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Chapter 734: Knight Of Vengeance

Chapter 734

"That one...has left?"

Not long after, Yae Shenzi asked in a low voice.


Ray Movie nodded.

It's just that the words Bai Chen left when he parted have been lingering in his heart.

"When the next time comes, do you want me to give a response?

"...I said, don't you really want to agree to him? Once you agree, it is tantamount to dedicating you and the whole rice wife to him. This is not a child's play."

Yae Shenzi warned.

"I know, but...you know, I have no reason to refuse. 27

Ray movie sighed.

"Abrasion is the law imposed by the law of heaven on all things. If I don't agree, after a hundred years, a thousand years, Daoqi will no longer have the protection of the god of thunder, and even I may stand on the opposite side of Daozu, the demon god of the giant snake, because of wear and tear. , the reason why it tore up the treaty and attacked Daozu was also because of the wear and tear of its memory.

"So, if I become like that at that time, who in the whole rice wife can stop me?"


Yae Kamito was at a loss for words.

"But, stop thinking about it? There must be another way for him to avoid wear and tear."

"He gave me time to think about it."

Ray said.

"Besides, you are already his pet, why do you want to speak for me?"

"I'm his pet? Are you kidding me?! Don't even think about it!"

But as soon as the words fell, the God Son of the Eighth Army only felt a burst of pain in his head.

After feeling it carefully, she suddenly discovered that there was an extra restriction in her body that she had never had before.

Forbidden content, even she can understand it.

—Honor Bai Chen as the new master and live forever.

"...What time is it?!"

Yae Shenzi immediately exploded.

Then, she suddenly recalled that she had thought of praying before.

But at the time, she was just thinking about it!

But she never expected that Bai Chen would take her unintentional prayer seriously, and use her wish as a carrier to make a contract with Yae Shenzi.

After the contract is completed, there will naturally be a price to pay.

"Right now, the one who has the least right to say anything about me in the entire rice wife is you, son of God.

Seeing Yae Shenzi jumping anxiously, Lei Movie rarely smiled.

With the authority of the realm, he returned to the office of the head of Qin.

There are many more people in the office than when we left.

In addition to Captain Qin and Noelle, Yingmei and Fischer are also here, and besides that, there is a beautiful girl with ice-blue short hair.

There was an unruly smile on the delicate face of Guazi, and when Bai Chen appeared at this time, a pair of pale golden eyes revealed a sharp edge, giving people a glamorous feeling.

In addition, apart from the girlish appearance, what is eye-catching is the tight-fitting leather jacket with black and white color as the base tone.

The style of the leather jacket is extremely slim, and the color is in sharp contrast with the pure white skin. The stockings, which are also black, also tightly tighten the skin on the thigh, and draw out the shallow flesh

Dressed in stockings and tight leather pants, the girl did not reveal much skin, but it gave Bai Chen a feeling of astringency.

Sure enough, the aesthetics of the Tivat Continent, even if you look at all the heavens and worlds, the aesthetic trend is extremely advanced.

And this tall girl is a descendant of the Lawrence family who once ruled Mond for a period of time.

At the same time, he is also the "Spray Knight" of the Zephyr Knights.

Yula Lawrence.

After Lawrence's aristocratic decline, her birth became the only hope for the family to restore the family's glory.

But this talented girl resolutely joined the West Wind Knights when she became an adult.

In the face of all kinds of doubts in the city, she did not hide it, claiming that she acted as "revenge" for the whole city.

But so far, she is the most law-abiding person in Mond.

But even though she was regarded as a dangerous person by the residents of Mond, Yura was actually the weaker side.

The store refused to sell her goods, the restaurant shoddyly ordered her, and the people in the duty area refused to cooperate.

Therefore, Yula can only hunt in the wild for a living most of the time.

However, even though she suffered all kinds of difficulties, Yula still did not avenge her private revenge. Although her verbal attitude was very cold, she never hurt any Mond people. On the contrary, if a citizen was killed, she would immediately stop it.

This kind of character is as pure and pure as the mountain snow lotus.

From a certain point of view, she is very similar to Noelle, the only difference lies in the quality of her relationship with the people.

"Huh? It seems that you are the one who reported Lawrence's collusion with the fools in front of you, and appeared in this room without warning. I have made a note of this hatred.

The ice-blue beautiful girl stared at Bai Chen closely, with a cold expression that could tell the truth.

"Ah, that's what I guessed it would be!"

Paimon on the side made the final decision.

"When Ms. Yula asked travelers for information, I knew it would turn out like this. Hmph! I will remember this grudge!"

Paimon put his hands on his hips, raised his head with a stubborn expression, and looked just like the real thing.

"Oh, are you mocking me on purpose? Very well, I'll make a note of this grudge."

Yula also put her hands on her hips, looking at Paimon with a haughty expression.


Ying, who was caught in the middle, sighed.

Then explained to Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai Chen, please don't 220 take what Ms. Yula just said to heart. Although she keeps saying she is holding grudges, she is actually very kind."

They had only known each other for less than a day, and Qiu directly remembered a dozen of them.

Just change the name to "Knight of Vengeance".

"Of course I know."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"He is obviously kind, but he wants to show others with a cold attitude, he says no, but his body is very honest, I usually take this kind of person as arrogant.

"Tsundere? So Miss Yula is such a person."

Yingmei nodded.

Thinking about it carefully, Yula's performance along the way was indeed the same.

He obviously likes Mond very much, but he keeps saying that he wants revenge.

Isn't this arrogant?

"What is tsundere? Although I don't understand it, it's definitely not a good word, so I'll write down this hatred, huh!"

Bai Chen ignored it and just smiled.

And after such a small episode.

Ying also told Bai Chen what happened after she saw her brother.

"And brother, he also said not to let me get close to you, there may be some misunderstanding.

At the end of the farewell, Kong specifically emphasized to keep himself away from Bai Chen.

She got acquainted with Bai Chen in the chat group, and also knew that Bai Chen could not murder herself. .

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