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Chapter 789: The Great Sovereign In Power

Chapter 789


"He reigns forever as King, great King over all the earth."

"To God be the glory, the might, the honor, and the authority."

One after another, prayers were heard all over the world.

Bai Chen, who was holding the prayer, looked through the space and clouds, looking at the new believers who were kneeling on the ground densely, and the corner of his mouth could not be raised.

This was a pleasant surprise.

If it weren't for the outbreak of the Apocalypse virus, the humans on this planet would not have become his new believers.

A steady stream of power of faith was passed into his body through prayer.

Although for him, the divine power transformed by faith is negligible, but Bai Chen can also accept this unexpected gift.

Then, he set his sights on the spirit body of Yingman's real name.

"How do you feel now? Ms. Sakuraman, or should I call you Eve?"

Bai Chen showed a gentle smile.

But in the eyes of Yingman's real name, it is no different from the most terrifying smiling face at this moment.

With a pale face, she lowered her head, and her soul was so frightened that she couldn't even speak.

After all, who would have thought that such a thing would happen.

As Eve, she unexpectedly met the "God" who created her today.

And just now, she heard Bai Chen calling her "you"

If it wasn't for the Apocalypse virus, she would probably faint from fright now.

Funeral agency headquarters.

Thrush, who was a staunch materialist just a second ago, is now kneeling on the ground piously.

As for Shinomiya Ayase.

Unable to kneel down due to inconvenient legs and feet, he could only put his hands together and pray silently.

She also knew that it was the noble being in the sky who saved their lives.

The rest of the funeral home is no exception.

The only exception is Chou Shenya.

But his situation was not much better.

The previous outbreak of the Apocalypse virus proved that the real name of Sakura, who was Eve, had awakened.

If so, he couldn't accept dying at the hands of his most beloved goddess.

The crystallization process was reversed by the gods, proving that Eve was likely to suffer the punishment of God's wrath as described in the Bible.

His well-thought-out plan was completely shattered.

As for the real name of the goddess Yingman who saved him, it is tantamount to confronting God.

Even if he overcame his fear and made a decision, he didn't need to act on his own, all the members of the funeral club who had been tricked by him to the present would be able to tear him alive.

"That bastard doesn't even kneel down to God!"

Seeing Chou Shenya retreating silently, thrush wanted to catch up with him angrily and beat him up again.

But Ayase stopped him.

"Thrush, God has saved all of us, even Chou Shenya is no exception, which proves that His love is for all mankind. If you try to stop Chou Shenya, isn't it against the will of the Lord?"

"Oh, yes!"

The thrush woke up like a dream.

"Forget it, let him go this time! Wait until the next time, when I see him again, it's not too late to beat him up!"

Recalling all the things that have happened since the establishment of the funeral club, she couldn't help feeling angry.

The death of brothers and sisters in love for so many years is all because of him chasing his goddess.

Sure enough, licking the dog until the end left nothing!

"By the way, sister Ayase, your leg may be saved..."

Tsugumi looked at Ayase's straight legs and said with bright eyes.


"It's the Lord! God is merciful. Since this is the case, can we also pray to the Lord to heal your legs, Miss Ayase? After all, you are doing this to save people!"

Thrush said emphatically.

It is presumptuous to ask the Lord for anything, not to mention that the Lord has saved all human beings on the earth, so we cannot expect too much. "

Ayase shook her head.

"Oh? Why is this... Ayase-san, you can see things too well, don't you!?"

Thrush shook his long hair, (cbfg) said with some resentment.

"But you have to try!"

Thrush knelt on the ground again, folded his hands and prayed devoutly.

"Almighty God, I love Miss Ayase's legs. For you old man, it's easier than blinking your eyes!"

"It turns out that our world... really has a god."

GHQ Tokyo headquarters.

The aged Commander looked up at the lofty golden splendor of heaven.

Inexplicably, he remembered the face of the black-haired youth photographed from the surveillance satellite earlier.

But he didn't think much, his face was full of confusion.

"If this is the case, then why did God appear today?"

"Sir, it should be the outbreak of the Apocalypse virus that led to the coming of God, just like Pandora who opened the magic box. When the curse spread to the whole world, the hope bestowed by the goddess Athena also appeared."

"Wait, I remember Athena is a god in Greek mythology, right? What does that have to do with the Bible?"

The commander stared at an officer under him with a look like you were teasing me.

...Sir, in fact, according to the spread of Christianity and the history of the evolution of Greek mythology, the gods in the holy mountain of Olympus may really be subdued by God. "


Hearing the unexpected knowledge, the commander was curious for a moment.

"If that's the case, then why is there such a thing as the apocalypse virus? Aren't all the things in the myths born?"

Afterwards, the officer continued to speak.

"Uh...you can't believe everything in the mythology. According to the people in the institute, Eve is just a patient number zero who is dubbed by some people. It is also possible that the apocalypse virus and today's God are completely different. a different system."

"There is another point, God may have always existed, but we just couldn't find it, or didn't care about it."

The officer said in awe.

It's like most people don't pay special attention to the sun above their heads.

Even if he has always existed.

The moment the officer finished speaking.

Another voice came down from the holy golden sky.

"Get up."

The sound rippled around the world like ripples.

An invisible and majestic force swept across the entire territory, and all the human beings who were kneeling on the ground stood up uncontrollably.

Not only that, but also those with physical disabilities.

And in the process of standing up, the pain and lost limbs on their bodies all disappeared or grew out without a sound.

People with disabilities in legs and feet can run freely like normal people.

As a human being, everything is lost and regained.

As Bai Chen who has accepted some power of faith, he doesn't mind performing miracles again for his new believers. .

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