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Chapter 685: Tokisaki Kuangsan Vs Shiyuan Elf

Chapter 685

Through the spiritual power gathered by the magic furnace, and the elf warlock he studied, the elves from the neighboring world finally came to this world for the first time.

Surprisingly, the elf is a beautiful and lovely girl.

Hair as gorgeous as silk, skin as white as a bright moon, and a pair of blue eyes with a hint of melancholy all added to the girl's beauty.

Isaac looked at the elf that was born, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a crazy arc.

Although for some unknown reason, the Neighborhood did not cover the entire earth, but now that the elves have been born, it doesn't matter anymore.

As long as he has the power of elves, he is fully capable of taking the whole world as his own.

Elliott on the side looked dryly at the girl who was as holy as an angel, with admiration in her eyes.

"According to the scheduled process, contact the "740" spirit."

Just as Isaac finished speaking and took a step forward.

A girl dressed in red and black with lace on the skirt slowly emerged from the shadow of a pool of water.

The pair of ponytails, one long and one short, swayed gently with the steps of the owner.

The left eye that Liu Hai couldn't cover shone with an ominous golden light.

"I'm sorry to the three of you, I took away the life of the Siyuan Elf."

"Who are you?!"

Isaac frowned.

The girl who suddenly stopped in front of him caught people off guard.

However, he felt the same breath as another elf from the other party's body.

There is no doubt that it is the spiritual power that elves can use freely.

Could it be that...the ceremony directly summoned two elves?

"It's the time elf you call "Nightmare".

Tokisaki Kurumi chuckled lightly.

After she finished speaking, she ignored the three weak magicians, and turned to look at the silver-haired girl bathed in the faint silver light.

The flintlock in his hand was clenched at once.

It was exactly the same as the guy she met who claimed to be a "righteous partner" before she became an elf.

"Siyuan Spirit."

Tokisaki Kurumi whispered.

Consciousness became clear, and only the figure that deceived her could be seen in the field of vision.

However, the enemy finally found after many years did not make Tokisaki Kurumi lose his mind like Tobiichi Origami.

Her mind was unusually cool.

"Emperor Keke!"

Accompanied by the girl's shout, the huge golden clock quickly rose from the shadow behind her, and the sound of the bell drummed the eardrums.

An oppressive and heavy feeling came from his body.

Suddenly, the field where the smoke and dust have not dispersed is filled with pale golden mist.

At the same time, a depressive and heavy feeling came from his body.

The whole space is endowed with a peculiar nature.

———————The city of the time.

A special enchantment made by Emperor Keke.

Any living body that steps into the range of the barrier will be forced to absorb time, and the body will also be too heavy to move easily.

At the level of ordinary people, it is completely impossible to get rid of control.

Although the three of Aizhak are magicians, their strength is also far inferior to that of elves, and the results are only slightly better than ordinary people.

But such a result did not satisfy Kurumi.

Looking at the Siyuan elves who were not affected at all, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But this is also a matter of course.

With the spiritual power concentration of the elves, it is enough to create a protective barrier against the city of the time, not to mention the origin elves.

Immediately afterwards.

"Emperor Keke, one bullet!"

After chanting the words like words, the Roman numeral of one appeared from the huge clock, and was sucked into the muzzle of Kuang San's pistol in an instant.

Afterwards, the bullet of time, which accelerated the flow of time, was sent into Kurumi's body.

Mental and physical responses are enhanced and vision is greatly enhanced.

In the next second, Kuang San's figure disappeared from the field.

Before the three of them lying on the ground could react, the girl reappeared behind the Siyuan elf.

The slender arms raised the double guns and pressed the trigger.

The energy ammunition made of spiritual particles is vented crazily from the muzzle of the gun.

The bullets that can penetrate even the random field of the tactical unit, like a rain curtain, are vented behind the Siyuan elves.

But the result is as useless as mud cows and seas.

"It's really useless."

Kuang San thought a little indignantly.

The other party was the Siyuan Spirit who bestowed her spirit crystals. If this level of attack had worked, her revenge would not have been so difficult.

Just when Kuang San was about to change his mind and use power other than elves to join the battle...

Elf Siyuan looked in Kurumi's direction expressionlessly.

"Are you... an elf too? Why are you attacking me?"

...for my dead friend. "

Hearing what Siyuan Spirit said, Kuang San's expression twisted slightly.

He is obviously the guy who brought all the tragedies, but lying is actually so high-sounding.

"Your friend? I haven't seen it before. You guys are the first ecology I've seen.

The Siyuan Elf shook his head.

But then, looking at Kuang San, she seemed to understand something: "Are you an elf who came back from the future? Well, it seems that you and the future me seem to have some deep hatred.

Siyuan Spirit shook his head after guessing the truth.

"But you can't kill me."

"Can't kill?"

Tokisaki Kurumi sneered, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly burst into chaotic blue light.

The moment the magic eye of death is opened, the world becomes a bloody hell.

Flowing blood black lines and some red dots spread all over the world.

Even for the Shiyuan elves, whether it is the barrier that defends the body or the physical body, there is a clear line of death.

It's just that compared with ordinary people, the dead line flows very fast and very thin.

Kurumi's gaze followed the line of death.

Although her strength is not as good as that of the Siyuan Elf, the rewards drawn from the chat group give her a chance to defeat the enemy. 1.8 But Kuang San knows that he only has one chance.

Otherwise, after experiencing her danger, the Siyuan Spirit is unlikely to give her a second chance.

"Those eyes..."

Seeing Kuang San's pupils glowing with blue fluorescent light, the Siyuan Elf hesitated for a while.

Obviously it's just the eyes, but it can feel a rather strange power.

"good chance!"

Taking advantage of the distraction of the Shiyuan Spirit, Tokisaki Kurumi, who was ready to go, suddenly drew his gun without hesitation.

Accompanied by several gunshots, spiritual bullets spiraled in the air, piercing the air.

The Siyuan elf didn't stop it.

After all, the previous bullets couldn't even destroy her defense.

However, at the moment when the two collided, the barrier that was supposed to be completely defensive was quietly shattered at the point hit by the bullet. .

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