Chapter 679

"Of course I... want to."

Origami who had already lost her fighting spirit said as if to give up.

"I still want to see my parents again, I want to continue living with them, I want to go to the amusement park with them...I want my parents not to die.

A line of clear tears flowed from the girl's eye sockets, leaving two tear stains on this upright face.

"Really? Then as you wish."

Bai Chen stretched out his hand to caress the girl's smooth and tender face, his gentle smile made the other party forget for a moment all the pain accumulated over the past five years.

At the same time, Kuang San on the side looked at the girl who let go of her psychological defense, and she also felt infinite sympathy in her heart.

The possibility of rescuing the irredeemable ~past.

The possibility of rewriting established facts.

They are like homeless people floating in Wang Yang's sea, even if it is a straw, they will desperately grab it.

It has to be said that it is extremely easy for Bai Chen to break into people's hearts when he says such words at the right time.

He grasped everyone's most essential thoughts, and then expanded and eroded like drugs. Even if he was conscious, he would desperately crave it.

Kurumi deeply understands that feeling.

"Kangsan, I'm going to trouble you once, I'll make up for the time it takes."

Bai Chen's voice came.

"No trouble, I sympathize with this child after all."

Kuang San shook his head.

Compared to Origami's distorted hatred for elves, she only has the same emotions for Siyuan elves.

After all, she who owns Emperor Keke will not forget what happened in the past.

All these tragedies were caused by the Siyuan elves.

"What time is it to go back?"

"August 3rd five years ago."

Hearing this, Kuang San nodded.

Compared with the 30 years ago that I want to go back to, five years ago can only be regarded as pediatrics.

"Come out, Emperor Keke!"

Cooperating with Kuangsan's voice, a huge golden clock dial appeared from the shadow dragging behind the girl.

At the same time, the shadow under her feet climbed up her body, changing the original suit and skirt into an orange-red dress.

He wears a headdress on his head, a tight-fitting vest on his upper body, and a long skirt decorated with ruffles and lace on his lower body. At the same time, he exudes a faint black and blood-colored halo.

Even the hairstyle has been changed, and the left and right sides are tied into double ponytails with uneven hair volume, corresponding to the hour and minute hands of the clock.

Without hesitation, Kuang San raised the rifle in his hand and pointed the muzzle at the sky in front of him.

Origami is not the only one who wants to go back in time.

And she also wants to see how this kind of behavior similar to what she will do will affect time and space.

The pitch-black bullet opened a crack out of thin air, and sucked Kuang San and Origami into it.

And Bai Chen took the initiative to walk into it.

After all, with his current strength, it is easy to resist the Twelve Bullets.


Tobiichi Origami woke up from a feeling that would make ordinary people dizzy and vomit.

After opening her eyes, she soon saw Nightmare standing in front of her, and the man she regarded as a "god".

Her eyes were still a little dazed, but after patting her cheek, the girl who was stimulated by the pain on her face became more awake.

Then he heard the figure of a man.

"This is Tiangong City five years ago."

Hearing this, Tobiichi Origami looked around subconsciously.

Quite an amazing feeling.

She clearly remembered that it was a bright day before starting from the AST headquarters, but now the sun was setting and "the dark night was surrounded by electric stars.

She also recognized this as a park in Tiangong City.

However, the leaves that were originally dyed red in memory are now lush and crisp, as if midsummer is approaching.

At the same time, under the dim night sky, the streets in the distance appeared to be scorching like a hot day.

The crimson flames illuminated half of the sky red, and the scorching heat distorted the sight line.

Reminiscent of what the gods just said.

"This is... Tiangong City five years ago!"

At the same time as she said those words, the girl's heartbeat accelerated due to excessive excitement.

The long-cherished wish that she had thought about day and night for five years was fulfilled, and the girl who had dedicated her whole life to revenge for five years finally got her wish.

The world perceived through the five senses is all reality, so there is no need to doubt it.


"Come on, go to your parents."

Through "enlightenment", Bai Chen knew where Origami's parents lived.

"Kuang San, you take the origami first, and I'll be there later."

Although he didn't know what Bai Chen was going to do, Kuangsan agreed without thinking.

Afterwards, Kurumi fell into the shadows, while Origami launched a tactical unit, and couldn't wait to fly towards the home in memory.

Then, Bai Chen glanced at the red sky and recalled what happened at the same time five years ago.

The fire in Tiangong City five years ago was caused by Wuhe Qinli's uncontrollable runaway after receiving the spirit crystal.

Because of this, Wuhe Kotori, code-named "Blaze Demon", will become the one who killed his parents in the eyes of Origami in the future.

It's all here, Bai Chen also decided to take a look at the timeline by the way.

Because he had also extracted the same spirit crystal before, he quickly determined the location of Wuhe Qinli.

Then Bai Chen opened the teleportation crack in the space in front of him, stepped into it, and came to a room burning with fire.

It is similar to the living room, but the surrounding decorations have long been burned by the flames.

A petite girl with disheveled hair, about the age of a primary school student, was sitting on her knees on the floor sobbing softly.

At the same time, there was another young boy with a small stature lying on the street not far away.

There is no doubt that Wuhe Shidou was obviously suffocated and unconscious due to lack of oxygen.

In the original trajectory, Wuhe Qinli should have been appeased by Wuhe Shidao.

However, it seems that it is also the influence of the butterfly effect, which has led to slight deviations in history.

In fact, this is also normal.

An eleven or twelve-year-old child had no choice but to go into a coma when the fire was burning violently.

"Is this a historical correction?"

It happened because he and Kuangsan went back to the past.

But Bai Chen didn't think too much about it, since he came, it was a kind of unexpected pleasure to have an encounter with the Flame Elves.

On the other side, Wuhe Qinli seemed to be aware of the figure beside him, and silently lifted Liu with red eyes from crying. .

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