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Chapter Seven Hundred And Thirteenth Advanced Aesthetic Mention Vat

Chapter 713

Dressed in light gauze and leather clothing, the astringent figure was vividly outlined.

From Bai Chen's point of view, the girl's clothes are no different from those in porn movies.

"Obviously it looks quite... in the game, and it's also quite astringent."

It has to be said that the aesthetics of the entire Tivat continent is quite advanced. Obviously some people dress normally, but some important female supporting roles are dressed more and more shyly.

If he remembered correctly, the girl who was arguing with the bartender was named Fischer.

A new investigator of the Adventurer's Association, but also a second-year-old patient.

This point can be seen from the helpless expression of the bartender and the smiles of others watching the show.

"I am the convict princess of the "Pure Night of the Night". I have come to the continent of Tivat in response to the call of fate. This queen's arrival here is worthy of the cheers of your waiters, so please pay tribute to the holy nectar with a heart of respect."

The girl's voice was a bit sharp, and her posture was like a lady's.

However, this high-ranking attitude did not arouse the disgust of others, but it also made people feel the girl's personality and cuteness.

"Give me a glass of dandelion wine, please, that's what the lady said."

A purple night crow flying beside the girl said.

Hearing this, the bartender showed helplessness.

"Sorry, Mond legislation does not allow the sale of alcohol to minors."

"Hoohoo, I am the convict princess who came from another world. The princess of law who is measured by the continent under her feet has existed for a long time."

After the girl finished speaking, Night Crow at the side continued to translate.

"Miss said that according to the calendar of Tivat, she is more than three thousand years old and has reached the age of drinking.

"Miss Fischer, please don't embarrass me anymore. This store really can't sell you dandelion wine. What do you think of apple brew and other fruity drinks?"

The bartender sighed and continued.

The name of Fischel's Secondary School has long been spread inside and outside of Mond City, plus being a member of the Adventurer's Association, and Fischel's actions to help everywhere on weekdays [Many residents of Mond like this very much.

A rule is a rule.

Fischer's real age is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and he is still several years away from becoming an adult.


Fischer showed a look of unwillingness.

Obviously she is the honorable convict princess and has existed for a long time, but why is it that no one believes it.


This must be the tempering she must go through as the "convicted princess".

The girl paralyzed herself with such words.

The reason why I have this kind of psychology today is because of my lonely growth experience in the past.

Fischer's parents are both adventurers. Although their family is well-off, their parents are not around the girl all year round because of their busy work.

And without the company of her relatives, she can only read books to relieve her loneliness.

When she was thirteen or fourteen years old, she was obsessed with the novel "Prince Fischer's Night Tale", and gradually replaced herself as the protagonist, calling herself "Princess Convicted" in reality.

On his birthday, he was ruthlessly crushed by his parents, lost his mood and indulged in the world of books again, so as to escape from reality.

And on that day, she got the eye of God and signed a contract with the crow named "Ozzy", which made her even more convinced of her extraordinary fact.

"The girl over there talks so strangely."

Paimon looked at the noise at the counter and said curiously.

But this curiosity was just a random question, Paimon's attention was quickly attracted by the delicious meatloaf.

"Miss, it seems that you still can't get what you want, let's go back."

Oz said as usual.


The girl who had run into a wall in the tavern again took a reluctant glance at the neatly displayed fine wines.

But the bartender was determined, and she had no choice but to leave.

But at this moment, out of the corner of Fischer's eye, he noticed Paimon who was holding a straw and drinking a glass of dandelion wine.

"Why are pets allowed, but not my princess?"

Seeing this double-standard scene, Fischel was suddenly overwhelmed, and even forgot to use the second-level speaking skills.


Hearing this, the bartender looked at Bai Chen's table, seeing the blushing Paimon, and in front of the blond girl who also looked young, there was also a glass of dandelion wine.

...asking for flowers......

...Maybe some accident happened, I'll check it out. w

But just when the man was about to walk out of the counter, his consciousness suddenly froze, and then he retreated silently behind the counter.

"what's wrong with you?"

Fischer muttered in dissatisfaction.

"If you fool this princess, you will definitely be punished!"

The angry girl glared at the bartender fiercely, but soon the attentive Ozzy noticed something was wrong.

Not only the bartender, but even the nearby guests seem to have forgotten your existence.

"Miss, the young man over there is looking at us."

"Is it some kind of weird magic?"

Fischl, who seemed to have guessed something, showed a curious smile.


As a middle school girl, she would naturally turn a blind eye to the weirdness that happened in front of her eyes.

Ignoring Ozzy's dissuasion, Fischer took catwalks and stopped in front of Bai Chen and Yingmei.

Seeing this scene, Bai Chen swung his wine glass.

"Miss Fisher, would you like a drink?"

After finally coming to Tivat, young people naturally don't want to miss the encounter with different girls.

Hearing this, Fischer showed a faint smile, and said in an elegant tone: "Then I will give you the honor of having lunch with this princess.

"Miss means..."

"You're welcome."

Before Ozzy could explain, Bai Chen spoke first and smiled lightly.

"It's just for those who don't have discerning eyes to wash away their sins against the princess. Today, Miss Fischer's consumption is covered by me.


Hearing the unexpected answer, Fischer's right eye widened slightly, showing an expression as if he had met a confidant.

"My princess has galloped among the stars, traveled through countless worlds, and encountered as many civilizations as fallen leaves, but there are not many people who understand the great wisdom of a queen. It seems that you, like this princess, are also chosen by fate. "

"Oh? Does this mean that you and this Miss Fisher come from the same place?"

Paimon stroked his chin pretending to be contemplative, and nodded from time to time.

"No, she meant 'hello'.

Bai Chen shook his head and said Fan. .

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