Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 736 Die Qi, A Seventeen-Year-Old Beautiful Girl Joins The Group

Chapter 736

"By the way, if you go to Daozuma in the future, you have to accept the special gift I gave you.

Bai Chen showed a mysterious smile.

"Special gift?"

Ying was slightly stunned.

What happened the day she left?

"Are you leaving?"

Hearing this, Captain Qin got up quickly.

"I'll see you off.

"Need not."

Bai Chen shook his head.

He is not a local god.

After completing the entrustment, you only need to tap in the chat group to go home with one click.

"See you later, little Amy."

Finally, Bai Chen waved towards Fischer, and then the figure disappeared out of thin air.

"He... how did he know my nickname?"

Hearing the last sentence, Fischer blushed.

But now Bai Chen has left the Tivat continent, even if she wanted to ask Bai Chen for clarification, she couldn't find any trace.

Head Qin was once again amazed at the way Bai Chen left.

Then, looking softly at Ying: "Can we still meet that one?"

"Well, he won't break his promise."

Ying nodded.

She became more and more curious about the treasures that Bai Chen left behind in Dao's wife.

But before she could think about it carefully, she heard Paimon beside him unable to speak.

"Just now when he left, he mentioned gifts! Wow! A gift like that left by a big man must be unprecedentedly precious! I guess it must be the inexhaustible Mora!"

Paimon's face was full of determination.

And Yingmei didn't want to talk to this little money fan at all.

Judging from Bai Chen's status, the so-called special gift was definitely not an ordinary thing.

But no matter what, her journey has to go on.

Kong had said that the siblings would meet again at the end of everything.

In addition, the boss also said that Kong has joined the Abyss Cult.

So no matter what, she must also increase her strength as soon as possible.

She has a hunch.

The rest of the journey will be more difficult.

Moreover, she didn't want to bother the boss to come forward for everything.

"Is that Miss Ying?"

At this time, Noelle came over, with a flower-like smile blooming on her cheeks.

"I think we can get to know each other first."

"Hmph! That guy decides my whereabouts without authorization. I will write down this grudge, but Captain Qin is also right. Maybe it's time for me to leave Mond for a while."

(cbcd) Yura said while stroking the hair on her forehead.

[Group reminder (private): You have perfectly completed the commission of the group member "You are so cute", and you have obtained 4,000 points. 】

Perfect evaluation, reward doubled. Bai Chen was not surprised.

Subconsciously looking at the balance, compared to before coming to Tivat, it is only 10,000 points less from the previous lottery draw.

The current balance is more than 41,000.

"Wait until the next time the desire to ship appears before drawing."

After returning, the place where Bai Chen appeared was his private bedroom in the Bronze Black Cross headquarters.

Outside the window, the moon and stars are scarce, and it is late at night.

The girls probably also went to bed early, so Bai Chen didn't go to them to pass the time.

Lying comfortably on the bed, she entered the chat group as if she had turned on her mobile phone.

Bai Chen: "Shurima, your emperor has returned."

I don't want to go to hell: "Welcome back.

The Spirit of Time: "Welcome back, Mr. Bai Chen."

Black-haired loli: "Brother!"

Little Spider: "Boss! Suck and suck!"

Teacher Loli: "Seeing what you said, did you have something to do before?"

Bai Chen: "After drawing prizes last time, I stopped by Yingmei's world and completed a small task.

Little Spider: "Another day without a live broadcast, crying.jpg."

Bai Chen: "Because I forgot some things, and if you want to watch the live broadcast, you can ask Yingmei to open a live broadcast room when she goes out for adventures in the future. Not to mention anything else, but the scenery in Tivat is quite good."

Blue Slime: "Hey! Didn't you find a very serious problem?"

Spirit of Time: "?"

Blue Slime: "The boss has always called the newcomer a younger sister, isn't this relationship progressing too fast?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Uh...is this a serious problem?"

Butterfly Shinobu: "It seems that Mr. Rimuru notices something very strange every time."

The Spirit of Time: "Indeed, I don't understand what's wrong."

Little Spider: "+1."

Teacher Loli: "This kind of thing can only be said to be normal. If it didn't develop to this stage, it would be strange."

Grandpa is so cute: "Mr. Rimuru, is it strange to call me this?"

Ying herself is at a loss, Bai Chen is older than her and is a senior, isn't it normal to call her Yingmei?

Blue Slime: "...Even newcomers think it's okay, put it in the galgame, and the progress of the strategy has reached 50%?"

Little Spider: "I just feel that someone's jealousy is about to come out. Is it because the Elf Elder Sister in the tavern is not beautiful anymore, or is she not open? @蓝蓝着姆."

Blue Slime: "Please don't expose me, okay, I'll kneel down for you.jpg.

Fubuki of: ""


Seeing the chat content in the group, the guilty Fubuki dared not speak at all.

After all, the relationship between her and Bai Chen can be said to have really improved by leaps and bounds.

But even though it was ashamed, Fubuki didn't regret it until now.

Her dream of more than twenty years was fulfilled by Bai Chen once, coupled with her pure affinity for the Lord after becoming a family member, it was impossible for her to refuse everything from Bai Chen.

Even if the past is repeated again, she will make the same choice.

Just like the summer weather, the topics in the chat group change as they go.

But at this moment, the familiar group notification tone suddenly sounded.

[Group reminder: The new member "Dieqi" has joined the chat group, hurry up and say hello to everyone~D

[Group reminder: A new member "Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl" has joined the chat group, hurry up and say hello to everyone~~~]

Blue Slime: "Huh?! Has a newcomer joined the group so soon?! The newcomer's photos! Explosive measurements!"

Little Spider: "Tsk! The method of changing the subject is really blunt."

The Spirit of Time: "Indeed, but it seems that it has been a long time since the last time newcomers joined the group."

Butterfly Shinobi: "No matter what, let's welcome the newcomers together!"

Black-haired loli: "Welcome newcomers!"

Teacher Loli: "Welcome newcomers to the group!"

Butterfly Ninja: "Newcomers, please read the group files first. If you doubt the authenticity, you can conduct a free lottery draw on the lottery page to verify the authenticity."

Although Butterfly Ninja is not very old, she can be said to be the most caring person in the group for newcomers.

As soon as I saw the news that a newcomer joined the group, I immediately jumped out to give pointers.

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