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Chapter 606 That’S Because I Can’T Beat You

Chapter 606

Jibril, who felt that Bai Chen was not groundless, kept asking.

I felt bored, so I briefly said it again.

"How dare you deceive everyone in that way?"

After hearing the whole story clearly, Jibril couldn't help being a little disappointed.

I thought it would be some kind of earth-shattering plan, but I didn't expect it to be that kind of inferior deception.

Using the inequalities in intelligence and the characteristics of the Ex-Machinas, a rat-like race fooled all the higher-ranking species.

"Impossible, right?! This kind of deceit that uses lies to maintain, just need to test it a little bit, don't you know?"

"Too bad you didn't.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"It's because you are too confident, so you don't want to use your brains, and you didn't even figure it out "three-five-seven" in the end [the race that spreads false information is the one you despise the most.

The protagonist of No Game No Life is indeed smart.

However, the upper species has a transcendent superiority compared to humans.

Coupled with the deterrence of the god of war Artosh, other races blindly listened to the rumors spread on the mainland.

As Jibril said.

The intelligence disseminated by humans only needs a little investigation to be clear, but no one does it.

And after a short aftertaste, Jibril also felt that such a thing is not impossible.

But if, as Bai Chen said, humans are that kind of tenacious race, she has no choice but to turn a blind eye to the existence of humans.

Seeing the girl's inner activities, Bai Chen asked: "What are you thinking?"

"It's not a big deal, but after hearing from you that human beings are such a possible race, I can't ignore them."

Jibril showed a faint smile and said terrifying words.

"Killing them all is what I should do as Artoxiu's family."

Facing a girl who can say such terrifying words while smiling, especially a beautiful girl, many people in the group felt chills behind their backs, and knew that Jibril was definitely not joking.

When meeting a respectable opponent, it is Jibril's principle to go all out.

Bai Chen herself has enough reasons to believe that even if she digs three feet into the ground, Jibril will definitely completely genocide the humans in this world.


"No need."

Bai Chen held Jibril's shoulder.

"And my goal is the star cup, why don't you want to kill me?"

Looking at the clear golden pupils in front of her, Jibril turned her head and said honestly, "Isn't that because they can't beat you?"

Reasonable and convincing.

Although Jibril is a special individual, her essence is still loyal to Artosh.

In the face of an enemy who can threaten Artosh and can win, Jibril will never show mercy.

When things are put aside first, and as long as I can solve Artosh, the battle is over. "

Bai Chen appreciates the tenacious struggle of human beings in the last days.

Although the scale is not as good as before, such a race can better understand the hard-won treasures.

What's more, in any case, humans are an important part of Bai Chen's expansion of his army.

Afterwards, Bai Chen closed his eyes, and soon felt that the nearest human stronghold was being attacked by demon species.

The "sun" seems to have existed before.

White fireballs shone brightly, and the sky was an incomparably clear blue.

Humans are not like they are now, hiding in dark caves and lingering, but living a carefree life in a small town full of blue sky and sunshine.

However, the great war that broke out at an unknown time turned the earth into scorched earth, and ashes covered the sky.

The war impacted the power of the stars flowing in the sky, dyeing the sky a dark red like oxidized blood.

The towns that humans once lived were also burned.

The ashes falling from the sky, even if you just touch it, will leave scorched marks on the skin.

The adults who survived have only confusion and despair for the future in their eyes.

Coupled with the overall weakness, it is necessary to always be on guard against attacks from other races.

And now.

There is a stronghold of about a thousand people, which was discovered by wandering monsters, which attracted more of the same kind..0

Roughly made weapons, even the fur of those monsters can't stab ministers.

Those who survived can only rely on natural caves to temporarily withstand the impact of those hungry monsters.

But the defense collapsed, and it was only a matter of time.

When the cave was dug through, what awaited them was a massacre regardless of children and women.

In the end, a monster that was bigger than the rest of the monsters directly smashed through the fortifications made of earth and stone.

A dull roar resounded over the fairly vast cavern.

The demon species that followed followed stared at those humans, but in their eyes, the other party was not a life with intelligence, but just walking food one by one.

During the war, the demon species without the gods attached to them, while being wary of the superior species, have been searching for the pitifully small amount of food on the ground to feed their hunger.

And today, I can finally have a full meal.

The human survivors in the stronghold stared at the group of monsters with fearful eyes.


The moment the distorted roar sounded, the monsters rushed towards the crowd impatiently.

Just at this very moment.

Space is broken.

Time seemed to start to slow down, and in the space between the monster and the human beings who were the first to bear the brunt, cracks of different textures began to climb up, and then broke as clear and brittle as glass.

Then, a golden sword that seemed to be condensed by light, like a falling meteor, nailed the monster running at the front to the spot.

The thick arms lost their vitality in an instant, and the pupils of the eyes collapsed and began to turn white.

Not only that.

When other humans have not reacted.

Under their watchful eyes, it was like a sign, and also like welcoming the arrival of a certain great existence, one after another, bright cross beams of light fell straight from mid-air, while nailing all the monsters to death, the beams of light continued to flash It expands and extends upwards, piercing through rocks and caves until reaching the dark red sky like blood.

Those beams of light, the rays of light scattered by them, almost dyed the entire world into the most sacred golden color. .

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