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Chapter 613 Who Is Most Like God

Chapter 613

All life in the world witnesses the same sight.

The majestic power rippled out.

People looked around in astonishment.

The light enveloped the world, and the radiance spreading from far away dyed the sky and the earth white, and it was difficult to distinguish the realm of heaven and earth for a while.

Then, the diffusion of light stopped, and they discovered another incredible thing.

Looking at the world, the incomplete world fell into a stillness under the great power, and then a gentle impact swept the world.

Elsewhere, the ash covering the red sky faded away like a joke.

The sun, blocked by ashes, shone with warm light, and the mountains that had been completely destroyed by the war quietly regrouped and returned to their original appearance.

Dry rivers resumed their flow.

The barren, charred land is covered with vegetation.

The weapons are covered with flowers and plants.

Even people's injured limbs heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Physically disabled people recover their hands and feet, blind people recover their eyesight, and can see the true face of the world.

Even the dead who died not long ago stood up again.

In a categorical imperative that is impossible to resist, beyond the comprehension of all living beings, everything echoes it.

The planet is reshaped, and the deviated star orbits are restored to their original positions.

Even the morning star that was knocked down in the starry sky by the energy of the supernova explosion has completed the retrospect.

It wasn't until they bathed in the sun for a long time that people realized that the fairy tale that the sky is blue is true.

Close your eyelids, even so, the dazzling sunlight still hurts your eyes.

"it's over."

I don't know who said that.

The elves and goblins who boarded the ship put down the weapons in their hands, and their hearts were surprisingly calm.

"I didn't expect it to end in this way."

The leader of the elves, Xinke Nilvalen, bathed in the warm sunshine, his fair skin shone like a diamond.

She originally guessed that the Star Cup would belong to the Flügel, Goblin, or their elves' subordinates.

But no one thought that the God of Outer Sky would be cheaper in the end.

But that's fine too.

Their elf gods, from the beginning to the end of the war, did not show up at all except for a few orders.

The reason is nothing more than the fear of the power of Artosh, the god of war.

deserve it!

Cursing his own god secretly in his heart, Xin Ke turned and walked off the elf's flagship.

"My lord, we"||"

Seeing her leave, some subordinates asked blankly.

"Throw all the things in your hands into the trash can, unless you want to fight against the new god who controls the whole world."

Xin Ke, who stepped on the lawn, began to consider the possibility of conversion.

And just when all races are at a loss.

Another majestic voice like thunder came from the clear blue sky.

"To those who love me and keep my commandments I will show mercy to a thousand generations; to those who hate me I will punish the sin of the father to the son to the third and fourth generation."

The roaring echo lingered in my mind for a long time, and the previous cross-shaped beams of light that spread all over the world disappeared one after another, allowing the sky and white clouds to reappear.

When they regained their sobriety, if the world hadn't taken on a completely new look, they would all think that everything in their lives and even the great war would be fake.

Xin Ke's figure paused slightly, and then sighed in relief.

"Come on, even if you don't believe it now, it is impossible for someone to dare to resist the new god."

In the live broadcast room.

Witnessing the sight of Bai Chen easily restoring a planet, or even the entire world, with just a single thought, it is considered light to describe it as unbelievable.

Little Spider: "I ask you, who is most like a god?!!!!"

Luo Abao: "I understand!"

Railgun: "Shut up! What do you know?!"

Luo Abao: "What I understand is that it's no wonder that the illusory concept of "God" made me feel that there was something wrong after the appearance of Bai Chen, but now I understand that it is possible to display this kind of ability to let the world go back. Miracles are truly worthy of the title "God".'

I don't want to see a ghost: "I can't read it, but I am shocked.jpg."

Moon Goddess: ""

Chaos evil: "Be careful with the nonsense, there are still other decent gods in the group!"

Moon Goddess: "It doesn't matter, I don't care, after all, compared to Mr. Bai Chen, our strength is indeed too weak."

So weak that even the monsters on the ground can't be dealt with.

Not to mention, the power of most of the gods here is only at the level of the Flügel.

Available over there, Ash.

Little White Cat: "I have this feeling too..."

Teacher Loli: "After this live broadcast, I suddenly discovered that the true ancestors are nothing in my eyes, and my strength is obviously not as good as the true ancestors.

Little Spider: "This is... high-mindedness?"

The Spirit of Time: "Spider, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Little Spider: "It's moving, I shut up!"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: ""`Hiss! I didn't expect the power of the star cup to be able to do this. I suddenly regretted it a bit. "

Seeing Bai Chen repairing the scene of the world with the aid of the star cup, Bai Yasha felt that some of the processes could not even be done by the domain of authority.

I'm afraid Hakoniwa's omnipotence paradox can't restrain it.

Bai Chen: "?"

Bai Chen: "When I put a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but you have a problem."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Just kidding, how could we be the kind of people who go back and forth."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "By the way, since you got the Star Cup now, how do you feel now?"

Bai Chen: "There is a feeling of omnipotence, like enlightenment, everything is under my control, but this is not my power, it's just the power of the star cup."

He had expected this kind of thing.

The star cup is a container for storing power. As the winner of the war, what he gets is the ownership of the container, not the star cup instilling power into him.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "This (okay Zhao) is amazing, at least it is a domain of full authority in Xiaoting Garden."

Speaking of this, Shiroyasha suddenly felt that some gods in Hakoniwa were a bit pathetic.

During the dawn of Xiaoting, the various god groups have been engaged in an "arms race" in order to compete for more benefits, and the most coveted one is the number of places in the two-digit full power domain.

Although there is no verification, everyone believes that there is a quota limit for the two-digit numbers in Hakoniwa.

Once the position is occupied, it is no longer possible to appear a new two-digit number.

This also caused a large number of god groups to try their best to promote double digits, and in this silent contest, many god groups exhausted their resources and were unable to pile up the main gods to double digits, and some god groups even disappeared in history. In the long river.

What's even more tragic is the Gao Tianyuan god system.

He exhausted all his resources to advance to double digits, and finally obtained the artifact "Tiancongyun" with double digit authority, which has no self-consciousness.

In contrast to Bai Chen, the process was relatively easy and unchanged. .

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