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Chapter 674 Tokisaki Kurumi’S Commission

Chapter 674

Luo Hao frowned in displeasure at Bai Chen's obviously joking question.

"Although you haven't passed the eight-carrying sedan chair, the Ming media is marrying me, but there is also the reality of husband and wife, so isn't it natural for me to come in?"


Bai Chen elongated his tone.

Seeing the young man's appearance, Luo Hao thought the young man was making fun of him.

"Even though you are my husband, you are looking down on me now? Do you want to say, "I am so generous, but you appear here in a thin coat, and you say it nicely, but in fact He's a coward, but he's just a weak person who uses the king to deceive the world "Let's do it-!"

"...not really."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"But your eyes are clearly contemptuous, so you still can't look at me with that kind of eyes? Well, I, Luo Cuilian, will let you see it. Since you are a husband and wife, you should be like this long ago."

Afterwards, Luo Hao stretched out his hand to the belt, and after hesitating for a moment, he untied it.

Bai Chen originally wanted to explain, but after seeing the scene that made people unable to take their eyes off, he simply swallowed his words.

Luo Hao walked into the bath.

Her figure is as graceful as a cold orchid, with a beautiful face and a willow waist, which makes people wonder which part of her body the strength is hidden in.

Then, under Bai Chen's regretful gaze, Luo Hao covered his upper body, his ivory-like skin was slightly stained with a cherry color.

In addition to the relationship between water temperature, there may be other reasons.

Luo Hao's expression, while attracting appreciation from the only male, also made Athena laugh softly.

Hearing this burst of laughter, Luo Hao could only keep his face thick, imitating Athena and sitting beside Bai Chen, showing off his body in a decent manner.

"The competition is so fierce."

Erica, who went into the bath later, showed a look of poverty when she saw that the seat next to Bai Chen had been taken first.

Before taking a bath, she checked her body in the mirror in the bedroom, for fear that Bai Chen would see any imperfections in her skin.

Unexpectedly, this back and forth, wasted time, and made someone else's wedding dress.

And in her capacity, it is impossible to compete with those two.

Therefore, Erica could only stay with Liliana and the others to take a bath obediently.

But as time passed, she also forgot the original purpose, and turned to play tricks on Liliana, a young girl in Huaichun.

Soon, Yingying and Yanyan's frolicking voices sounded in the bathing place.

And the girls' playfulness also allowed Bai Chen to see many wonderful scenes.

After leaving the bath, Bai Chen went straight to the bedroom.

The young girls had already left, but Athena and Luo Hao followed closely behind.

One was wrapped in a bath towel, and the other was wearing a pure white gauze, which had a special flavor.

"You two..."

When the words came to his lips, Bai Chen stopped talking.

He already guessed the next development.

It's just that I didn't expect that the sky would be so proactive.

You know, in the eyes of the world, the leader Luo Hao is still the cruel demon who can goug out other people's eyes and cut off their ears.

It's not as obedient as it is now.

Back in the room, Bai Chen knew it was useless to talk too much.

Luo Hao, who called himself "wife", also fulfilled his duty as a wife.

Tiangong City.

Inside an ordinary residence.

Tokisaki Kurumi was sitting in front of the dressing table looking in the mirror.

She seemed to be just an ordinary girl humming a brisk song, apparently in a good mood.

However, only a few people know that Tokisaki Kurumi is a "spirit".

Possesses special power, another life that is different from human beings.

But Tokisaki Kurumi still has a little-known secret.

Her predecessor was not an elf, but an ordinary human being.

He became the "Spirit of Time" because he accepted the spirit crystal given by the Spirit of Origin.

The level of life of elves far exceeds that of humans, and no matter how long time passes, their appearance will not age with time.

But even so, Tokisaki Kurumi still sat on the dressing table after a long absence, looked in the mirror, and carefully observed whether there were any flaws.

"Well, the face and hair are fine."

The girl in the mirror nodded.

As the elf of time, she will naturally not experience the troubles of acne that may appear on the face of ordinary girls.

But when she stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Tokisaki Kurumi had new troubles.

Naturally, there is no problem with clothing matching.

The short skirt based on light blue, the skirt covered the upper half of the thighs, and the slender jade legs wrapped in black silk stretched straight out of the absolute realm.

...asking for flowers...

The slender limbs seem to break with just a little force.

On the top is a black and white, women's suit similar to a uniform.

On the top, there is a butterfly-shaped ribbon tied around the white jade neck.

A head of long black hair was tied into two braids, which fell casually between the eyebrows.

The waterfall-like bangs cover the left half of the amazing face, and the other side reveals the wine red pupils.

Delicate lips in the color of cherry blossoms are full of charm that can capture men with just one glance.

No matter which direction you look at it, you will feel quite perfect.

Tokisaki Kurumi tilted his head to look at himself, and sighed slightly.

Only she can feel that the weight is longer than before.

And this is also closely related to the fact that she has eaten a lot of cakes and snacks in recent days.

Although he can use the "Time Bullet" to restore his body, but now that the decisive battle with the Siyuan Spirit is coming soon, Tokisaki Kurumi does not want to waste too much spiritual power in useless places.

"Perhaps a little plump would be cuter."

Not sure.

Tokisaki Kurumi adjusted his hairband for the last time, and after confirming that there was no disrespect, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Bai Chen is coming soon."

With anticipation, the girl opened the chat group.

The Spirit of Time: "@ Bai Chen, Mr. Bai Chen, my side is ready."

Bai Chen: "I can go there at any time and issue commissions.

The Spirit of Time: "Wait for me."

Little Spider: "It seems that Mad Third Sister is finally going to realize her dream."

Railgun: "Kuang San, are you finally ready to do it?"

The Spirit of Time: "Well, the time is almost here, and experiments on time travel have been carried out many times, and there is no problem.

Railgun: "Hey... But I seem to remember Kuang San, didn't you plan to deal with the Siyuan elves alone?"

Blue Slime: "Misaka-san, I think I need to say something to you."

Railgun: "What's wrong?"

Blue Slime: "I think I'm ky enough, but I didn't expect you to be even more ky than me.

Railgun: "Seven?".

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