Chapter 665

But it's not a problem to let it go.

After all, God knows when this guy from the deep sea will get tired of playing, and then kill everyone?

Putting his eyes on the Deep Sea King who was walking slowly, the A-level hero Stinger clenched the spear "bamboo shoot" in his hand, and looked behind him anxiously.

"Is there still no reinforcements from the Hero Association? Forget it, never mind!"

After thinking for less than a second, the poisonous stinger swung the spear out of the spear, and pointed it at the King of the Deep Sea.

"My uncle has killed ten weirdos anyway! They are just monsters with ghost-level disasters, so just fall under my gun honestly!"

Standing on the cracked roof, the black gunman grinned.

Then he put up a posture, lowered the head of the special bamboo shoot gun, pointed it at the ground, and gasped violently like a beast.

next second.

With the stinger whose center of gravity was lowered, "220" stepped on the roof of the car under his feet with force, and the whole person jumped up like a rocket, drawing black light and shadow under the dark sky.

He jumped to a height of tens of meters in an instant, raised the spear in his hand above his head, and turned it like a propeller.

"Super Giant Spiral Stinger!"

The sound of piercing the air suddenly sounded, making a sharp whistling sound.

The extra-large bamboo shoot gun head is wrapped in the momentum of thunder, tearing the falling rain curtain.


The air trembled.

Afterwards, the long spear with the hurricane roared towards it, and the air flow attached to the stinger could cut the skin open just by touching it.

Before that, he used this method to defeat ten weirdos one after another.



As long as his favorite gun can touch this weirdo, it is his victory!

He is so strong that he can be promoted to S-class hero just around the corner.

That's when the Stinger began to fantasize about a brighter future.

In the next moment, a piercing pain hit his mind, but before he could cry out in pain, his vision blurred and he lost consciousness.

"Big fancy."

The Deep Sea King shattered the long spear "bamboo shoot" with one punch, and the bones of the poisonous stinger himself were shattered, and they were seriously injured and unconscious.

Then, as if doing it on purpose, the Deep Sea King jumped high, then aimed at a street, and punched it down.


A dull bang echoed across the sky.

With just one punch, buildings within several kilometers disappeared.

At the same time, buildings were cut off along the middle of the shaking foundation, and then collapsed with violent vibrations.

The picture of the Stinger being defeated and the scene of the Deep Sea King's blow were all captured by nearby surveillance cameras, and spread quickly on online forums in a way that no major website could block.

In addition to this one, there are also staff at the headquarters of the fair.

They were shocked that the power held by the King of the Deep Sea was beyond imagination.

A monster of this strength cannot be described as a "ghost-level disaster" at all!

"Minister, what should we do next?"

The handsome female staff was a little flustered.

Following... continue to send asylum requests, let all the people evacuate the city as soon as possible, and raise the disaster level to dragon level. "

"At the same time, immediately contact the S-class heroes and inform them to come over as soon as possible."

The middle-aged man stared at the screen intently.

"It's best to call the top-ranked S-level heroes. The bottom-ranked S-level heroes are no longer able to handle this disaster."

The power of this weirdo is at least as strong as that of the "Elder Centipede" who was defeated by the number one ranked S-level hero Blast a few years ago.

On the other side, Deep Sea King continued to advance slowly.

Although he acted leisurely as if walking in the rain, no one would underestimate his previous performance.

At the same time, the public also received a notification that the disaster level has been upgraded.

Although some people don't know what it means, but there are also a small number of people who come to seek refuge who are B-level and C-level heroes.

A dragon-level disaster means that the monster has the power to destroy the city.

But the current disaster shelter can only defend against ghost-level monsters.

"Then... the direction that the weirdo is heading seems to be the refuge here!"

I don't know who yelled in the crowd.

Through the live broadcast, some citizens who are familiar with the surrounding area identified the path of the King of the Deep Sea.

The picture of the weirdo smashing several blocks with a punch is still vivid in my memory.

Then, a wave of pessimism and despair quickly spread like a virus.

Some people don't want to stay here any longer, and the next second when they are about to leave the shelter and flee for their lives.


Walls strong enough to withstand a direct missile hit were shattered from the outside.

The frightened crowd immediately dispersed, and then the blue-skinned King of the Deep Sea appeared with thick smoke and dust...

"first meet."

A voice like iron sand squeezed out from the Deep Sea King's throat, and a brutal sentence fell.

"Then, goodbye."

The huge King of the Deep Sea raised his deformed long claws, and if the force that could tear even metal fell on a human body, he would know the terrible consequences without much thought.

The King of the Deep Sea's appearance was already hideous and terrifying, but now he heard a declaration that was equivalent to a death sentence, despair covered everyone's head like a dark cloud.

As for why no one ran away, it was because everyone was so frightened that their legs softened, and they couldn't speak well, let alone run away.

The Deep Sea King raised his right arm, and against the light, a huge shadow gradually covered everyone.

"Weak ground people, howl and die in the anger of the deep sea people."

Then, the huge sharp claw swung down.

Just at this very moment.

Space is broken.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

In the terrified eyes of the people, in the bewildered and humanized expression of the King of the Deep Sea.

A pitch-black crack quietly climbed into the empty space between the Deep Sea King and the crowd.

Like a glass that is under heavy load and gradually shatters, a bizarre scene appears in everyone's eyes.

The space collapses inwards.

Then, a white arm with a bracelet stretched out from the collapsed space.

Immediately afterwards, a slender girl came into everyone's eyes 3.4,

Facing the top-down bombardment of the King of the Deep Sea, Fubuki's glowing right hand easily caught it.

The deep sea king's ferocious smile froze.

The smile on Fubuki's face also froze.

The former was surprised that his blow was caught by the right hand of a mere human girl.

The latter was surprised that he was teleported here by Bai Chen in an instant, and before she could react, he fucked her body without authorization to block the Lord of the Deep Sea's attack on the people.

The scene was deadlocked for a while.

After all, Fubuki was only a B-level hero in the past, and the monsters he defeated were basically Tiger-level.

Even though he got Bai Chen's stigmata and his strength increased greatly, his state of mind still hasn't grown.

Facing the King of the Deep Sea who had been strengthened by Bai Chen with "billion points", Fubuki was also somewhat uncertain.

Just then, she heard the sound of a white bird ringing in her ears. .

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