Chapter 710

Well, as expected of the Lord.

On the other side, there was a little guy who defied gravity and flew in the air without any effort.

She has white shoulder-length hair, and her eyes, like the slit cloak behind her, are blue-black like the texture of the starry sky. If you get closer, you can see mysterious stars flowing in her eyes.

However, she seemed to be very vigilant, and stayed by Ying's side all the time, separated from Bai Chen by a body.

While the girl was thinking, the little guy poked his head out to peek at Bai Chen from time to time, as if he wanted to see but didn't dare.

"My brother is actually with the Abyss Cult..."

Accepting the answer given by Bai Chen, Ying fell into a moment of speechlessness.

Although she has only just entered the populated city, she also learned a few words about the Abyss Cult from the Adventurer's Association.

A group of terrorists composed of evil monsters.

"Brother, why did he join such a place? Could it be that he was controlled by the maintainers of heaven?"

Ying, who couldn't figure it out, could only keep asking anxiously.

"Not really. 21"

Seeing Ying's eagerness for an answer, Bai Chen shook his head.

"For the specific reason, why don't you ask him yourself after you meet him?"

"Personally... do you know where he is?"

"Don't worry, after hearing your news, he will show up to find you on his own.

Bai Chen spoke to comfort the anxious girl.

Although the plot about the twins is not clear, it can still be known that the reason why the other party joined the Abyss Cult was to subvert the country under the rule of the seven gods.

And the other has already taken the position of leader of the Abyssal Cult.

The blood relationship between the twins is indelible.

Even Ying, who is a younger sister, is trying to find her relatives, and the other has no reason to forget that she also has a younger sister.

As long as the news is deliberately released to the outside world, the Abyss Cult will definitely receive corresponding information in a short time.

"Yes, if my brother knows that I am still alive, he will definitely come to look for me!"

Hearing Bai Chen's suggestion, Ying nodded seriously.

The appeasement was effective, and the girl's mood also calmed down.

As for whether her brother really joined the Abyss Cult, it doesn't matter to her.

After all, she is just a passer-by in the world after all, apart from her blood relatives, this place has nothing to do with her.

"Ah? Your elder brother actually joined the Abyss Cult, so he wouldn't become a Qiuqiu man?!"

Paimon on the side covered his mouth in surprise after hearing the whole process.


Hearing Paimon bring up this topic, Ying suddenly became worried, and then looked at Bai Chen for help.

"Don't worry, he's still human."

Bai Chen was delighted when he heard it.

As expected, it's you, Paimeng, who can't control what he says and runs out, completely ignorant of the atmosphere.

"It would be great."

Hearing this, Ying was finally relieved.

Then he glared at Paimon resentfully.

What a crow's mouth!

Paimon, who was suddenly attacked by the traveler, was also very aggrieved.

After all, the Abyss Cult and the Qiuqiu people they met before were also in the same group.

If you join the Abyss Cult, it is indeed easy to think that you will become a Qiuqiu person.


What is the origin of this blond youth?

It's obviously the first time, but why does the traveler act like he is very close and trusts him!

Obviously I came first.

Whether traveling together, eating and sleeping in the wild, being chased by giant Qiuqiu people, encountering people, coming to Mond, and taking risks together, she is the one who accompanies the travelers!

So, on earth, why did the travelers treat him so kindly?

Moreover, it shows that the traveler's brother has joined the Abyss Cult, which sounds very suspicious!

But the traveler believed so arbitrarily!

In addition, the way of appearance is also very weird, which makes her feel very strange, and the traveler has an inexplicably "ambiguous" attitude!

All kinds of evidence fully show that the traveler must have been bewitched!


It must be so!

There must be some terrible conspiracy to deceive travelers!

Paimon, who had already made up a large part of the spy war plot in his mind, clenched his small fists while stomping his feet against the air, gnashing his teeth.

Just wait, traveler! I'll tear off his disguise and show you what he really looks like!

"By the way, who is it?"

Seeing Paimon's movements from the corner of his eyes, Bai Chen pretended not to know and asked.


Firefly hesitated for a while, and then gave the answer.

"It's emergency food."


emergency food?

After hearing the familiar answer, Paimon immediately clenched his fists and faced the girl with an angry look.

"Remember that when you talked to Amber last time, you answered like this!"

Afterwards, Paimeng faced Bai Chen, put his hands on his hips and introduced himself.

"My name is Paimon, and I'm a traveler's best partner, bar none! Is that right, traveler?"


The girl who was stopped by Paimeng tilted her head slightly and didn't answer, but looked a little guilty.


Seeing her like this in 293, Pymon became anxious immediately.

"Traveler, don't you really think of me as emergency food?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was slapped in the face by her best companion on the spot, which made her so angry that two clouds of white smoke appeared above her head, obviously she was really angry.

But because of her body shape, her behavior is not only not annoying, but it will make people laugh and cry.

Bai Chen and Ying looked at each other speechlessly and smiled knowingly.

Both of them knew it was just a joke, but Paimon was the only one kept in the dark.

"Here we are, Mond City is ahead."

Ying pointed to the magnificent city not far away and said.

The distance between the place where the wind came from and Mond was not very far, so a few people came to the entrance of Mond's gate very quickly.

Until then, Bainiao felt the real difference between the game and reality.

Compared with the cold Mond City in the game, the city in reality occupies a rather vast area.

Of course, the biggest gap lies in fireworks and popularity.

The road in front of Mond's main gate is full of traffic and streams, and businessmen with different costumes come and go with their trucks, which is very lively and noisy.

It is in stark contrast to the lonely city in the game.

But this is also normal. In order to take care of the hardware performance, most of the real game screens will shrink compared with the CG demo. The difference is only in the magnitude.

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