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Chapter 645 White Yasha: Lost A Lot!

Chapter 645

Regardless, the reality continues.

The shock wave that condensed the resentment of 80 million dead souls repelled Alger a hundred meters away, but then Spotted Lolita ushered in a counterattack like a storm.

"How dare you mess with Al-chan's hair! Ah-chan is angry!"

for a moment.

An indescribable chill came out of Spot-Dian Lolita's heart.

Afterwards, the petrified purple light representing death quietly spread out.

Accompanied by the revelation of the gift of the Gorgon, the city, which always takes on the color of twilight no matter day or night, is suddenly dyed a jewel-like deep purple.

The spotted loli tried her best to resist, but half of her body turned into an inorganic stone and fell to the ground with a plop.

Half of the body loses consciousness, making the spotted loli stare blankly at the sky with wide-eyed eyes, and asks three classic philosophical questions about life in her mind.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I going to do?


The purple meteor swooped down from a high altitude, and the airflow caused by the rapid fall made the hem of the clothes rattle.

"Little Demon King, have you ever seen a law falling from the sky?"

Condensed with a huge spirit, Alger imitated the image in a certain movie and stretched out only one palm.

If it is hit, the battle will be decided immediately.

Even if the spotted loli is a special existence in the five-digit number, she can only die in Alger's palm.

"That's it."

Bai Chen, who had watched the play for a long time, finally spoke out.

Before Alger's palm fell from the sky, Bai Chen grabbed Alger's collar.

And at this time, the palm that was strong enough to smash the stars outside stopped just before touching the head by a point.

The spotted loli who survived the catastrophe opened her eyes wide.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Alger was still a little dissatisfied and planned to settle the score, but after seeing that it was Bai Chen, he immediately changed into a proud expression.

"Let me tell you! Al-chan solved a crime today! Al-chan is super brave! Master, please put me down first, watch the last moment when Al-chan kills the villain, pay attention to taking pictures of Al-chan What an awesome photo!"

After speaking, it is time to prepare to do it again.

But after that, Bai Chen has already moved her away.

After that, Alger, who was puzzled, looked at the ancient spotted loli.

"Surrender, Pest."

Hearing this sentence, Spotted Lolita looked directly at Bai Chen's figure, with an unyielding expression on her immature face.

"I will not surrender.

"Is the reason why you don't intend to surrender because of the outbreak of the Black Death? I'm sorry, even if you kidnap White Yaksha, that kind of thing can't be changed."

Among them, the Black Death Spot Demon King's attack on the Fire Dragon Birth Festival was not a whim.

Pest was originally the daughter of a medieval European aristocrat from the outside world. She was loved by serfs because she helped them expand their income, but unfortunately, it was replaced by the Black Death.

The strong resentment before her death turned her into a wandering soul, and gradually became the leader of 80 million spirit bodies.

Later, it was found out that the outbreak of the Black Death was not a natural disaster, but was supported by the stars, which was a strong and absolute order.

After targeting the sun, he wanted to avenge the sun and change the fate of the Black Death.

It can be seen that she is not bad in nature.

From the perspective of a bystander, her revenge is not a problem at all.

But it is a pity that even if she defeats Shiraiyasha, there is no way to change the fate of the Black Death outbreak.

After all, the reason why the Black Death was popular at the beginning was because the gods of the Ministry of Heaven deliberately did it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to find the weakness of the dystopian demon king.

Bai Chen, who knows these reasons, knows that it is very difficult to change this "historical transition period", so he does not intend to say some grandiose words to persuade Pester.

Let alone help her.

Too troublesome.

Bai Chen said regretfully: "It seems that you are planning to show your ambition with death."

After hearing this, Pest silently closed his eyes.

"But it doesn't matter, you can figure it out after you die once."

Bai Chen smiled.

Then he took out the Holy Spear of Twilight, pierced into her chest, and wiped out her body.

"Then, see you when you wake up."

Pest's consciousness fell into darkness without knowing what it meant.

...asking for flowers......

But Bai Chen felt that there was one more candidate under his control.

When dealing with Luosi before, he had used the power of dominance to confuse the other party to play a gift game with him.

From then on, Bai Chen tentatively judged that his power of domination could still be effective against creatures with five digits or less.

Compared with the troublesome gift competition, his dominance skills are obviously more fragrant.


Little Spider: "Tsk tsk tsk, the boss is as decisive as ever."

Blue Slime: "Waste! What a waste! What a loli (half annoyed).

The queen who wants to fall in love: "There are enemies on the battlefield. If you show mercy because the other party is beautiful, it will easily cause problems."

Estes definitely belongs to that kind of rational person.

Facing an enemy, even if it was his best friend in the past, he would strike without hesitation.

But he treats his own people very well, with clear rewards and punishments.

Teacher Loli: "Indeed, the Chaos Queen and the Fourth True Ancestor were also miserably made up by Richen back then.

The Spirit of Time: "Actually, Mr. Bai Chen didn't kill Pest, did you forget Mr. Bai Chen's control skills?"

Blue Slime: "I forgot to have this skill."

Little Spider: "Forgot to +1."

Irregular white-haired loli: "That guy Bai Chen actually has this kind of skill!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Then if we use this to seduce girls, wouldn't it be impossible to catch them at all!"

Bai Chen: "?"

Bad woman: "?"

Is this my ability for you to use?

Bai Chen: "Speaking of which, the gift game in Hakoniwa is the most privileged, right? Thanks to the seriousness of the demon kings here, otherwise, it would be the scariest game to have a gift game of "Papa Papa", okay?"

After all, his power of domination is only effective for numbers below five figures.

But gift competition does not limit strength.

Once you lose, even double digits have to obediently admit defeat.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "There is still such an operation? It's a big loss!"

Bai Yasha suddenly remembered the fact that he was the devil king, and felt regretful. .

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