Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 634 Playful Blue Moon Is So Fun

Chapter 634

The way back was quite secluded.

On the one hand, it was because of the seven-digit outer sect, and on the other hand, Noname itself was quite small in scale.

The black rabbit led the way ahead, as if temporarily leaving the previous troubles behind.

Leticia followed behind Bai Chen, step by step.

"Although you are my property, you are not a slave either, raise your head and walk side by side with me, no one will blame you.

Hearing these words, Leticia speeded up and walked side by side with Bai Chen.

As the girl moved forward, she looked at the black-haired young man beside her from the corner of her eye. She wanted to speak several times, but every time the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them back.

Although Bai Chen is her benefactor, after all, she is not very familiar with her, and she wants to speak, but she doesn't know where to start.

This hesitant look was naturally noticed by Bai Chen.

"Are you wondering why I disappeared before, and why I suddenly appeared now?"

...Yes, adults are always very mysterious after all.

Leticia nodded.

Getting acquainted with Shiraiyasha and having a good relationship, and taking her back from the Perseus Community for unknown reasons, not only did he not continue to restrict his personal freedom, but he didn't even treat himself like a slave.

The reason why Leticia has this feeling is because 323 has been treating her as a commodity in the past few years.

In front of those traders, she is just a commodity.

So I couldn't get used to it for a while.

...As a man, always maintain a sense of mystery. "

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

And these words also caused Leticia to laugh.

Although she didn't answer directly, she didn't expect her new owner to have such a side.

"Master Bai Chen, you've arrived."

Not long after, the black rabbit leading the way spoke.

It is a typical European-style villa that catches the eye.

Although there are traces of renovation in some places, from the perspective of modern people, it is enough to be called a big family.

Not to mention anything else, even though noname is the lowest community, the legacy left by Arcadia, the predecessor of the emaciated camel Bima, has not been completely destroyed by the devil.

In Noname's treasury that Bai Chen knows of, there are many gifted weapons such as holy spears and magic swords.

Seeing the black rabbit coming back, all the children in the community greeted him. Their clothes were more or less patched, but everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

At the same time, after noticing Bai Chen, they all looked over with curious eyes.

Black Rabbit originally wanted to explain who Bai Chen was, but then he thought, apart from his name, he didn't even know the origin of the other party or the community he belonged to.

Therefore, we had to use "guest" as a title.

"Black Rabbit, Leticia... you guys are back, huh, who is this?"

After entering the villa, a green-haired boy about eleven or twelve years old asked a question.

"Jen, he is Bai Chen-sama who brought Lady Leticia back."

As for Noname's titular leader, Hei Tu told the truth.

Hearing this, the young leader immediately had a great affection for Bai Chen.

The management of noname is very difficult. Although I am the leader, I can't do anything except this status. In the past few years, I can only rely on the black rabbit to go out to work and barely maintain food and clothing.

After Leticia returned, she pointed out many existing problems and improved a lot of the situation.

The reason has a lot to do with the new master who gave Leticia freedom.

"Sorry, only rough tea."

After entering the door, Hei went to make tea.

But even if it is entertaining (cbch) distinguished guests, there are only prizes that can be obtained when working as a host.

But Bai Chen didn't care about these details.

At this moment, Aite's own reminder came from the chat group.

Little Spider: "@ Bai Chen, that, big brother, the live broadcast....."

Little Spider: "I always feel that the frequency of the big brother's recent live broadcasts is much less than before. Is it because of some special reasons? Eat fingers.jpg.

During this period of time, Spider always felt that something was missing in his life.

After brainstorming with several parallel consciousnesses, the problem was quickly discovered.

That's because I didn't watch the live broadcast of the boss.

Although there are other people in the group who broadcast the live broadcast from time to time, but it is not the live broadcast of the big brother Bai Chen, it always feels almost interesting.

Teacher Loli: "It's so humble."

Blue Slime: "Do you know how I got here in five years! Five full years!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's so fun to play Blue Moon.jpg."

The Spirit of Time: "Maybe it's because there are important things, after all, according to Shiroyasha's description, the world level on Hakoniwa is much higher than ours.

Little Spider: "If... If that's the case, then there's nothing we can do. After all, business matters."

Having said that, Spider is still a little depressed.

After all, she was the only one sleeping in the burrow in the entire chat group.

There is no good-looking scenery here, except for monsters, which are monsters. Unlike other group members, Spiders usually entertain themselves or watch live broadcasts.

She was a nerd girl in her previous life, and she also inherited her "nerd" character after time travel.

Bai Chen: "Forgot."

Just when the spider quit the chat group with regret, and was about to bear it silently, he found the message from the white screen.

Little Spider: "

I thought there was something important to do, but I didn't expect it to be such a simple reason.

For a while, the spider was full of resentment.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was Bai Chen, she probably couldn't help but want to turn into actor Zha Zhahui at this moment.

Chaos Evil: "Wonderful!"

Little Spider: "The boss knows how to bully me! Angry.jpg."

Bai Chen smiled knowingly when he saw Spiderman's message.

Compared with the past, the number of live broadcasts by myself is indeed not much.

But at this moment, seeing the spider mentioning it, Bai Chen was not stingy, so he turned on the live broadcast function.

Seeing the fulfillment of the wish, the spider is also like a child whose wish has been fulfilled, dancing happily in the little nest made of spider silk.

Just such a small wish is enough to satisfy the spider.

Seeing that Bai Chen started the live broadcast, except for those who have business to do, the idle group members entered the live broadcast room one after another, wanting to see Hakoniwa's true face. .

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