Chapter 702

Little Spider: "I understand!"

Super electromagnetic gun: "What do you know!"

Little Spider: "The beautiful girls in the group should be careful not the boss Bai Chen, but sister Bai Yasha!"

The Elf of Time: "Indeed, after all, they are all girls. If you really want to meet, you won't notice even if you are taken advantage of."

Bai Chen: "I remember that Protoss was born asexual and turned into a female. Could it be that she was already ready to approach girls?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Fart! We are women through natural evolution. I am the original star, the original protoss that accompanied the birth of the universe. According to the laws of nature, most of the original races are matriarchal. Society, otherwise, there is no way to maintain it, so we are women, it is not as dirty as you think, it is a symbol of status, understand?

Irregular white-haired loli: "The beautiful girls in the group, don't listen to their nonsense! How could we be that kind of person!"

Railgun: "Speaking of which, we still don't know Miss Shirayasha's past.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yes, yes, the protoss that existed since the birth of universe 363 must have experienced a lot of things, right?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Well...not a qualification worth showing off, as long as you know that Moan is a white Yasha!"

Bai Chen: "My opinion is to stop here. After all, it is not a glorious thing, and there is no need to make it so clear."

Railgun: "Okay, I understand."

Little Spider: "I understand too."

Teacher Loli: "Evidently he didn't say anything, but he seemed to say everything."

The Spirit of Time: "As expected of you."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Boy! Do you want to be punished by our righteous iron fist? Angry.jpg.y

Shiroyasha's past is indeed not very glorious.

Although she has the name of the devil king, she has failed several times in the past, making her a paper tiger in the eyes of some young people.

Although she doesn't care about the gossip in the market, the experience of several failures can be regarded as her black history.

Bai Chen: "Then let's talk about some happy things."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Ask, is it still too late to run?"

Little Spider: "What do you think, Misaka-san!!!"

The Spirit of Time: "What should come has finally come."

Bai Chen: "What's your attitude? And I haven't even said anything yet."

The Spirit of Time: "Then Mr. Bai Chen, what is there to be happy about?"

Bai Chen: "...I feel that something is not right in my life recently, and I always feel that something is missing. I suddenly found the reason when I was chatting with you just now..."

Indecent white-haired loli: "?"

Little Spider: "I've seen the end."

Bai Chen: "I found out that I haven't drawn a lottery for a long time!"

Railgun: "Heh! I knew it would happen, but don't worry, we are immune until now, and we can ship every lottery. It would be strange if we couldn't."

Little White Cat: "But, didn't Misaka-san want to run away just now?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "What do you know! I was creating an atmosphere just now."

Irregular white-haired loli: "It turned out to be a lottery, shout! We thought it was a big deal, at most we could get an SSR, it might be useless, we can get something like that out of dozens of draws!"

Bai Yasha's words showed his own wealth and power.

Bai Chen: "Two SSRs."

After finishing speaking, the atmosphere in the group couldn't help being quiet.

As if sensing the sudden change in the atmosphere, Bai Chen raised the corners of his mouth and showed a happy smile (cbed).

Bai Chen: "This time I will draw two SSRs, and both of them will come in handy."

Railgun: "?"

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "Listen, is this still a human language?"

It's not like Bai Chen had the experience of getting a double-yolk egg before, but he has never directly stated what he can get like now.

Irregular white-haired loli: "I believe you! Although you are lucky, you may get whatever you want!"

Little Spider: "Don't forget, the boss is now a god."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "We are still protoss + demon king, Bai Chen, although your luck is good, but metaphysics is impossible to affect the chat group!"

After all, even the Hakoniwa Center cannot observe the chat group, and the rewards in the prize pool are also numerous. Even the rumored one-digit spirits are placed in the prize pool. How can the words of the gods affect the chat group? itself.

Blue Slime: "HHHHHH."

Teacher Loli: "Although I also think it may be a bit outrageous, but in the lottery, I completely trust Bai Chen.

Railgun: "I've seen the end!"

Railgun: "It's finally my turn to say this line! It feels so different!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Bai Chen: "In this case, how about we take a gamble?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Bet, bet, whoever is afraid of whom! If you lose, let Leticia send the black rabbit to us for a week, no, a month!"


The first thing he thought of was not to gain benefits, but to ask him to take Hei Fang as a slave.

However, if he asked Leticia to ask Hei Tu, because of the affection of his former comrades-in-arms, Hei Tu would definitely not refuse such an errand.

Bai Chen: "Yes, if you lose, please do me a favor when I need you in the future."

Indecent white-haired loli: "?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "If it's something harmful to Hakoniwa, or beyond personal ability, we can't do it."

Bai Chen: "Don't worry, it's really just a small favor."

Even though he made such a request, Bai Chen didn't need to ask Bai Yasha for help.

But if I want to develop in Xiaotian in the future, I will definitely cause some troubles.

Even without borrowing White Yaksha's power, with the help of her connections and resources, many troubles can be settled.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Yes, we agree."

Railgun: "Calm down, Miss Shirayasha! I like unexpected developments, but hell is ahead!"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Whoever runs out of things like luck will go first, even if you look at all the gifts of Little Garden, there is no way to keep people lucky.

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