives over there explain this kind of thing, come out, Jibril.

Non-staff individual: "Okay.

Little Spider: "I always feel that Jibril has somehow become obedient?"

Blue Slime: "It seems that some kind of unknown deal has been reached in secret, insidious.jpg.

Non-staff individual: "The star cup is a legend spread among the gods. It has endless power. After getting the star cup, the person will become the strongest in the world and control all things.

Goddess of the Moon: "Is there such a thing in the world over there?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Really, it sounds a little unreliable.

Non-staff individual: "I don't know the specifics, but judging from Master Artoxiu's performance, he has never expressed his thoughts on the Star Cup, but since Bai Chen mentioned it, the legend is probably true.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Since it's true, how do I get it? Is it like treasure hunting?"

Non-staff individual: "I don't know about this matter."

Bai Chen: "Let me explain. There is only one way to get the star cup, and that is to become the strongest in the world. Special rules have special presentation methods." The star cup will appear in front of the strongest map.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Huh? Isn't that contradictory?"

Chaos Evil: "What do you mean?"

Teacher Loli: "It means that although you can become the strongest in the world after getting the Star Cup, the Star Cup will only appear in front of the strongest in the world, which is a bit of an upside-down. 17

Bai Chen: "Actually, there is no conflict between the two, because after obtaining the star cup, you will become the only god in that world. According to the interpretation of the myth, it is the real omniscience and omnipotence. The enemy who needs to be killed with one hand can get the star cup." Cups later, a single thought can make an enemy disappear."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Omniscient and omnipotent? Just get the star cup?"

Bai Chen: "I'm just reasoning, after all, no one has ever gotten a star cup, so I want to try it, if it's true, it should solve my current problem.

Irregular white-haired loli: "I see, do you want to use the "Star Cup" to solve Alger's limitations?"

Bai Chen: "Bingo!"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "If this is the case, it is indeed possible to succeed, then let's wish you good luck in advance."

Bai Chen: "Aren't you going to grab the star cup from me?"

In this group, apart from Bai Chen, Bai Yasha is the only one who is eligible to get the star cup.

Irregular white-haired loli: "I have this idea, but it's not like you don't know the special nature of Hakoniwa. If you are not recognized by Hakoniwa's center, your spiritual status will be greatly affected, and in Hakoniwa, omniscience and omnipotence are a kind of thing." burden."

The most classic example is the biblical gods.

Christianity is classic monotheism.

In the Bible, God is omniscient and omnipotent.

However, the rules of Hakoniwa do not allow monotheism, so the spiritual status of God is suppressed, and it only has a three-digit spiritual status. On the contrary, Jesus, the Son of God, has a two-digit spiritual status.

What's more, Bai Yasha himself has a two-digit spiritual status, and he can get it back at any time if he wants.

There is no need to take a star cup and add the burden of "omnipotent" to yourself.

Otherwise, the upper-level gods and Buddhas can laugh and wake up from their dreams.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "And it's impossible for Jibril to agree to let me into her world.

Little White Cat: "To tell the truth."

Otherwise, after defeating Artoxiu, it would be more comfortable to sell the star cup to the chat group.

Start with 50,000 points!

Non-staff individual: "..." Is it ok? @ Bai Chen. "

Bai Chen: "The commission can be issued."

Non-staff individual: "OK."

[Group reminder: The group member "non-staff individual" issued a group commission to defeat Artoxiu, the God of War, and reward 10,000 points. 】

Non-staff individual: "Except for a certain white-haired pervert who insulted the Flügel is not allowed to enter, everyone else is free. If you come here, you will enjoy the super~warm hospitality from Jibril!"

Chaos Evil: "I'm afraid that a little trash like me will get my neck twisted as soon as I enter."

After a short chat, other group members also knew that Jibril had a weird personality, and she only respected the strong, and the weak were no different from ants in her eyes.

So although everyone is a member of the group, we still have to be careful.

Little Spider: "Really - warm hospitality."

The Spirit of Time: "Bai (good Li Hao) Chen Jun, you go alone, after all, this entrustment is too dangerous for us."

Having seen Jibril's strength, she can guess how strong Artosh is with her toes.

They go in as cannon fodder.

Maybe we have to hold back Bai Chen, and once the group is wiped out, the finale will be declared directly.

Teacher Loli: "Agreed, you should go alone, let's take a look."

Blue Slime: "Photographer, please take your place! Guazi Cola is sold in the front row!"

Black-haired loli: "Eat melon.jpg."

After listening to Bai Chen's explanation of Star Cup, it would be a lie to say that I am not moved.

But they are also very aware of their own strength.

Since the Star Cup will only appear in front of the strongest, they will lose the qualification to obtain the Star Cup from the very beginning.

Since you can't get anything when you go there, it's better to stay at home and watch the live broadcast. .

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