Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 627 Goodbye White Yaksha

Chapter 627

Blue Slime: "Are you a devil?"

Faced with Bai Chen's half-speaking behavior, Li Mulu strongly protested.

This kind of deja vu behavior reminded him of the old lady Pao.

Immediately, the originally good mood cast a shadow and became melancholy.

Bad woman: "In fact, most of the problems are caused by the lack of ability of the person concerned, but since it hasn't happened yet, there is still room for recovery, but even if nothing is done, the master will not hesitate to lower the gospel."

The Spirit of Time: "Indeed, if there is a chat group, most situations can be resolved. Misaka-san is the best example."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Isn't it possible to get over the stalk of feelings?!"

Little Spider: "The current one is invincible (Sister Pao only).jpg."

Ultra-Railgun: "Get out!"

Bai Chen: "I have a suggestion on the issue of ability, but if it is actually implemented, it depends on whether Bai Yasha agrees or not.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Oh? Do you need our opinion? Let's hear it. If it works, we don't mind trying it."

Bai Chen: "If you want to become stronger, besides cultivation, you have to rely on the various abilities obtained by lottery, and this involves the question of whether you have points or not."

Bai Chen: "Your Thousand Eyes is the largest business alliance in Hakoniwa, and Shiroyasha, you are both a high-level cadre and a stratum ruler, so you must have many types of gifts in your hands, right?"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "There is indeed a little bit of it, hey! Boy, are you trying to satirize us for enriching our own pockets?"

Bai Chen: "You think too much, I just think that you must have a lot of savings after living for so many years, otherwise, you wouldn't have recharged ten times ten times when you first joined the group. In my opinion, even those ten times The tenth time in a row is also a drizzle for you, right?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "That's true."

Bai Yasha directly admitted.

She who used to be the Demon King of Tiandong said that she does have a lot of treasures in her hands.

Coupled with the two positions of big cadres and stratum rulers who are lying to make money, Bai Yasha himself doesn't know how much wealth he actually has.

Bai Chen: "In other words, the most important thing you need is points, so for example, Kuang San, Rimuru, if you want points, you can trade with Bai Yasha, sell your products to Bai Yasha, and then After Bai Yasha finishes the appraisal, he will send you the points in red envelopes, although it may seem a bit troublesome, but the value is obviously greater than asking the chat group to recycle and sell it to Qu Yasha."

Irregular white-haired loli: "It looks like I lost money?"

Bai Chen: "Just sell those useless gifts in your hand, or simply exchange other gifts for the products made by Kuangsan and the others. Isn't this a win-win situation?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Then do you have any good products, tell us and let us see?"

The Spirit of Time: "I can use time to create twelve different effects of "time bullets", such as accelerating my own time to achieve instant movement, or reversing the time of the object being hit, static time, etc."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "A prop that can interfere with time? Although it is a one-off, it is also quite interesting."

Hearing what Tokisaki Kurumi said, Shirayasha became somewhat interested.

As Bai Chen said, most of the gifts in her hands are gifts that no one wants, but if they are sold to the chat group, they can make some money back.

It would be great if I could use these points to exchange for "Time Bomb" as a commodity and sell it in the Thousand Eyes store I managed to improve my performance.

And as a stratum ruler, she will also hold some competitions to add to the fun.

"The Bullet of Time" can be given as a prize to those who overcome the trials.

Although Hakoniwa covers a wide range, at least the world where the group members live has not been included in the observation range of Hakoniwa Center.

Therefore, there must be many items in those worlds that she has never seen before.

If you get Hakoniwa, you will definitely be able to sell well.

After Bai Yasha agreed, the group members also thought about whether there were any products around them that were worth selling to Bai Yasha.

The topic is over, and Bai exits the group.

After a few days of peace and stability, Bai Yasha sent a message.

Irregular white-haired loli: "We have found a solution to what you asked last time, when will you come and have a look?"

Bai Chen: "Five minutes."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Okay, we will issue a request for you to come over then."

After quitting the chat group, Bai Chen found Athena first, told her to leave temporarily, then found Alger who was sunbathing, and before the latter could react, he directly pulled Alger and accepted the message issued by Bai Yasha. Tea drinking entrusted [Passers-by to Hakoniwa's gate.

In a short moment, it seems that thousands of years have passed.

After a moment of distortion, the scenery that came into view returned to normal.

Looking around, he found that he was in a very simple courtyard that was repaired.

On the right is a Japanese-style tatami room, showing a sense of simplicity and elegance.

And on the extended tatami mats, a silver-haired loli with an exquisite appearance was kneeling on it, and beside her was a low tea table with twice as much hot tea and a plate of snacks on it.

When Bai Chen noticed Bai Yasha, 057 was also staring at him with strange eyes.

She frowned, staring at Bai Chen's expression in a daze.

Didn't react until a few seconds later.

...Even though we haven't seen each other for a few days, the sense of presence is even better than when we met last time. "

Kneeling on the tatami, she looked like a loli, but when she opened her mouth to speak, she had an old-fashioned feeling, which made people feel contradictory and a little bit sad.

"Could it be the influence of the star cup?"

"Maybe, although the star cup can't directly improve my power in the outside world, at least it will bring me subtle changes to some extent.

Bai Chen explained.

"Plus I don't have Hakoniwa's spiritual status, so for you, this level of change will be obvious.

The spiritual rank is a gift from Hakoniwa World, which represents the ranking of life.

To exist in Hakoniwa, a spirit rank is necessary.

If there is no spirit, it means that you cannot be observed.

Basically, it is equivalent to the disappearance of its own existence.

However, since Bai Chen is an outsider from a world not observed by Hakoniwa, he naturally has no spiritual status.

The reason why it can exist is because Bai Chen himself has a world view of the world he lives in, so he can exist alone without Hakoniwa's acknowledgment. .

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