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Chapter 654: I Am A Lustful Freak

Chapter 654

Little Spider: "It seems that newcomers accept it very quickly. If it is an old one, it will be troublesome."

Fubuki of Hell: "Seniors, I have another question."

The Spirit of Time: "Don't worry about asking, the atmosphere in the group is very harmonious, as long as it is a normal communication, everyone will be happy to answer.

Fubuki of Hell: "What I want to ask is, besides me, is there anyone else in my world who has been invited?"

The Spirit of Time: "Well... At least from the current point of view, there is no such thing.

Fubuki of Hell: "Only "should" be..."

Little Spider: "Why don't you ask the amazing boss?"

Fubuki from Hell: "If you're a boss, who is it?"

Little Spider: "Qiao Qiang! Of course it's this one @ Bai Chen, the recognized boss in the chat group, let me explain in advance that I, Spider, is the number one younger brother of the boss, and the newcomer should not fight with me

Seeing this, Fubuki couldn't hold back.

This chat group seems a bit strange?

Irregular white-haired loli: "It's a very interesting question from the newcomer. We also want to know if there will be a second person with a chat group under the same world view. Although there is no one now, what about the future?"

Bai Chen: "From the perspective of the current group members, the chance of a second person with the same worldview appearing in the chat group is very small, and there are... 887"

Bai Chen: "I'm not the group leader, how would I know such a thing?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Chang Wei, how dare you say you don't know martial arts?!"


Seeing the important information inadvertently revealed, Fuxue silently kept Bai Chen's name in his heart.

Little Spider: "So rookie, can you tell me about the basic situation of your world? If you encounter any problems, maybe we can help."

Seeing Spider's questioning, Fubuki hesitated for a few seconds before deciding to reveal his world information.

After all, it's okay to just publish some information that is well known to the world.

So in the next few minutes, Fuxue uploaded the basic situation of the world to the group file in the form of text.

This includes the existence of monsters and heroes.

As for his desire to defeat his sister and become the number one, he did not say anything.

After all, this kind of thing, even the subordinates in Fuxue's group, didn't talk about it, it was something that was only kept in Fuxue's heart.

Although these group friends from different worlds may have the means to solve the current situation, but at this stage, we must get to know each other well first.

After all, this is not their own world, and they are not B-level heroes who can be manipulated by themselves.

When Bai Chen saw the documents and materials uploaded by the newcomer, he thought in his heart that it was indeed so.

Needless to say, the first newcomer, combined with the information of the Heroes Association and the weirdo, can completely confirm that the other party is the first B-class hero in the "One Punch Man" world, Fubuki.

She also has a second S-level hero, a sister named Tornado.

Although they are a pair of biological sisters, the difference in body size is not usually large.

One is Yujie with a graceful figure and curvy body, and the other is an ordinary loli.

And that loli is still Yu Jie's older sister, which is really strange.

As for another newcomer, Bai Chen checked the props and abilities refreshed in the resident pool before, and guessed which world the other party came from.

Coupled with the nickname of "Grandpa is so cute", it should be that the female character Yingying controlled by the player in "Yuanshin" did not run away.

Just don't know what time it is.

Was it when he just woke up and came to Mond City, or when he had already purified the Fengmolong and went to Liyue to participate in the fairy ceremony.

However, it would not take long to know the time of the other party, so Bai Chen was not in a hurry.

Thinking about it this way, he stopped thinking about it.

at the same time.

Others in the group also absorbed the information uploaded by Fuxue, and shared their thoughts and emotions in the group.

Teacher Loli: "I didn't expect such a strange world to exist. The relationship between monsters and heroes is like the demons and cbcd officers in our world.

I don't want to see ghosts: "It sounds very romantic. Monsters attack the city, while heroes stand up to protect the people. I seem to have seen similar settings in many novels and movies.

Electromagnetic Gun: "Can you become a hero by defeating monsters? I suddenly want to try it."

Most teenagers and girls will long for passionate stories, and Sister Pao is no exception.

After all, in her daily life, she would occasionally attack criminals, and then leave silently, hiding her achievements and fame.

Little Spider: "I want to be a hero too!"

The Spirit of Time: "Although that is the case, if we look at the setting aside first, is there something wrong with this world?"

Bad woman: "Well, the concept of a country no longer exists. Cities in the world are referred to by letters of the alphabet. The Heroes' Association has replaced the duties of the army. It is also an organization that manages the world in name. It is unbelievable that this association is still funded by the chaebol. established.

Sheng Tianzi: "Social relations are indeed inconceivable, but does this mean that the world is unified in some sense?"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It should be, but I think it is the appearance of weird people, so that the world can only exist in this form, so heroes came into being and became a profession.

Teacher Loli: "That is to say, it is the emergence of heroes that replaced the role of the army. After all, judging from the ranking of the strength of the monsters, once the level reaches the ghost level, the role of the army is already very low. If it reaches the dragon level and above, The role of the military is minimal."

Luo Abao: "Most monsters at the dragon level can easily destroy a city by themselves. The world of newcomers is really dangerous..."

Chaos Evil: "People still encounter weird people on the street from time to time."

Little White Cat: "The most important thing is that ordinary people will become weird because of too much pressure or bad habits, which is too scary.

I don't want to go to hell: "Too much pressure to become a weirdo, if it is too much pressure to study

Fubuki of Hell: "He will become a learning freak who forces others to learn until he dies. He has appeared before, but he was defeated by an A-level hero."

Little Spider: "Scary! If you study too hard, you will become a weirdo! Then if I am addicted to games, will I become a game weirdo?"

Fubuki of Hell: ...There is a possibility. "

Blue Slime: "Turtle!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Is there any lecherous monster?"

Fubuki of Hell: "There are."

Railgun: "Outrageous!".

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