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Chapter 746 Yakumo Zi's Conception

Chapter 746

Inspired by Bai Chen, Gu Dazi began to think about which servants should be handed over to Bai Chen to be used as black slaves.

Uh no, it's just a helper, how can it be called a black slave?

With the attitude of a big boss, in general, he will not exploit the labor of the servants.

At that time, she will be able to lie down at home and count the money.

Thinking of the wonderful prospect, Gu Dazi trembled with excitement, looking forward to that day coming as soon as possible.

Teacher Loli: "I always feel that Ms. Fujimaru is different from the beginning."

Chaos Evil: "Haha, people are subject to change, and I've also seen some things, otherwise I can't move forward."

Little Spider: "So don't stop (referring to the black slave trade)."

Chaos Evil: "How is it possible? I just reached a win-win deal with Mr. Bai Chen. It's equivalent to an exchange student in a university, and I can use my followers to grow."

Bai Chen: "Indeed."

Chaos Evil: "Really? If you don't believe me, don't you believe the boss?"

Using Bai Chen as a shield, others can only give up verbal criticism of Gu Dazi.

On the contrary, Bai Chen feels that Gudazi's character is becoming more and more exposed. It seems that the real "human evil" will appear soon, and the people of Chaldea will be in dire straits.

At that time, he just opened the door wide and paid for the beautiful servants who were exploited.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: 677 "What does Mr. Bai Chen need a follower to do?"

Seeing this, Yakumo Zi spoke in a timely manner.

According to group information, followers are heroes summoned from history, and all of them possess extraordinary power.

The master who summons the servants can use the command spell to order them to act, which can be called a perfect tool man.

If she also has points on hand, she also wants to borrow some followers from Gudazi.

After all, if she could have a servant to assist her, her position would be more stable.

Bai Chen: "I don't need followers, but I need talents. By the way, Yakumo Zi, you are also the talent I like. If you don't mind working with me, I will be very welcome.

Zi Yakumo obviously didn't expect Bai Chen to be so direct.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Ah, let me think about this for a while, after all, I still have a lot of things to deal with here.

Bai Chen: "For example?"

Bai Chen took the opportunity to make some stereotypes, so he could understand what period Yakumo Zi was in.

Seeing this, Zi Yakumo's heart skipped a beat.

As a realm demon, she has seen a lot of ukiyo-e, but even so, she still has some worries in her heart.

Although I don't want to issue any entrustment before clarifying the situation, it is not impossible to ask the boss some questions and answer some doubts.

So, she organized her speech and took this opportunity to ask Bai Chen a question.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Since you can observe my world from another world, can you tell me where the future of monsters is?"

The demon world she currently lives in is, to put it bluntly, still the human world, but it is just an area far away from human habitation.

Although there are more and more monsters entering the demon world, Yakumo Zi is not optimistic about their prospects.

The future of monsters?

Based on this sentence alone, Bai Chen concludes that Yakumo Zi's timeline is in a period when Gensokyo was not yet established.

Maybe I can teach Yakumo Zi to become the founder of Gensokyo, Bazhi?

It feels good.

Besides, guiding the confused group members is just a matter of little effort.

Bai Chen: "The future of the human world will be prosperous. Under the wheel of history, the human beings there will continue to accept new things and forget the past."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Have you forgotten the past..."

Although others didn't understand this sentence, Yakumo Zi understood it instantly.

The birth of the demon relies on people's fear of the unknown.

If from a certain day, human beings no longer fear monsters, then the current prosperity of the demon world will no longer exist.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Excuse me, how can I avoid it?"

After saying this sentence, Yakumo Zi felt that the choice of words was not appropriate.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "How to change the future of demons with the least impact on humans and demons?"

Yakumo Zi has no feelings for human beings, but she also knows that the prosperity of demons cannot do without people.

What's more, most of the chat groups are human beings, or were human beings in the past, so it's not easy for her to directly ask how to expand the power of the demon.

Bai Chen: "It's very simple, just cut off the relationship between monsters and humans, and each form two societies without disturbing each other. With your ability as a realm demon, it shouldn't be difficult to create such an enchantment."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Create a barrier, I understand, thank you boss for clarifying the confusion."

Yakumo Zi is prepared for danger in times of peace. She also tried to mobilize other monsters in the past, but all she got in return was ridicule and laughter.

Now hearing Bai Chen also say words that fit her vision, Yakumo Zi is also completely determined to find a way to solve the crisis that will come in the future.

It is indeed feasible to create an enchantment that is isolated from the human world.

However, before that, it is necessary to lobby most of the monsters to agree.

Regarding this matter, Yakumo Zi did not ask Bai Chen how to solve it.

As the monster sage of later generations, she is not without fools.

Give her a few days, and she will always figure out a way to quiet those thorny monsters.

Little Spider: "I don't know what's going on with Qi Qi?"

Die Qi: "When I get the target points, I will post the entrustment in the group."

She has no extra thoughts.

To put it bluntly, the goal of the funeral home is her goal.

Eliminate the Apocalypse virus, so that everyone does not have to suffer from the virus.

In this way, GHQ doesn't have to continue to run amok in this country.

Blue Slime: "Miss, come on! I look forward to hearing you sing!"

Die Qi: "Yes."

If you can successfully steal the Void Genome, it should be a lot of points.

But that would be contrary to Ya's order.

The girl was troubled.

Irregular white-haired loli: "Phew! I finally have time to come out and get some air! It's disgusting that we are forced to work continuously for such a long time! You are still so strict, and you will definitely not be able to get married in the future!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "There is even a boss who secretly speaks ill of employees behind his back, absolutely!"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "After all, that clerk is too hateful! Hahaha! It's much more comfortable to say it!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "By the way, compared to this! @ Bai Chen, you know what you promised us, when will you let the black rabbit come to serve us!?".

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