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Chapter 681: Origami Prayer To God

Chapter 681

"Let go of me! What are you guys going to do?!"

Like a mortal about to go to the execution ground, Tobiichi Origami kept struggling.

But under the confinement of divine power, no matter how much you resist, it will be futile.

The girl's eyes were red, and the blood in her eyes burst open due to excessive force.

Obviously the enemy who killed his parents was right in front of him, but he could only watch helplessly.

This sense of powerlessness made Origami feel deeply hopeless.

"God, did you take me back to five years ago just to let me watch the scene where my parents disappeared again?!"

Overcoming thorns and thorns in the training, sleepless nights and food research, the most advanced equipment, and the actual combat close to death.

Origami has done everything imaginable, and has continuously accumulated strength so far.

The purpose is to erase all elves to avenge their parents.

Meet the gods and go back in time.

She thought it was God who answered her prayer, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

Hearing Tobiichi Origami's painful questioning, Bai Chen shook his head helplessly.

But the girl can understand that.

It wouldn't be any better for anyone.

Therefore, Bai Chen didn't hide any more at 21, and spoke directly.

"The elf will come back, so when she appears, take a good look at her and make a decision later."

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen stood where he was, and Kurumi also remained silent.

At the same time, I was a little worried.

So, she private messaged Shiratori in the group.

The Spirit of Time: "If I let her know that I was the one who killed her parents, will she have a nervous breakdown?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, and the future origami elves will be reversed due to despair, and the current origami should be similar."

The Spirit of Time: "It's really pathetic..."

Bai Chen: "You want to help them?"

The Spirit of Time: "Well, after all, it's similar to my experience, and to some extent, even more cruel.

After all, she has always known who the instigator was.

But Tobiichi Origami has always been kept in the dark, firmly believing that the elves killed her parents.

What would you think if you suddenly realized that the person who killed your parents came back from the future and became an elf?

Kuangsan thought that if it was her instead, she would have a high probability of collapsing and turning around.

Bai Chen: "Don't worry, I will make a move when the time is right.


Tokisaki Kurumi showed a sweet smile.

If she has witnessed everything with her own eyes, but she is just a bystander and does nothing, maybe she will never be redeemed.

Just then, a silver light streaked across the sky.

Angels dressed like brides move swiftly through the air.

Under her command, the spirit outfit "Angel of Extinction" that appeared after being transformed into an elf, scattered dozens of platinum-gold prisms into the air, and pointed their front ends at the figure she was chasing.

Judging from the appearance, it is hard to say that it is human.

It's like a phantom that has been mosaiced all over its body, which is extremely strange.

In the next second, countless rays of light burst out suddenly.

And without any scruples about the buildings and residents of Tiangong City, they did their best to fall to the bottom of the fire calendar.

Even if you don't need to imagine, you can guess that the future origami must be overwhelmed by anger.

The chase in the sky continues.

When seeing the phantom, Kuang San couldn't help clenching his fists.

"That's.....the Spirit of Origin!"

"Relax, that's just the clone of Siyuan Spirit.

Bai Chen pressed Kuang San's shoulder and said.

"This time is not your home field. Your battlefield was thirty years ago."

"...You are right, I was impulsive.

Taking a deep breath, Kuang San gradually regained his composure.

"However, the situation over there is not very good."

Following his gaze, Tobiichi Origami, who originally wanted to impatiently take action against the "enemy who killed his parents", froze in place like a puppet at this moment.

The reason for this situation is because she saw clearly the appearance of that "angel".

Even though her appearance has changed slightly, and she is still wearing the divine power costume that only elves possess, Tobiichi Origami still recognizes her own appearance.

The feeling of being restrained hit the whole body in an instant.

"That... that is..."

Origami opened her trembling lips and said.

"That's right, why did you appear here in the future? Why did you become an elf? And why did your childhood memory become an angel? There is only one answer."


The heart is beating wildly.

It feels like the mind is being stirred around by people.

There is an urge to destroy the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and all senses, and cut off all external information.

"Because the death of parents was not killed by other elves, the murderer was yourself who went back to the past.

For a moment, my mind felt as if it was being hammered heavily with a hammer, and the feeling of dizziness hit me continuously.

But as long as he closes his eyes, Origami can recall the nightmarish scene.

When she was young, she looked up at the sky.

In the direction of the pouring light, look for the figure of the prisoner who killed his parents.

Then, she saw it.

A silhouette floats in the air.

At that time, she didn't know the existence of elves, so she used "angel" to describe that figure.

And if the future "self" is seen by someone who knows nothing about elves, he will definitely think it is an angel.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

The brain is trembling.

Tobiichi Origami held her head and twisted her body.

The disgust of wanting to destroy himself immediately filled his mind, and he couldn't allow the despair of 483's own existence to fill the gap in his heart.

But at this moment.

The girl only felt a warm temperature coming from the back of her head.

The breath that only made people feel comfortable restrained her inner impulse, and saw the young man with a loving expression.

Crystal tears flowed out like pearls.

She knelt on the ground and looked up at Bai Chen.

"God, did you let me go back to the past just to let me see such a cruel truth?"

Tobiichi Origami gradually understood everything.

The culprit who caused the death of the parents was indeed the elves.

But the identity of the elf is himself.

And she died in the future when she chased and killed the phantom who was the "blame" phantom.

"God, I beg you to throw me into hell and suffer eternal torture."

It was also the first time Bai Chen saw such a sincere girl.

However, his original intention was not simply to persecute Origami.

He pointed to Origami's parents who were still alive, and said with a light smile, "Since he's not dead, what's the crime?"

If it was a simple villain, Bai Chen would definitely not show mercy like this.

But Tobiichi Origami is not what he wants, and it is difficult to be called a villain.

There is nothing wrong with helping out along the way.

After all, Tobiichi Origami is also an elf.

Pulling into his general army can also bring him a lot of benefits. .

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