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Chapter 660 Are You A Local, Or Am I A Local?

Chapter 660

Although somewhat selfish, this behavior does not bring any adverse effects to the world itself.

The world operates as usual, but it will benefit from it, and Bai Chen will also get feedback from the general army, and his strength will be further enhanced. It is a win-win situation.

"Of course, we are not in a hurry to give you strength, after all, I am here and can do it at any time.

Looking at the assortment of dishes on the table, Bai Chen casually asked.

"According to your wish, it seems that you simply want to become stronger, but what you really want is your sister's approval, right?"

"Ever since you were sensible, you have always been dominated by your sister, coupled with your sister Long Juan's straightforward personality, you have been able to live under the protection of Tornado since childhood, but As you grow older, you also start to have the idea of ​​wanting to leave your sister "May 47" and live alone, becoming a hero and forming the Fubuki group is your first step in rebelling against your sister."

Bai Chen's understatement made Fuxue's pupils constrict.

And the young man caught a glimpse of the girl's quietly changing expression from the corner of his eye, showing a faint smile.

"But you don't hate my sister, but you don't like her hegemonic doting protection. You became a hero and set up the Fubuki group. Although there is an element of your anger in it, but other

It's also the result of your sister Tornado ignoring your heart too much. "

The rumored Fuxue showed a wry smile: "Sister, she told me more than once to give up being a hero and go home obediently."

With the treatment of an S-level hero, even if Chuuxue still spends as much money as he does now, Tornado can still afford it.

"But I don't want to be a protected canary at home, and I also have my own life, and I don't want to be disciplined by the enchantment in everything in the future."

"In this case, wouldn't it be good for you two sisters to sit down and have a talk?"

"...No, and even if I say it, my sister's personality will make it as if I didn't hear it.

Fubuki muttered in a low voice, his gaze fell on the expensive high-heeled shoes on his feet.

In all fairness.

As an adult, doesn't she understand these principles?

When she was sixteen years old, she also approached her elder sister, telling her not to discipline her in everything, and she could do some things by herself, but what she got in return was just perfunctory, what she should do the next day.

As time went by, Fubuki lost the will to discuss with Longquan.

After becoming an adult, he secretly joined the Heroes' Association, formed the Blowing Snow Group, and tried his best to maintain the status of "No. 1" in the B-level.

The number one seat in Class B was not for Fubuki's pure desire to be number one, but for silent resistance to Tornado.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Unknowingly, Fubuki also complained a lot during this period.

And Bai Chen's only feeling is that "a pair of sisters are tired from rubbing together"

If both of them are not arrogant, how can there be so many barriers.

"Sorry for saying so many strange things to you all of a sudden."

Fubuki who finally stopped showed an embarrassed expression.

"It doesn't matter, it will be a lot easier to speak out when you have something on your mind. During this period, I don't mind being a loyal listener.

Bai Chen smiled slightly.

Seeing this smile, Fubuki's heart beat wildly for no reason.

A feeling that has never been felt arises in my heart.

"Okay, back to the topic."

Bai Chen's words brought Fubuki back to reality.

"Let's start discussing the details of the plan."

.. If you are talking about the details, could it be that you gave me the power called "power"?"

Fubuki, who quickly returned to seriousness, looked forward to it.

"It's not impossible to understand that way."

Bai Chen smiled slightly.

"But before doing this kind of thing, I need to tell you one thing, although I can indeed give you the power to make you stronger immediately, but there are two things you should pay attention to.

"whats the matter?"

Fubuki asked.

"The rules of the world you live in are somewhat complicated. Ordinary people can turn into weirdos if they have distracting thoughts. Therefore, while gaining power, you must also have the rationality to control power. Otherwise, you will understand the consequences."

Hearing these words, Fubuki nodded seriously.

"anything else?"

"Another thing to watch out for."

Bai Chen chuckled and continued in a clear voice.

"Since you want to surpass your sister, in addition to becoming stronger, the ranking of the Hero Association must also be raised..."

Hearing this, Fubuki paused slightly, hesitating for a few seconds as if thinking of something, but finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"However, it is very difficult to rise up the ranking. In addition to the test, it also needs to be evaluated based on the individual's contribution to society and popularity. Each ranking update will take at least a week. Will it be too long? up?"

After saying this, Fubuki saw Bai Chen showing a strange expression.

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to have guessed the meaning of Bai Chen wrongly, and quickly waved her hands to apologize.

"I...I don't mean to dislike being too slow, but if this is the case, won't it waste your precious time? Wouldn't it be a bit too much trouble for you to waste a whole week on me?"

This time it was Bai Chen who was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry: "As a local, don't you know that there is a set of unique standards for the evaluation of S-class heroes?"

"Ah this..."

Hearing this, Fubuki also suddenly recalled that this is indeed the case.

The rules she said before are only used as the criteria for judging A-level heroes and below.

As for the setting of S-level heroes, the Heroes Association discovered that after running the ABC level for a period of time, it found that there are heroes far superior to other heroes. They often only need one person, and they can easily deal with three or more A-level heroes. Ghost level weirdo.

Therefore, in order to ensure that talents will not be buried in 3.0, the Heroes Association has determined that heroes who are specialized in combat ability and have an individual combat effectiveness equivalent to that of a division will be named S-level heroes.

"Say... yes, so what's your plan?"

Fuxue spoke with a guilty conscience.

"It's very simple. After you get used to the power I give you, you can go hunting ghost-level monsters."

"Afterwards, in order to protect the people, Fubuki of Hell stepped forward. It happened that your heroic appearance in battle was posted on the Internet, and then the Heroes Association and the public saw your heroic fighting appearance on the Internet, and saw that you fought for The way you fought to protect the people, I also saw how you triumphantly defeated the weirdo in the end."

After speaking, Bai Chen looked at Fuxue with a smile.

"what do you think?".

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