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Chapter 722 Shocking Captain Qin For A Hundred Years

Chapter 722

After the formulaic politeness, Qin also finally bit the bullet and asked Bai Chen about her visit.

However, just in case, she had to confirm again.

"Excuse me...the person who fought against the Wind Demon Dragon before~ is you?"

"it's me."

Bai Chen had a direct showdown.

It's - nothing to hide.

"By the way, the boy in green next to him is the wind-god Barbatos."

"Huh? Lord Barbatos?"

Hearing this, Qin froze in place.

In Mond, the name of Barbatos has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Believe it or not, everyone knows that Mond was founded under the patronage of Barbatos.

Fengmolong is one of the guardians of the four winds, and Qin also knows it.

Because of this, she, who is not only a citizen of Fengshen, but also the acting head of the West Wind Knights, is very difficult to deal with when the Wind Demon Dragon strikes.

On the one hand, don't want to attack the Guardians who once guarded Mond.

On the other hand, one cannot watch the people of Mond being attacked in vain.

But all of this finally came to an end with the arrival of Bai Chen.

But what Lingqin never expected was that this young man who sang in Mond was Lord Barbatos, the god of wind!

From other people's mouths, she might just take it as a joke.

But hearing it from Bai Chen's mouth is a bit intriguing.

Looking at the boy named Wendy again, Qin felt a faint wind element calendar.

pure, soft

Perhaps the boy was indeed Barbatos.

"...It's just the former Fengshen, now my name is Wendy, the best bard in the whole continent.

Faced with this situation, Wendy didn't hide the slightest bit, and admitted it openly.

After all, in normal times, he has told others everywhere that he is the wind god Barbatos.

But no one believed it.

What's more, the believers of the West Wind Church even troubled him because of the lyrics in his poems, asking him to modify the rhetoric that insulted the identity of Fengshen's words and deeds.

"This... so..."

There was a bit of cold sweat on Qin's back, and his mind became more and more confused.

What happened one after another made her a little confused.

"Does Captain Qin have anything else to do? If not, we'll go back first."

Bai Chen tapped lightly on the table.

"Ah, sorry."

Hearing this, Qin Qiang pretended to be calm and asked Bai Chen why he came.

In any case, as the acting team leader, she needs to confirm whether this mysterious young man will have a bad influence on Mond.

Bai Chen saw Qin's thoughts, smiled lightly and said, "...if I say that I have malice towards Mond, what will you do?"


Hearing this, Qin's face turned pale in an instant.

If what the other party said is true, then with the power shown earlier, Emond's bottom power is not enough to fight against such an existence.

This must be prevented, no matter the cost.

Just when Qin started to think about countermeasures, Yingmei at the side finally had no choice but to speak.

"Captain Qin, don't you see that Mr. Bai Chen is joking?"

Although the joke is a bit nasty.

"That's right, if Mr. Bai Chen really wanted to destroy Mond, there was absolutely no need to act when Twalin attacked the city.

Wendy also smiled and echoed.

"It's indeed a joke. I didn't expect Captain Qin to be so inflexible."

Bai Chen grinned.

"That... that's really great.

Knowing that she was being teased, Qin was not annoyed, but even had two abnormal blushes on her cheeks.

"I didn't expect this head of Qin to be so innocent. She obviously looks like a strong woman."

Paimon made up the knife at the side at the right time.

These words made Qin even more embarrassed. He was obviously the respected leader of the knights, but at the moment he just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Seeing this, Bai Chen smiled and opened his mouth to continue the topic that would make the leader feel ashamed.

"Thank you very much for your help. On behalf of the Zephyr Knights and the people of Mond, I will always remember your kindness."

Qin stood up, supported Yuexiong with one hand and performed a standard knight's salute towards Youchen.

"If you need anything else, please let me know."

Faced with Qin's kindness, Bai Chen naturally had no reason not to accept it.

But before leaving, Bai Chen reminded Qin.

...asking for flowers...

"By the way, the Lawrence nobles in your Mond city are secretly colluding with the fools, and are going to hand over the defense map of Mond to the fools. Of course, I am just reminding you.

"Noble Lawrence?"

Hearing this, Qin was talking about this ancient family second only to Gurnhild.

In the past under the rule of the Lawrence nobles, Mond experienced dark times.

Although most of the nobles were successfully exiled by the uprising, a collateral line remained.

The nobles of Lawrence fantasized all day about how to restore the glory of their ancestors, subvert the existing regime and return to the class that ruled Mond.

Coupled with the crowd of fools, it is indeed very possible.

Strong alliances are often broken from within, not to mention Mond, who is not very stable internally.


If fools intervene to overthrow the regime, maybe it is really possible.

But here comes the problem.

Before there is any substantive evidence, even if Qin knows that the Fools have serious problems, there is no way to directly arrest them.

After all, there is a precedent for the "Black Fire Case".

Mond was also at fault for that incident.

But anyway, at least she now knew Mond's biggest problem.

"Thank you for your advice, the Zephyr Knights will keep this kindness in mind!"

Qin once again expressed his gratitude to Bai Chen.

"If you don't mind, you can ask Ying to take over the commission."

Bai Chen didn't intend to intervene in this matter, and asked Ying to accept the commission instead, and also had the idea of ​​training her.

After all, it's a character I've played before.

Compared with his lust for the bodies of other female characters, his feeling towards Ying is more like he is teasing his daughter.


Hearing this, Ying didn't ask why, and just accepted it.

But at this moment, Paimon on the side couldn't bear it anymore.

"Is there any benefit after completing the entrustment?"

Facing Ying's death stare, Paimon stuck out his tongue: "I... I am also thinking about our future, after all, what should we do if there is no Mora on the next journey?"

Speaking of this matter, Paimon became more confident.

Seeing this scene, Qin rarely smiled.

"Don't worry, the Knights of the West Wind will not treat the hero's husband badly."

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